Day 7 >>> Sunday, 14th April
YORK 07: On our way home!!!!
Day 6 >>> Saturday, 13th April
YORK 06: Liverpool, The Beatles, the Albert Docks, smugglers... and our Vikings!
Day 5 >>> Friday, 12th April
YORK 05: Time for our Vikings to meet their ancestors!
Day 4 >>> Thursday, 11th April
YORK 04: On board, Vikings! The train is leaving.
Day 3 >>> Wednesday, 10th April
YORK 03: Dick Turpin and ghosts, other menaces for our vikings!
Day 2 >>> Tuesday, 9th April
YORK 02: Trip to Whitby, how scary!
Day 1 >>> Monday, 8th April
YORK 01: First day at school!!

YORK 00: Farewell, Vikings!!!
Weather forecast for York (10 days) >> month
The weather forecast for York >>>
(England, United Kingdom)
Sunday, 7th April to Sunday, 14th April
Everyday you will write down expressions or vocabulary learned that day.
Our flight & first impressions about the family. What is our host family
like? What is our room & house like? What is the countryside like? (our
coach ride)
What is the city of York like? Talk about the orientation tour. Did you like
the York Minster? Write about the entry test and the group you are in. Did you
like the classes?
First experiences with the school and the public transport. Did you like the
village of Whitby and the North York Moor? What does ‘moor’ mean? What other
geographical features have you seen? What is Whitby famous for? Your experience
in the train.
What are the classes like? Write about the school and the teachers. Write about
the city, the shopping area (The Shambles) and write about what you did today.
Ask your family about the hooks in the Shambles. What are they for? Did you
like the National Railway Museum? What about the ghost walk?
Write about your routines, meals at home and packed lunch at the school. Write
about the weather we are having. Write about the York Castle Museum. How was
the disco? Did you meet many people from other groups? Ask your family for
anybody famous from the city of York.
Your free time in York & the Jorvik Viking Centre. Have you learned
much? Which skill have you improved the most (speaking, writing, listening or
reading)? What are the people from York
Write about our trip to Liverpool. What did you see? What can you say about the
accent of the people in Liverpool (compare it with the accent in York)? Write
about the town, the landscape and your experience in the train/coach.

Wednesday, 13th March, 2019 >>>> MEETING <<< DOCUMENTS TO ANALYSE!!!
Wednesday, 6th February, 2019 >>>> MEETING
Place where classes will be held.
Bus money
Wednesday, 29th January, 2019 >>>> MEETING
Two interesting episodes of That's English, whose 'That's Britain' is dedicated to York and Yorkshire Dales >>>Unit 4B Unit 7B
Wednesday, 29th January, 2019 >>>> MEETING
Les recuerdo que me tienen que decir cuántas libras quieren (el cambio sale a día de hoy: 90 libras = 103 euros aproximadamente)
- Bus transfer >>> 21.75€ each student
Nueva propuesta de actividades:
Monday: tour and Minster( la Catedral)
Tuesday: York Museum + Ghost walk
Wednesday: Whitby
Thursday: National Railway Museum + disco
Friday: Dungeons or Yorvik ( tenéis que elegir una opción ) + shopping.
Saturday: Liverpool
Sunday morning: shopping & city walk
2º pago: pendiente sólo 2 personas
En cuanto al alojamiento ya lo he solicitado tal y como me pides, porque no suelen estar en la misma zona, sino que están dispersas.
En cuanto a la quedada del bus, a las 8 de la mañana va bastante bien.
Y en cuanto a otros grupos, en cuanto sepa te digo.

