Do you like running? jogging? Well, you need a pair of trainers!!
What's the American word for 'trainers'? "I just felt like running" What does this expression mean?
Joaquin said in his comment that the American word for 'trainer' is 'sneaker' because they were so quiet and that a person wearing them could sneak up on someone. ("escabullirse")Listening exercise to do: 'Why we love trainers' (6 Minute English, BBC Learning English)

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Nowadays, there are many people who run by the street or by the road. One of the main reasons is because they want to keep on fit their bodies, another reason is that they simply like running. But..., do you need a pair of trainers?
ResponderEliminarAs far as I'm concerned, running is incredibly healthy for your heart. For this reason , I sometimes go running at the weekend when I haven't got too many things to do. I usually run about 10 kilometres and it's very curious because when I finish of running, I feel like a feather. It's very comifortable.
Today, I can see a big amount of people who don't do any type of exercise. I personally think that people are becoming more and more lazier and more that they eat, less exercise they do. Answering to the past question, the American word for trainers is sneakers.
Joaquín Alejandro España Sánchez 1oA.Bachillerato.
The first sneakers were quite simple, with rubber sole and canvas upper. In England they began to call plimsolls, word of nautical origin. In the United States, by the year 1892, the U.S. Rubber Company created more comfortable and practical sneakers, because people walking didn't make a noise, so they could sneak up on someone (sneak up on someone).
ResponderEliminarThese shoes were made with vulcanized rubber, patented by the company Good Year in the year 1839. The first predecessor of the sneakers were croquet shoes that were created in 1876 by the New Liverpool Rubber Company.
According to the story. The first shoes that were made massively were Keds, in 1916 and a year later, Marquis Converse, founder of the company Converse Rubber Shoe Company, released the first basketball shoe, the Converse All Stars.
Nowadays we use sneakers for everything, to make sport, to dress ... On the one hand we always use comfortable sneakers to do sport as they avoid possible injuries. From my point of view it is very important to wear good footwear, because it can help us correct the way of walking and many more things.
Paola Ruiz 1ºBach A
The American word for trainer is sneaker, because they were so quiet and a person wearing them could sneak up on someone.
ResponderEliminarI have just read that running has a lot of benefits. This sport allows us to have a good form and be slimming progressively. Moreover, running helps us to improve the blood stream, it helps us to eliminate the liquids that we retain and helps us to improve the concentration and we will have stronger and healthier bones.
In my opinion, running is one of the easiest sports. The practice of this exercise is one of the simplest, since we can go out to run when we want and without having to spend money. We can go out to run for the streets and for the parks near where we live. In addition, to run is a sport that it does not need of material, with a few slippers and trousers of tracksuit we have everything that we need. I think running is one of the most practised sports in the world, people that have free time and want to get slimmer usually go running.
ResponderEliminarNowadays, it is impossible not to see anyone wearing one in any part of the world. Our footwear is based mainly on trainers, although we use shoes or wheels for more formal occasions. But... don't you have at least two pairs of trainers? Today, I'm going to write about the most popular footwear: trainers, then I'll move to explain what can causes the abusive use of them and finally, I'm going to give you my opinion about his issue.
As far as I'm concerned, trainers were a sign of social position. In the nineteenth century, it was generated a medial class. With this in mind, people who wear trainers were these who had means and time to spend on leisure. Subsequently, in the 70's they used to have an obsession with running, thus, that became a way of exercise very popular on the whole word. Moreover, today trainers are the footwear for almost all the occasions inasmuch as we have less obsession to formality. Then, trainers don't show social class any longer.
Apart from that, guys don't take off trainers nor to sleep. Several studies affirm wearing them every time can cause malformations, among some of them, nails can bruise and get lost. In addition, fighters may will be deformed and get the shape of a claw. It is often claimed that we should wear shoes at least twice a week.
Taking all into account, today trainers are a symbol of a globalized culture that use from Hollywood stars to indigents. They are the typical footwear which wear teenagers. Me, personally, I always wear trainers to go to the school and sometimes I wear boots in winter or sandals in summer. I'd like to say that I remember when I was younger that my mother always told me that I had to wear shoes, it was bad wear always trainers.
María Béjar Rodríguez 1º Bach
Nowadays there are some people that practice the running because the running is a copmplete sport to you can get fit and this sport serve to take care of heath. This sport is the best sport recommend to the proffesional to different diseases and with sport you Heart gets bigger and stronger just like the lungs and it is very healthy. With this sport you can practice almost all the muscles or all of the body, this sport is that of the complexes to exercise the whole bod. I practice this sport and its very funny and of superation. This sport is prefer to practice with a monitor for you you can do your best and improve your technique to avoid injury. I think this sport is the best and i like to practice.
ResponderEliminarIn my opinion, Forest Gump is an iconic character. This film is one of the best films in the cinema factory. It tells a history so beautiful and we can learn a lot with it. This boy teaches us the personal growth, and we should follow his example.
ResponderEliminarLast weekend I met my friends and we bought a lot of candies and drinks, and then, we went to my house for watch that film. I’m not tired to watch it. I love it!
About its music, it has a sonorous band so beautiful. When I start in my village´s band, we play its music and it looks like we were inside the film. It was amazing!
Andrea Valdés Padial 3ºESO A