Microplastics, the great menace of 21st Century. Here are some articles for you to read about the issue. Further below in this post you will have some more information about it. It is such an important topic nowadays that it appeared in the Selectivity exam of English last June.
Microplastics pollute most remote and uncharted areas of the ocean (The Guardian)
Study retracted: What tiny plastic particles are doing to tiny fish (The Washington Post)
Record levels of microplastic found in Arctic sea ice (CNN)
Microplastics are 'littering' riverbeds (BBC)
WHO launches health review after microplastics found in 90% of bottled water (The Guardian)
Important piece of news for my students >>>>
Click on the link to see all the times for the September exams of all the subjects
SEPTEMBER EXAM for ESO (Albert's students)
We will be doing our English exams on Monday, 3rd September
2º Bach A - Time: 8.00-9.30 Classroom: 1º ESO B
2º ESO ENGLISH - Time: 10.30-11.30
(pero si alguien quiere empezar a las 9.30, yo estaré en el aula. Eso
sí, no podrá abandonar el aula hasta las 10.45. Classroom: 1º ESO B
TIPS for English Modal Verbs 🔹PART 1🔹 Possibility & Probability
News Review: A solution to plastic pollution? (BBC Learning English)
Some exercises for you to do: 1 2 3
Anyway, this summer has to be PERFECT!!!! (Fairground Attraction - Perfect)
Here's a listening exercise to do: Taking risks (6 Minute English, BBC Learning English)
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- Episode 180613 / 13 June 2018 >>> Antartica's plastic threat - Language related to 'The Environment'. Need-to-know language: pristine, microplastics, airborne & contaminated.

The microplastic is the closest thing to a bacterium: undetectable to the naked eye, it is everywhere, it is a problem that affects all people, and it is impossible to avoid it. Its shape varies with the passage of time, but usually are fragments of plastic of a millimeter or less, which accompany various products such as creams and detergents.
ResponderEliminarStudies conducted by the Royal Society, the State University of New York and the University of Minnesota during the last decade, analyzing samples of marine and fresh water from the five continents, revealed that there are at least 4,000 million fragments per square kilometer of beaches, corals and marine surfaces. On the other hand, 83% of tap water is contaminated with this waste.
Another study by the organization Orb Media shows that an average person can consume 14 microplastic particles per day, since they are not only found in drinking water, but also in fish, beer, sea salt, and any product that comes in contact with Water.
Although the consequences of consuming these fragments of microplastics for human life are unknown, their effects are clear in marine and wild life. The main recommendation of experts to mitigate pollution in the environment is to stop using products containing these agents.
Ana Rita Lamego Rodrigues 2ºBach
Plastics are very used in our society because it´s cheaper but it is polluted and it contributes to the global warming and the destruction of the world. Also, many animals eat this plastics and this animals die.
ResponderEliminarMicroplastics have been found in some of the most remote and uncharted regions of the oceans raising more concerns over the global scale of plastic pollution. Also, Record levels of microplastic found in Arctic sea ice and it is something very dangerous because it is means that the level of pollution is very high.
Launches health review after microplastics found in 90% of bottled water, Researchers find levels of plastic fibres in popular bottled water brands could be twice as high as those found in tap water and it is very harmful and dangerous for the heath.
It´s very important that microplastics be eliminated because it affects in our health and it is important for having a good quality of life.
Patricia Rodríguez Martín 2ºBach
Nowadays, we use plastic for a lot of things because it's very useful, but do you really know how much the plastic can contaminate?
ResponderEliminarOn the one hand, plastic is a very useful material because it is light, easy to work with and cheap. We use it to create many objects with it. Besides, it takes a long time for plastics to be destroyed, but we can use them to create new objects.
On the other hand, plastics are pollutants. Microplastics have been found in some of the most remote and uncharted regions of the oceans raising more concerns over the global scale of plastic pollution.
In addition, in some situations plastics can be very dangerous for our health and for the health of animals and plants.
From my point of view plastics are very polluting and we should try to replace it by other types of material.
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ResponderEliminarNowadays we can see plastic everywhere. For instance, the food packages. Despite being unnecessary in many foods, they are still used. This is because it is such an easy way to transport and pack things that most of the food companies use it without thinking about the damage.
ResponderEliminarOn the one hand, plastic is necessary for most of the things that we use in our daily lives. When we are going to have a shower, we use gel which comes in a plastic container. Unless we use bars of soap, we will be generating plastic waste in this case. Besides, plastic bags are still being used. When we go shopping, and we have forgotten our own bags, we can buy one of them, but we are buying plastic to throw it away later.
However, there are many solutions that we can use to reduce plastic, because it is a problem that is affecting many aspects and animals, especially those living in the sea. All the plastic we use will finish in the sea, and they will be eaten by these animals. We cannot solve this problem so fast, but we can start to try to reduce most of the plastic that we use each day. For example, when we buy some food, we can try to choose the things that don’t have plastic.
To sum up,I think that improving the state of the Earth is our responsibility and we should try to be aware of the fact that we can live with much less plastic than we use and dispose of.
Microplastics are very small pieces of plastic that end up in the seas, there is a lot of plastic in the seas and that can form islands of plastic for kilometers. There is a plastic island
ResponderEliminarbetween Hawaii and California that measures 1.6 million km2.
This is really dangerous for the environment, and also for the animals that live in the sea and for us. Many marine animals die from plastics. Marine animals eats the microplastics that are in the sea, this makes them full of plastic inside, which is really dangerous for us.
This big problem is causing that there are no longer plastic bags in supermarkets or other products made of plastic, cups for example. Some people are already becoming aware of the great problem we have but there is still a long way to go to put an end to this problem