Our flights with Ryanair >>>>
ALMERIA - MANCHESTER 11:40/13:40 07/04/2019
MANCHESTER - MALAGA 19:55/23:55 14/04/2019
HAM LEGS' RAFFLE ;-))))) Numbers ending in 65 will get their tastiest ham leg from Pórtugos!!!!
You can check it here: ONCE
Al final ésta es la vez que nos va a salir más barato. TODO POR 670€!!!!
Estimados padres,
Ya hemos realizado la compra de los vuelos para el programa de York del 7 al 14 de Abril. La salida se realizará desde el aeropuerto de Almería y el regreso por el aeropuerto de Málaga.
En la segunda reunión con padres, mas cercano a la fecha de salida, les facilitaremos la información de la hora establecida de salida, el punto de encuentro así como los horarios de los vuelos y todos los detalles necesarios acerca del viaje.
Nos ponemos en contacto con ustedes para informarles que el coste del vuelo con maleta facturada de 20 Kg es por importe de 150 euros.
A modo de recordatorio, a continuación, les indico como quedarían los pagos pendientes:
.-2º PAGO por importe de 250 euros antes del 18 de Enero de 2019.
.-3º PAGO por importe de 180 euros (30 euros + 150 euros (vuelos) antes del 15 de marzo de 2019.
Muchas gracias.
En la reunión de hoy miércoles, 31 de octubre hemos concretado lo siguiente:
- las parejas y los dos casos en los que van 3 personas.
- Hemos seguido hablando de la rifa de los jamones. Ya hay una persona que ha vendido 200 papeletas. También se ha hablado de la venta de los pascueros y del tema de las camisetas.
- Hemos recordado que los documentos a rellenar y a enviar a la agencia, hay que enviármelos también a mi.
- Finalmente hemos recordado que los pagos se pueden fraccionar en 2 ó 3 partes, que hay que remitir copia del pago a la agencia y a mi, y que aquellos a los que su banco les cobre comisión me lo pueden dar a mi para que yo lo haga.
En la reunión de hoy miércoles, 24 de octubre hemos tratado lo siguiente:
- Papeletas de la rifa de jamones.
- Documentos a rellenar por los alumnos y demás documentación a tener preparada de cara al viaje (pasaporte, dni en vigor, tarjeta sanitaria...) >>> Hemos visto cómo rellenarla online y cómo insertar la firma y todo. Todo ello se puede mandar por email a la Agencia con coste cero.
- Hay que decidir si fraccionar los pagos en 2 o en 3. Y tenemos que hacer el primer pago para incluirlo en la documentación.
- Tenemos que decidir las PAREJAS O TRÍOS. ¿Quién va con quién? Me lo pueden decir directamente o por correo. Por ahora tengo sólo una pareja:
Alba Arellano | Raquel Peinado |
Nos vemos el miércoles que viene.
He mandado los documentos por email y se pueden rellenar online y hasta firmar. Hay que mandarlos a la agencia y se pueden mandar de muchas formas, hasta por Whatsapp!!!
En la reunión de hoy jueves, 18 de octubre hemos tratado lo siguiente:
- Papeletas de la rifa de jamones.
- Documentos a rellenar por los alumnos y demás documentación a tener preparada de cara al viaje (pasaporte, dni en vigor, tarjeta sanitaria...)
- Los pagos
He mandado los documentos por email y se pueden rellenar online y hasta firmar. Hay que mandarlos a la agencia y se pueden mandar de muchas formas, hasta por Whatsapp!!!
La semana que viene nos volvemos a ver el miércoles y el lunes voy a estar desde las 16 horas en el centro por si las familias quieren venir a informarse de algo relativo al viaje.
Are you ready for our new adventure: YORK 2019???
SO FAR WE ARE 27!!! >> Joel
Martín, David
Chaves, Marta Chaves, Álvaro Molina, Sergio García, Raquel Peinado,
Sara Peinado, Raúl García, José Corzo, Idaira Lozano, Alba Arellano;
José Adrián González, Lidia Bautista; Lucía Albertus, Susana Pérez,
Nuria Díaz, Emilio Sánchez, Lucía Pérez, Mª Esperanza Ramón, Sara
Prados, Eva Almendros, Mª Jesús Burell, Idoia Prados, Rodrigo Cervilla,
Helena Albertuz, Valentín Lahora, Cristian Ramón.

