To begin with, I admit that the name of this post is a play on words with an idea I had
originally in mind and a hint from one of my students in level of 4º ESO
(Natalia López) and a lucky misunderstanding.
Anyway, as I have just said, the idea to talk about this historical event came to my mind while listening to this part of the soundtrack of the film: "They died with their boots on" by chance:

>> The real battle of the Little Bighorn
The Battle at Little Bighorn | History >>>
>>> Custer's Last Stand | The Wild West | BBC Documentary
Anyway, let's go back to our routines and here are some exercises for you to do:
English with Lucy still teaching us how to REWRITE or SAY THINGS IN A DIFFERENT WAY >>> DO NOT SAY 'I think...' - say THIS instead - 21 more advanced alternative phrases
News Review >> New China virus spreads (BBC Learning English)
Here's a quizz to revise the PASSIVE VOICE.
English in a Minute: The future in the past - right now (BBC Learning English)
Stories for Children >>> Best job in the world (BBC Learning English)
And here I present you an incredible story about swans!!!
- Episode 200122 / 22 January 2020 >>> The swans that knock on your door! : The hungry swans - Language related to 'interpersonal relationships'. Need-to-know language: irresistible, familiar, nuisance & bother.
I love reading, because it relaxes me and I can also read things that I like
ResponderEliminarRocio Avellanedas Nocete 1°A
I like read because it entertains me, there may be important things and it is muy favorite hobby
ResponderEliminarDunia Arnedo Martín 1°A
Luis Cepeda Fernández, better known as Cepeda, was born on August twenty-first, 1989, in Orense.
ResponderEliminarHe is known because he participated in La Voz and in Operación Triunfo.
When he was in college, he spent his evenings composing and singing.
he graduated in technical engineering and industrial design.
The western films is a genuine of cinema very interesting and the bests films. There is a many types films, the best are pistolers, cowboys... Are very fanny, because are very fanny and brave. Are Americans of West and Indians, too!
ResponderEliminarJose Antonio Sabio Prados 1°Eso A
The Indians films and cowboys like me because in the batles there isn't boms, tanks... Is war conventional only use arow, pistols, rocks... It's funny films.
ResponderEliminarRubén Sabio Prados 1°Eso A
Roger Federer is a Swiss famous tennis player. He was born in 1981. He is 38 years old. He is from Basilea. He measures 1,85m and he weights 85kg. He has dark blonde hair. He has thin lips and littles hears. His eyes are browns. Roger Federer is shy and polite. He always congratulate to this adversanes with a smile in his face.
ResponderEliminarAntonio Puentedura Prados de 1º ESO A