The group that has participated on our VI Study trip to the British-Irish Isles (Edinburgh 2017) has decided that next year they want to go to Cambridge, so we
will be having our ZERO meeting on Wednesday, 10th May in the Language Department.
A rough idea of our proposal will be given, as well as further interesting details to bear in mind so as to be as quick as possible in the organization of the experience.
Anyway, before talking about our possible study trip for next year, here's the video we have made about our VI Study trip to the British-Irish Isles. I hope you like it:
and here's also >>> a Summary report on the answers given to the feedback form by our students and their families.

What makes Cambridge a model cycling city? (The Guardian)
And now have a look at what we did in our II Study trip to the British-Irish Isles in 2013:
My blog (Spanish version)
My site
Although the school we would be going to is different, here's the report that came out of the experience written by the TEACHERS'
Other interesting material to see: photos, videos (1, 2 )....

Some data about a school trip done this year (2017): flyer & school we would be going to SELECT ENGLISH
Other sites to visit:
And talking about possible announcements, here's Lucy's...Learn 'How I learned Spanish! My journey to fluency' with Lucy
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