MEN versus WOMEN
Listening exercise:
The male brain, the female brain

What are women good / bad at?
José Alberto Romero García. Profesor de inglés de Secundaria en el IES Mediterráneo de Salobreña.
Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.
by Bruce Lee
I think that women and men are different. Everyone have his own way of thinking and doing his things. But yes you are a man, you don´t have why are better at reading maps that one woman. One woman can are better or equal that one man.
ResponderEliminarIn my opinion, is true that one man don´t several things at once.
Women have a different way of thinking, just as some men seek sex, party and have fun, there are men who are centered, women have another view on things, but there are also women who are seeking the party and sex.
Taking the typical views, it is logical to think that and demonstrate that each brain works in a way, and that women and men are different, but the fact of being a woman or man does not make you superior.
Carmen Trujillo Aguilera 2ºE.S.O-A
I think that women and men are different. Everyone has his own way of thinking and doing things. But yes you are a men don't have to be better at reading maps than women. One woman can be better than one man, or as good as him
ResponderEliminarIn my opinion, it is true that a man can do several things at the same time.
Women have a different way of thinking, just as some men seek sex, party and have fun, there are men who are centered, women have another view on things, but there are also women who are seeking the party and sex.
Taking the typical views, it is logical to think that and demonstrate that each brain works in a way, and that women and men are different, but the fact of being a woman or man does not make you superior.
Carmen Trujillo Aguilera 2ºE.S.O-A
Men and women have always had their differences, but they are no better. Always the same, men want to be with men, and women with women, being in that pattern feel more secure than if they were with their opposites. There is a very common pattern of family, women stay at home doing housework and men work. It does not have to be that way, everyone has their decisions. As may be the woman who commands, another common thing is qwue all men and women think the same, sex, friends and party.
ResponderEliminarCristina Bejar Lopez 2º ESO-B
I think that women and men are different. Everyone has its own way of thinking and doing things. Actually, men don't really have to be better at reading maps than women. One woman can be better than one man, or as good as him.
ResponderEliminarIn my opinion, it is true that a man can do several things at the same time.
Women have a different way of thinking, just as some men seek sex, party and have fun, there are men who are centered, women have another view on things, but there are also women who are seeking the party and sex.
Taking the typical views, it is logical to think that and demonstrate that each brain works in a way, and that women and men are different, but the fact of being a woman or man does not make you superior.
Carmen Trujillo Aguilera 2ºE.S.O-A
A team of the university of Pennsylvania looked at brains of nearly one thousand of men and women and found some differences between women and men brains. The men have better links inside their hemispheres, however, the women brains are different, in the women brains, their links inside their hemispheres are stronger between them, the links are in a better way connected.
ResponderEliminarOn the one hand, it explain why men have more facility to navegating or cycling.
And on the other hand, it explain why women are better at remembering words, faces, and information about people. They can put longer attention than men.
The people who was asked have different opinions about that. Some of them think that it's true, that men have a big facility of navigating, and that women do a variety of things at the same time. There is too other opinions like a woman of Tailand who says that it depends of the person, she is so good with navigation, but for example with driving or language she wasn't as good as with navigation.
María Martín Arnedo, 1º Bach.B.
I think that women and men are different.Always the same, men want to be with men, and women with women, being in that pattern feel more secure than if they were with their opposites. In my opinion, is true that one man don´t several things at once.It does not have to be that way, everyone has their decisions. Taking the typical views, it is logical to think that and demonstrate that each brain works in a way, and that women and men are different, but the fact of being a woman or man does not make you superior. There is too other opinions like a woman of Thailand who says that it depends of the person, she is so good with navigation.
Years ago the woman couldn't say her opinions, and nobody cares. But Now, this has changed a lot, but we have much more to do!. Now the woman can work, fifty years ago, they couldn´t! This was horrible!
ResponderEliminarThe woman and the man are the same, for me, the woman is much better than man.
It is simple, in many works, they prefer men to women, I don't know why, the woman is able to do any work. I think that years ago, women would have had to go to war, they are strong! The woman must support the pregnancy, the depilation, clean up, tidy the house, cook, etc... (but there are men that do it too.) The woman is more clean, but always there are exceptions.
But the man if they don't want, they won't do depilation! It's impossible that there will be pregnant, and very few hep the woman in the house.
In my opinion, our time is better for women, we can do many things, have got much freedom but we still must fight to have the same rights as men!
Lucía Rodríguez Trujillo 1BachB
I think men and women are the same. In the past, all people thought men and women are different. Men were the best and the strongest.
ResponderEliminarMen could work and women couldn't work. Men had a job, and women looked after the children. Men thought that, and a lot of women, too.
Today women and men are the same, but some people think men and women are different.
In a lot of countries for example Morocco; a lot of people think men are the best. And a lot of women defend their rights. There are a lot of examples where women fought for their rights. Example:
- Angela Acuña.B (1888-1983). She was the first woman to fight for their rights.
- Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz (1651-1695). She was from Mexico. She was a nun. She defended the rights of educated women.
- Olympe de Gouges (1748-1793).
- Alice Pail (1887-1977).
I think women and men are the same.
Irene Ramón Arellano 2ºA.
Men and women are different. A woman can be similar, better or worse than a man. A man can't do several things at the same time, where as a woman can. Women have other ideas about life, different from men. Anayway, if are a man or a woman, there is not to feel superior.
ResponderEliminarbegoña fernández 3c
In my opinion, men and women are equal. We can have some physical defferences but we are as we are taught and raised. Although there are some scientist that say we have some little differences in our brains, since we are littlechildren we are taught differently depending on if we are a boy or a girl. For example, girls are always dressed in pink and boys in blue, our parents say that girls shouldn't so some things, etc
ResponderEliminarSo, I thinh that our behaviour is determined by our culture ans by our families.
Margarita LLanes Venegas 3ºA