What do you mean by 'a couch potato'? What kind of people are you talking about? Are you a couch potato yourself? What do you have to do if you are a couch potato? Do you feel well? (what is the noun that comes from the adjective 'well'?

Related articles to read about the issue:
The lazy person’s guide to getting (a bit) fitter (The Guardian)
Is there a short-cut to getting fit? (BBC)
They offered to pay people to go to the gym. Guess what happened? (The Washington Post)
Activities for my 2º ESO studens: What do you usually do to keep fit? How much television do you watch? Do you do sport alone or in group? What does 'couch potato' mean? Look it up in a dictionary.
Here's a listening exercise to do: Why more of us are getting fitter together? (6 Minute English, BBC Learning English)
Let's learn 10 English Expressions with HAVE - phrasal verbs, idioms and slang sayings with Lucy.
Revision for SELECTIVITY & 2º Bachillerato.
67. Put the following
sentences into the ACTIVE VOICE :
1. Food won't probably
be needed next year in Somalia any longer.
2. The men were taken to
Manila by the submarine.
3. The message had not been
delivered yet.
PRESENT PARTICIPLE. Put the verbs in brackets into the
correct form :
1. We suggested __________
(sleep) in hotels but the children were anxious __________
(camp) out.
2. I don't feel like
__________ (study) English this evening, I'd rather __________
(spend) the whole time __________ (watch) television.
3. Albert would like
__________ (pass) every student, so we wouldn't have __________
(come) in September, but unfortunately there's no
point __________ (dream) such silly things.
69. Join the following
sentences together using a Relative Clause :
(a) John and Paul were
working on the roof. They left the ladder against the house.
(b) Bill's fingerprints
were on the screwdriver. He was later caught by the police.
(c) The bed has no
mattress.I slept on this bed.
(d) Tom had been driving
all day.He was tired and wanted to stop.
(e) He spoke in French,but
the people didn't know French.He was speaking to these
70. Write sentences using the following
lexical items in two different contexts and
with two different meanings : COURSE , ASK , STILL
71. Write the following
sentences in Indirect Speech :
(a) "Could you pass
me the salt, please?", she asked me.
(b) "She is not the
right woman to do this", Jim answered.
(c) "I can't find the
road in the map", the driver said.
(d) "Shall we have
dinner somewhere after the theatre?" said Peter.
said Ann. "What about going to that place Jack is always talking
(e) "Jack's parents
have asked me to supper tomorrow night," said Ann. "What
shall I wear?"
1. Prefiero conducir a
viajar en tren si no te importa.
2. Según ciertas personas,
muchos padres preferirían que sus hijos tuvieran menos
3. Cuando fuí a Inglaterra
no estaba acostumbrado a desayunar tan temprano, pero poco
después me
acostumbré a levantarme y desayunar temprano.
acostumbré a levantarme y desayunar temprano.
4. No vale la pena
preocuparse por el dinero porque nunca sabes lo que va a pasar
5. Casi nos hemos quedado
sin gasolina. Sería mejor que parásemos en la próxima
gasolinera a llenar.
6. May, que es la nueva
Primera Ministra británica, también declaró que ya es hora
que se haga algo
sobre la contaminación y el problema bosnio.
sobre la contaminación y el problema bosnio.
7. No ví a nadie entrar en
casa, pero podía oir cómo alguien andaba por la segunda
8. Al principio ella no
queria cenar con Alberto, pero al final él pudo convencerla.
9. Él debe haber salido
porque llevo telefoneándole desde las cinco y nadie contesta.
¿Crees tú que
me podrías echar una mano con mis deberes de inglés?
me podrías echar una mano con mis deberes de inglés?
10. Tenemos cantidad de
tiempo , así que no hace falta que nos demos prisa.
Solutions to the exercises in the previous post:
63. (a) She did not intend to be unhappy about him as they had all agreed he had to marry someone rich. (b) He told her he loved her so much. (c) He behaved like that because he was very nervous about what he was about to say.
64. (a)
What did Elisabeth do? (b)
How did she answer him? (c) How long did he sit down?
65. FORTUNE.- large amount of money, HALF EXPECTED.- when someone is almost sure something is going to happen & TO STRUGGLE.- to fight, to have much difficulty in doing something
66. 1. The power of poetry cannot be understood. 2. It is said..... /// The audience is said to have enjoyed very much the play. /// The play is said to have been enjoyed very much. 3. The King's father is trying to be cured.
- Episode 171115 / 15 November 2017 >>> Protecting Sudan's 'forgotten' pyramids - Language related to 'Ancient history'. Need-to-know language: tombs, civilisations, anciente wonders, treasure, centuries-old heritage.