Well done to all the group and I hope one day all the investment made in terms of money and time will reward all our students.
Day 7 >>> Sunday, 9th April

Thanks to the city of Edinburgh, its citizens (host families and staff at Mackenzie's and Scotland, in general!
Day 6 >>> Saturday, 8th April

Another stunning sunny Day!
Today is our historical day as we are visiting one of the emblems of the great history of Scotland, that is to say, Stirling castle, where characters such as Robert the Bruce and William Wallace played such an important role in their history.
We will be taking the train at Edinburgh and will be heading towards the Highlands, so it will surely be a great experience for our students as they will have the possibility of having a glimpse at the Scottish landscape.Heading for Stirling!! Already in the train. Everybody was on time today so we could take the earliest train we had in mind. Historical moment!!!!!
Incredible experience in Stirling Castle! Really sunny and Warm! And the group is really happy. Here are some of our students dressing up for the occassion.
Day 5 >>> Friday, 7th April

Today our students have a really hard ahead as they have classes both in the morning and the afternoon in a state secondary school, which is ten minutes' walk from Mackenzie School. They can see an example of how schools are organized and kept in Britain.
We have just had our packed lunch with our students after their morning classes. They are quite happy, but two of the girls have to move to another house because a relative of the host family is ill in hospital. Later they have confirmed us that they will share house with some of our students. At least they are in the neighbourhood. The classes in the afternoon have been again at Mackenzie School.
Some good news about tomorrow >>> we'll just have to pay £3.56 each for the train tickets to Stirling.
After dinner we have met again to pop into the city centre so that they can see what it is like in the evenings with all the lights on. We were supposed to come back by 8, but in the end we have come back much later waiting for some girls that were shopping at Primark.
Day 4 >>> Thursday, 6th April
Again a wonderful sunny day ahead with warmer temperatures. How lucky we are! We even had our packed lunch in the park nearby.

As usual, there were some girls that arrived late, but fewer than the previous days. We took the bus to the city centre, where we met the two girls that live in the city centre.
we went to Grassmarket, to the Greyfriars Cemetery, to the
Elephanthouse café (the café J.K. Rowling wrote part of Harry Potter)
and finally to the National Museum of Scotland, which they really
enjoyed. Actually, none of our students left and they spent the two
hours fascinated by all they saw.
This is a city full of history, mistery and literature. Many famous writers have a connection with Edinburgh.
Day 3 >>> Wednesday, 5th April

we are visiting Edinburgh on our own. First we will be going to Calton
Hill and then we will be concentrating our visit on the Royal Mile, from
the castle to Palace of Holyroodhouse.
began again with some delays visiting Calton Hill and then the group
headed for the Royal Mile. We wanted to go to the castle and then down
to the Palace of Holyroodhouse, but the group soon scattered around to
do their first shopping, and I'm afraid few people did what they were supposed to do. What a pity!!! They will always regret not having made the most of it.
Fortunately, they were early at school for their packed lunches and classes.
Day 2 >>> Tuesday, 4th April

We are meeting at 9 o'clock at the school and we'll see how everything went on.
All the students are really happy with the host families both regarding the room they have been given and the food provided.
We had to meet at 9 o'clock at school, but two girls got lost and began the 'Get to Know Edinburgh' game a bit later. The students had to find places, take photos and even films, ask for information... using tablets. They had good fun and it was a way to discover Leith and Edinburgh city centre. They are really looking forward to having more free time to spend there in the next days.
At around 12.30 we came back to the school taking the bus. They had the induction test, then a talk and finally went to different classes according to their level.
In half an hour we are meeting the group again to see what we do tomorrow. Then they will go home, have dinner and rest after a long tiring day.
After some night adventure that ended well, we went to bed early really exhausted to get ready for our third day.
Day 1 >>> Monday, 3rd April

