Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.

by Bruce Lee

Our digital project

OUR DIGITAL PROJECT  >>>>   All these years we have been carrying out a digital project at our school with our students not only for our subject, but also to any other subject our students may need it for. For those students who want to join it, here are the first steps to take:
    • FIRST STEP.- Create a Gmail or Google account.
    • SECOND STEP.- Have a look at different sites and blogs you know to search for the most suitable format for you.
    • THIRD STEP.- Think of a structure for your site and your blog.
    • FOURTH STEP.- It would also be very advisable to create an account in Dropbox. Just tell me and I'll send you an invitation.
    • FINAL STEP.- Try to insert some content and some gadgets such as Visit counter, but do not worry if you don't know how to do it because we will be doing this all along the year.

Things to do:
  1. Create a playlist (lista de reproducción)
  2. Subscribe to a programme in YOUTUBE such as That's English, National Geographic
  3. You want to modify your SITE DESIGN.   >>> Open 'MÁS ACCIONES' MENU and follow the steps.
  4. Create a calendar.   GOOGLE CALENDAR
  5. Insert a link (Example: My best friend by Andrea   )
  6. Create a FILE page.
  8. Create a LIST page
  9. Changing your FAVICON ICON in your blog.

By the way, do you like my blog's favicon icon?  Resultado de imagen de favicon ico
In your blog, you go to PAGE LAYOUT (diseño de la página) and you'll see a gadget called FAVICON on top left-hand corner. Edit it and then search 'favicon icons' in Google (you cannot choose any image, as its size must be a specific one). Then you choose the one you like most and you download it. Finally, you go back to your page layout and you upload the image onto your gadget edition. It's really cool!    Albert
            10. You can include gadgets in your blog such as: different visit counters, list of favourite blogs, entrada destacada, countdown, images, animaciones, clock, labels, popular posts, list of links, feedjit live traffic feed

Next, I will list some useful programmes you can use in a SYMBALOO (which is another useful programme):

Here are some other programmes:

Canva is a new ITC tool for your presentations!!!

Here's the brand new ITC tool to learn/teach/study provided by Google:            


Some examples for you  >>>   Plurals in Germanlos acentos en francés  ,  pronunciación del italianoIrregular verbs in English     As well, you have all this: an online library , Test for First Certificate , First Certificate  , Revision of prepositions , etc.




                                          Watch TV  

     for counters   (Selectividad)


Denisa Tomoroga (1º Bach A) - site   


Laura Martín Moliz (4º ESO A) - site   
Raquel Peinado (4º ESO A) - blog   
Rocío Valdés (1º Bach A) -   blog  
José Adrián González (4º ESO A) - blog  
Sara Peinado (4º ESO A) - blog 
Andrea Valdés (2º ESO A) -   blog  
Lara Quesada (4º ESO A)  -    blog  
Nuria Díaz (1º Bach A) -   blog     


Alejandro Venegas (1º ESO A) - blog
Abel Martínez (1º ESO A) -   blog   
Javier Rivas (1º ESO A) - blog  
Sofía Morea (1º Bach A) - blog
Alejandra Martín (1º ESO A) - blog
Fran Toledo (1º ESO A)  -   blog
Manolo Utrabo (1º ESO A) - blog
José Antonio Sabio (1º ESO A) -  blog
Anabel Prados (1º Bach A) -   site
José Carlos Escribano Pulido (1º ESO A)  -  blog
Ángela Rodríguez (1º ESO A) -   blog
Zahira Bustos (1º ESO A) - blog    
Ana Belén García (1º ESO A)  -   blog    site
Rubén Sabio (1º ESO A) -   blog
Antonio Puentedura (1º ESO A) -   blog   
Raquel Boo Arellano (1º Bach A) -  blog  


Lucía Guirado  -   blog  
Marina Guirado  -   blog  
Mihail Livaditis  -   site   blog  
Ana Isabel Prados Rodríguez   -   site  
Desirée Rodríguez Arias   -   site   blog   new blog   new site 
Mari Trini Ortiz  -   blog  
Ana Muñoz -   blog  
Aroa Bolaños  -   blog 
José Miguel Albertus  -   blog  
Gabriela Creta  -   site   blog 
Alejandra García  -   site   blog  
María Prados Espinosa  -   blog   
David Escribano -   blog   
Bastian Motos - site 
Marta Rodríguez - blog  
Darío Murcia - site 

Alicia Ortega (2º ESO C)   blog 
Álvaro Ruíz (2º Bach A) blog  
José Manuel Díaz (2º Bach A)   blog  
Emilio Sánchez Guirado (2º ESO A)   blog  

