Listen to the new songs I have just uploaded into my Google site by Phil Collins, Genesis, Marvin Gaye... Have a nice time listening to them and feel free to make any comments, but please try to write at least a paragraph.
José Alberto Romero García. Profesor de inglés de Secundaria en el IES Mediterráneo de Salobreña.
Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.
by Bruce Lee
alberto but what songs do you listen to? I did not expect this from you, jajaja this song is good ... butIt´s not my style of music, is very funny because the video is very old and the clothes they wear ... I never would put it! and the best of the song is like singing phil collins,who singing excited. you have to renew! although there will always be beautiful old music ...
ResponderEliminarEsther Valverde Muñez 2ºA
The truth is it's a very nice song by its lyrics, but it is a little outdated. I prefer modern music, although I do not despise the old music, and you should listen to the music now because it also has good singers.
ResponderEliminarlike this song: Nothing else matters of Metallica.
Daniel Rodríguez Gallardo (2ºBach A)
Good music never dies. Looking inside your ipod -below this page-, I could find good music, like Lynyrd Skynyrd, Ray Charles, Bob Marley, James Brown, and anothers. I have good influences by my father -he is an audiophile-. Since I was child I have listened music masters like Frank Sinatra or Ella Fitzgerald; saxophone or trumpet players like Miles Davis or Louis Armstrong; or great pianist like Duke Ellington. You have very good music there, but I would add songs from Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton or Aerosmith -60s and 70s music "rocks"-.
ResponderEliminarJavier Osorio, 2ºC.
I'm not really agree with Esther and Dani. It's true that this song is quite old, but this kind of songs will always be a success. Sussudio, is one of many Phill Collins's song and this musician will be remembered like a fantastic singer and drummer. I think that this kind of songs will never be outdate, and this is a beautiful song.
ResponderEliminarLaura Medina Alcántara 2ºbach.C
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ResponderEliminarWooww!! It's a good song! I love Phil Collins, I know another song by him, it's called "dance into the light". Now it's time to work hard, because you have to revise our exams. so, I think you must relax with these songs: "simply the best" by Tina Turner and "No woman no cry" by Bob Marley. Enjoy it! I'm sure they are going to like you.
ResponderEliminarEsther I love that song by Metallica.
Águeda Muela Martín 2ºA Bach.
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ResponderEliminarListening phill collins you demonstrate to understand about music. Phil collins is and will always be the best drummer of the world. it's a shame that his vertebra was injured and he hasn't got sensitivity in the hands yet. Phill collin is a fantastic singer too and he has made beautiful ballads.
ResponderEliminarI let one of my favorites: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OiV_5kEt6A
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ResponderEliminarTelling the truth, I think this song is cool, but I wouldn't include it in my favourite songs. However, I have to listen it because my mother loves Phill Collins and sometimes she put it on full blast. It doesn't mean that I don't like old music, because I love artist like Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, The Templations... I think that Albert could upload any song of them, apart from Michael Jackson.
ResponderEliminarÁngela de la O Medina 2ºC
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ResponderEliminarMr. Romero, I must tell you that your corrections about my first comments in your blog haven't been sent, I only have read corrections about my later comments. Anyway I will try not to make more mistakes. Well, here you have another song that you can listen to relax: "It's a heartache" by Bonnie Tyler. I hope you'll enjoy it. CU
ResponderEliminarÁgueda Muela Martín 2ºA Bach
It´s a well song!! I like very much Phil Collins. I think that is one of the best singers. I heard many of his songs, but I never heard these. I think is a great song, like all, but I prefer others of Phil Collins songs. In many Disney movies the song are by Phill Collins, like the film Tarzán. I love the song that appear on these film, all are fantastic and all are sung by him.
ResponderEliminarAna Béjar Sánchez 1ºA Bach
This song is very exciting and great. I always listen it before go to run one competition. My father has this song in his Mp3 and he listens it a lot times. He is very crazy.
ResponderEliminarI don´t like the song "It´s a heartache " which Águeda has put in this blog, in my opinion it is horrible.
I never had listened this song, but now I have a little problem because it´s the typical song that you remenber all the time. Sincerely, I really like it, it´s so funny and catchy. I knew others song of phil collins, like "son of man" and "You´ll be in my heart", and personally I prefer these song, but it´s well know new songs like that.
ResponderEliminarEsther Ortega 1ºA
On the fisrt hand, I like this song, but it isn't for nothing my favourite song.I like music and the accompanying. I love the instruments which appear on the song,most of them are some of my favourites instruments. It's a famous song that I have heard but I don't know where, how most of the old songs that I know.
ResponderEliminarOn the other hand, Phill Collins is one of my favourites authors. He has composed lots of song that I love,like Tarzan's song or Bother Bear's song. I think he's a good composer.
Julia Andrea Romero Ortega 1ºa
I had never listened this song, but it is a good song. I liked ''Son of man''. It appear in 'Tarzan'. When I was younger, I didn't know that song was of Phill Collins until later. It's one of my favourite Disney songs. It's a really good song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNBF2pa1ZDE
ResponderEliminarAndrea Coello 1ºA Bach.
When I reproduced this song my mother was in the other room and she came quickly dancing and singing, because it's one of her favourite songs. I have to recognize that it is not of my taste, because I prefer more modern music. However, my parents loves 80's music and they listen it always at full volume at home as well in the car, as they tune the radio, and they listen M80 Radio. Not is that I hate this music, but I loathe it for fault of theirs.
ResponderEliminarBy: Laura De La O Sánchez. 1ºBachA.