Hi! In our sixth study trip to the British Isles this year we are visiting Edinburgh (you remember that the first trip we made was 5 years ago to this same city). We left Salobreña at 8.30 with no problems on the coach trip to Malaga airport or the flight, as we had plenty of time.
In Edinburgh it is a bit cloudy, but with no rain and mild temperatures. At the moment we are waiting for the host families to arrive and take us home. Everybody is so excited with very high expectations!!!!
There have been some changes in the families. Except for Mª Luisa and her kids, so far we have good news about the host families they are staying with. Mª Luisa, her kids and Albert have been accommodated at a nearby guesthouse, which is a pity as they would have liked to have the experience of staying at a family. They will have their breakfast there and the evening meal in a restaurant.
Anyway, the weather conditions so far are excellent as it is not too cold, although a bit windy and cloudy.
This is the school we will be attending classes at: Mackenzie School .

63, North Castle Street. Edinburgh EH2 3LJ. (UK)
Telephone: 0131 220 1843; 0131 220 1439; 0131 220 1442.
VI Study trip to the British-Irish Isles (Edinburgh 2017)
And further information on our trip >>> English version & Spanish version
Stay alert for the clues and keep tracking...
Weather forecast for Edinburgh (10 days) >> month
3 Apr
18 mph
4 Apr
20 mph
5 Apr
21 mph
6 Apr
13 mph
7 Apr
9 mph
0.031 in
8 Apr
11 mph
9 Apr
14 mph
Latest on the activities to do in Edinburgh
Lunes 3 de abril
Martes 4 de abril
Miércoles 5 de abril
Jueves 6 de abril
Viernes 7 de abril
Sábado 8 de abril
Domingo 9 de abril
Salida 12:05
Llegada 14:25
Actividad interactiva: “Get to know Edinburgh”
Sendero Dean Village
People´s Story Museum
National Museum of Scottland
Cementerio Greyfriars
Clases (3h)
(Visita al castillo)
Calton Hill
Royal Mile Souvenir Shopping
Vuelta a España
Salida 16:40
Llegada 21:00
al centro de la ciudad para familiarizarse
Clases (3h)
(Placement Test & Induction)
Clases (3h)
(Scottish Traditions)
Clases (3h)
(Crime and Social Problems)
Clases (3h)
(Telling tales and spinning yarns)

PROJECT ON OUR STUDY TRIP TO Scotland, United Kingdom
(Edinburgh 2017)
Monday, 3rd April to Sunday, 9th April
Everyday you will write down expressions or vocabulary learned that day.
Our flight & first impressions about the family. What is our host family
like? What is our room & house like?
First experiences with the school, public transport and the orientation tour
around Edinburgh.
What are the classes like? Write about the school, the teachers and the entry
test. Write about the city of Edinburgh (for example, buses) and write about
what you did today, Ask your family about the expression: “Cheers” and their
opinion about their place in the world with regard to the UK and the EU.
Write about your routines, meals at home and packed lunch at the school. Write
about the weather we are having. Write about the National Museum of Scotland
(what impressed you most?), Greyfriars Cemetery and Grassmarket. Write about
all the writers and famous people they come from Edinburgh and that are related
with this city.
Your free time in Edinburgh & your experience of the classes at the school.
Have you learned much? Which skill have you improved the most (speaking,
writing, listening or reading)?
Saturday.- Write about our trip to Stirling, the castle and
the characters of William Wallace and Robert the Bruce. What can you say about
the Scottish accent of the people (compare the accent in Edinburgh and in
Stirling)? Write about the town, the landscape and your experience in the train.
Write about the last day in Edinburgh, the places you visited and the things
you did. For those of you who have participated in our previous study trips,
write the differences you have found between them and Scotland. For those of
you whose experience in these study trips is the first, write about your
expectations and the real experience. Shopping: what have you bought and how
much have you spent? Did you like Edinburgh in general? Our flight &
journey back home. Best memories. Any souvenirs bought? Would you go back to Edinburgh?
Would you repeat the experience?
Excellent news!!!!
Latest on the activities to do in Edinburgh
Lunes 3 de abril
Martes 4 de abril
Miércoles 5 de abril
Jueves 6 de abril
Viernes 7 de abril
Sábado 8 de abril
Domingo 9 de abril
Salida 12:05
Llegada 14:25
Actividad interactiva: “Get to know Edinburgh”
Sendero Dean Village
People´s Story Museum
National Museum of Scottland
Cementerio Greyfriars
Clases (3h)
(Visita al castillo)
Calton Hill
Royal Mile Souvenir Shopping
Vuelta a España
Salida 16:40
Llegada 21:00
al centro de la ciudad para familiarizarse
Clases (3h)
(Placement Test & Induction)
Clases (3h)
(Scottish Traditions)
Clases (3h)
(Crime and Social Problems)
Clases (3h)
(Telling tales and spinning yarns)