Patricia Rodríguez (1º Bach A)   blog  

Álvaro Martín Moliz (1º ESO A)   blog   site   new site  
José Corzo Garzón (1º ESO A)   blog   site  
Laura Fernández (1º ESO A)   blog 
Susana Pérez (1º ESO A)  blog   site  
Miguel Ángel Rufino (1º ESO A) blog  
Miguel Ángel Rufino (1º ESO A)   blog  
Leo Maldonado (1º ESO A)  blog  
Carmen Alonso (1º ESO A)   site   blog
Christian Ramón Noguera (1º ESO A)   site   blog
Johana Gutiérrez (1º ESO B)   blog   site  
Nuria Díaz (1º ESO B)  site   blog    
Natalia López (1º ESO B)  site   blog
Joel Martín (1º ESO B)   site  blog   new blog  
Ainhoa Peñalver  (1º ESO B)   site   blog
Jordi Márquez (1º ESO B)   site    blog     
Valentin Lahora (1º ESO C)   blog   new blog  
Darío Rodríguez (1º ESO C)   site  blog
Luna López-Aparicio (1º ESO C)  site   blog 

María González Lozano (1º ESO D) blog  
David Bacas  (1º ESO D)   site   blog  
Francisco González (1º ESO D)    site   blog     
Lucía Espinosa Béjar (1º ESO D)    blog  
Lucía García (1º ESO D)  site    blog   
Matías Prados (1º ESO D)  site   blog  
Alex García (1º ESO D)   site   blog 
Alicia Ortega (1º ESO D)   site   blog    
Abraham Haro Bautista (1º ESO D)    site   blog  
Ibrahim Abdelkader (1º ESO D)    site   blog     
Larisa Iulia Creta (1º ESO D)   site   blog   
Salvador Pretel (1º ESO D)   blog  

Claudio David   site   
Pablo García   blog  

Nerea Bautista (2º ESO A)  blog  site
Inés Cobos (4ºEO A)   site   
Nicolás Benítez (4º ESO B)  blog 
José Manuel Díaz (4º ESO B)   blog  
Álvaro Ruíz  (4º ESO A)   blog  
María Jesús Mendoza (4º ESO A)   blog  
Alexia Martín (2º ESO A)  blog   site     
Andrea Vacas (3º PME)    site  
Carmen Rodríguez (3º PME)   site  
Andrea Prados (3º PME)   site   


Mª José García (3º ESO A) >>>  site   blog  
José Julián Rodríguez (3º ESO A)  >>>   site  blog  
Elena Pérez  (3º ESO A)   >>>  blog 
Carmen Trujillo (3º ESO A)    >>>>   blog  
Alba Arenas (3º ESO A)   >>>   blog   site  
Ariadna Prados (3º ESO A)   >>>>   site     blog  
Álvaro Ruíz (3º ESO A)   >>>>   site  
Marta Altea (3º ESO A)  >>>>   site 
Irene Ramón (3º ESO A)   >>>>  blog  new blog 
Margarita Llanes (3º ESO A)   >>>>   blog 
María Béjar (3º ESO A)   >>>>    site    blog  

Andrea Gutiérrez (3º ESO B) >>  blog    site  
Joaquín Alejandro España (3º ESO B) >>   blog   site 
Francisco García (4º ESO B)   >>>   site  
Joaquín García (3º ESO B)   >>>   blog     renewed site  ( old site
Robert Dinca (3º ESO B)   >>>   site  
José Manuel Díaz (3º ESO B)   >>>   blog     
Irene García (3º ESO B)   >>>    blog 
Alberto Pineda (3º ESO B)   >>>   blog   renewed blog    
Nicolás Benítez (3º ESO B)  >>> blog  
Alberto Antequera (3º ESO B)   >>>   site   blog  
Julia Ruíz (3º ESO B)   >>>   blog 

Clara Prados (2º Bach B)  >>  site    blog  
Andrea Ligero (2º Bach B)  >>  blog  

By the way, have you liked the meme I created? You can create your own meme here:

4 comentarios:

  1. I love VR glasses, they are good fun and at the same time you get exercise, I always wanted to have one to play, for example, Help Wanted. But it also has disadvantages, you need space for the games in which you have to move, and if there is not enough space, it could go very wrong. Another disadvantage is that in horror games, for example Five Nights At Freddy's, you can be so scared that you could even have a heart attack, but that rarely happens. I wish they would buy me one.
    Sergio prados López 3.b

  2. Mi cuarto

    My room is big with a window and a desk and a closet and a mini library


  3. She has long brown hair, dark eyes, she wears normal clothes and she is a girl

  4. She has long brown hair, dark eyes, she wears normal clothes and she is a girl