PROJECT ON OUR STUDY TRIP TO Scotland, United Kingdom (Edinburgh 2017)
From Monday, 3rd April to Sunday, 9th April
Everyday you will write down expressions or vocabulary learned that day.
Our flight & first impressions about the family. What is our host family
like? What is our room & house like?
First experiences with the school, public transport and the orientation tour
around Edinburgh.
What are the classes like? Write about the school, the teachers and the entry
test. Write about the city of Edinburgh (for example, buses) and write about
what you did today, Ask your family about the expression: “Cheers” and their
opinion about their place in the world with regard to the UK and the EU.
Write about your routines, meals at home and packed lunch at the school. Write
about the weather we are having. Write about the National Museum of Scotland
(what impressed you most?), Greyfriars Cemetery and Grassmarket. Write about
all the writers and famous people they come from Edinburgh and that are related
with this city.
Your free time in Edinburgh & your experience of the classes at the school.
Have you learned much? Which skill have you improved the most (speaking,
writing, listening or reading)?
Saturday.- Write about our trip to Stirling, the castle and
the characters of William Wallace and Robert the Bruce. What can you say about
the Scottish accent of the people (compare the accent in Edinburgh and in
Stirling)? Write about the town, the landscape and your experience in the train.

Last Friday I collected the pounds we had ordered in my bank and, apart
from the fact the exchange rate with the pound is really good for us, they didn’t
charge me any commission. As an example, we can compare what happened two years
ago when we went to Chester and this year:
In 2015 Chester £1 = €1.403
In 2017 Edinburgh £1 = €1.228
So now they give us £81.3 for
every €100€, while in 2015 they only gave us £71.28. Summing up, we save almost
€200 for every £1,000 we exchange.
Lunes 3 de abril
Martes 4 de abril
Miércoles 5 de abril
Jueves 6 de abril
Viernes 7 de abril
Sábado 8 de abril
Domingo 9 de abril
Salida 12:05
Llegada 14:25
Clases (4h)
(Placement Test & Induction)
Clases (4h)
(Scottish Traditions)
Clases (4h)
and Social Problems)
Clases (3h)
(Visita al castillo)
libre para últimas compras
Vuelta a España
Salida 16:40
Llegada 21:00
Visita al
centro de la ciudad para familiarizarse
Actividad interactiva: “Get to know Edinburgh”
Calton Hill
Mile (Castillo hasta Palacio)
Story Museum
National Museum of Scottland
Cementerio Greyfriars
Sendero Dean Village
Hello. I`m Juan I like play football with my friends and play the guitar. I have got two dogs rocky and bwettowen. At the weekend I go to the countryside with my family
ResponderEliminarbye Alberto
hello im juam ruano i am twelve years old i like play and see fotball my football team is the futbol club Barcelona. I live in Guajr Faraguit and i have two sister Laura and Andrea I have got two dogs Rocky And Betowen i like my live and my town
This summer i go to the party in Lobres, Molvizar and Itrabo. I think this trimet aprobe the exams and study very hard. I love the high school and my favourite teacher Albert
ResponderEliminarI like go to 3a
I like my village. The village name is Guajar Faraquit.My house is very big there are six rooms two garaje and one garden in the garden live my dog Rocky ( IS BLACK) i love my house and my town in the summer i go to hte poza in the Guajar Alto and drink a caña with Alberto