At the moment you are studying and the world of work is so far away for you, but there are many variables to take into account. You must choose something you like, but that provides you with enough money for a living. Then you have to take into account the working conditions and which quality of life you will have. That includes timetables, working place, possibilities of promotion...
For me it was easy because I like languages, I love teaching, and the quality of life I have is reasonably acceptable in terms of money, timetables, holidays... and, especially, for the possibility of reconciling work and family life.
Consequently, the choice you make regarding the kind of studies you want to do in the near future will be affected by the job you want to do in the future. Bear that in mind!
How artificial intelligence is changing the way sport sounds – BBC News
How birds travel thousands of miles every year - CrowdScience, BBC World Service Podcast
SUMMER REVISION >> Activities for my students in 1º ESO:
- There was / were - 1 , 2 , 3
- Watch these two NEW THAT'S ENGLISH episodes about the past;
- Translate these sentences into English:
1. Tengo matemáticas, inglés y francés los jueves.
2. No había niños en la clase.
3. No lo entiendo. Mis deberes estaban en mi cartera anoche.
4. Había un examen.
5. ¿Había dos páginas? No.
6. No era pollo. Era pescado.
7. El libro estaba encima de la mesa hace 5 minutos.
8. ¿Había tres vasos junto a la botella? Sí.
9. Papá estuvo la semana pasada en la República de Irlanda con su hermano.
10. Mi primer día fue el jueves.
11. ¿Dónde estaba tu hermana?
12. Éste fue su tercer gol. (de Benzema)
13. Ayer por la mañana el tiempo fue realmente malo.
14. Hacía niebla.
15. ¿Estuvo Miguel en el cine el sábado pasado? No.
1. Tengo matemáticas, inglés y francés los jueves.
2. No había niños en la clase.
3. No lo entiendo. Mis deberes estaban en mi cartera anoche.
4. Había un examen.
5. ¿Había dos páginas? No.
6. No era pollo. Era pescado.
7. El libro estaba encima de la mesa hace 5 minutos.
8. ¿Había tres vasos junto a la botella? Sí.
9. Papá estuvo la semana pasada en la República de Irlanda con su hermano.
10. Mi primer día fue el jueves.
11. ¿Dónde estaba tu hermana?
12. Éste fue su tercer gol. (de Benzema)
13. Ayer por la mañana el tiempo fue realmente malo.
14. Hacía niebla.
15. ¿Estuvo Miguel en el cine el sábado pasado? No.
And remember that all the activities proposed will be compiled in my site: Summer Revision for 1º ESO
Here are some activities for you to do:
News Review: Shift work linked to depression (BBC Learning English)
A listening exercise for you to do: Are you unhappy at work? (BBC Learning English)
English in a Minute: How to use GREAT (BBC Learning English)
Learn how to speak naturally: How to agree in informal situations (BBC Learning English)
English with Lucy: These mistakes are absolutely wrong
Here's my musical hint for today: How am I supposed to live without you? by Michael Bolton. You can have a look at the lyrics in this version with lyrics.
Answers to part one in the previous post...
A. 31. c 32. b 33. c 34. c 35. d 36. a 37. e 38. c 39. a 40. b
Getting ready for Bachillerato.....
170. Reading & Comprehension. Read the text carefully.
In the early 1950s, before pop music, most young people behaved like their parents. They wore the same clothes and listened to the same music. But in the mid-1950s, Elvis Presley changed all that. Young people for the first time dared to be different. They wore different clothes and listened to different music and they had their own youth culture, which was a reaction against the culture of their parents.
Indeed, parents, teachers and other figures of authority disapproved strongly of this subversive, new culture and the music that the younger generation listened to. It may seem strange to us today, but in the 1950s, Elvis Presley was asked not to do his hip-shaking dance on television as it was considered 'too sexy'. And in the 1960s, BBC Radio 1, Britain's most popular music station, banned songs that mentioned sex or drugs. Parents all over the world worried about the effects that pop songs would have on their children.
But this situation has changed. Nowadays, people have become used to the subversive behaviour of pop bands. In fact, they are surprised if bands are not loud and rude. Society has caught up with the pop stars. The stars have become, in their own way, conventional, or normal, and pop music seems to have lost its ability to shock.
Nowadays, the only records that aren't played by Radio 1 are those which disc jockeys think are too old-fashioned and boring. The times have really changed!
Glossary.- subversive: reacting against the dominant culture.
caught up with: arrived at the same point as.
conventional: the same as the dominant culture.
A. Read the text quickly and decide which is the best summary: A , B or C. ________
A. Nowadays, music is no longer part of youth culture, because young people are more interested in videos and computer games.
B. Nowadays, pop music has lost its power to shock because people expect pop stars to be subversive.
C. Nowadays, young people don't like pop stars who are subversive - they think they are boring.
B. Read the text again. Answer these questions about the text.
1. How did young people change after Elvis? _________________________
2. Why was Elvis asked not to do his hip-shaking dance on TV? ______________________
3. What do people think bands will be like nowadays? ____________________________
4. What kind of music isn't now played on Radio 1? _______________________________
C. Choose the correct definitions of these words as they are used in the text.
1. behaved (line 1) (a) thought (b) acted (c) looked
2. rude (line 13) (a) sexy (b) impolite (c) simple
"All work and no play makes Jack/Jill a dull boy/girl"

Vintage tennis: Nadal IV
Rafael Nadal vs Roger Federer - 2008 Final - Roland Garros Finale 2008 - full match in French (vs Almagro: "he'll be coming to RG..." & highlights). Here are also the highlights of the semi-final against Djokovic. The most dominant performance ever.
And...Bjorn Borg vs Victor Pecci 1/2 Roland Garros 1981 les 30 dernières minutes....
1. Tengo matemáticas, inglés y francés los jueves.
ResponderEliminarI have Maths, English and French on Thursday.
2. No había niños en la clase.
There aren´t children in the class.
3. No lo entiendo. Mis deberes estaban en mi cartera anoche.
I don´t understand. My homework was in my backpack last night.
4. Había un examen.
There was an exam
5. ¿Había dos páginas? No.
There were two page? No
6. No era pollo. Era pescado.
It wasn´t chicken. It was fish.
7. El libro estaba encima de la mesa hace 5 minutos.
The book was on the table 5 minutes ago.
8. ¿Había tres vasos junto a la botella? Sí.
There were three glasses next to the bottle? Yes
9. Papá estuvo la semana pasada en la República de Irlanda con su hermano.
Dad was in the Republic of Ireland last week with his brother
10. Mi primer día fue el jueves.
My first day it was thursday
11. ¿Dónde estaba tu hermana?
Where was your sister?
12. Éste fue su tercer gol. (de Benzema)
This was his third goal.
13. Ayer por la mañana el tiempo fue realmente malo.
Yesterday morning the weather was really bad.
14. Hacía niebla.
It was foggy.
15. ¿Estuvo Miguel en el cine el sábado pasado? No.
Was Miguel in the last Saturday? No, he wasn´t
1. Tengo matemáticas, inglés y francés los jueves.
ResponderEliminarI have maths, english and french classes on Thursday.
2. No había niños en clases.
There weren’t any children in the class.
3. No lo entiendo. Mis deberes estaban en mi cartera anoche.
I don’t understand. My homework was in my schoolbag last night.
4. Había un examen.
There was an exam.
5.¿Había dos páginas? No.
Were there two pages,no there weren’t.
6. No era pollo. Era pescado.
It wasn’t chicken, it was fish.
7. El libro estaba encima de la mesa hace 5 minutos.
The book was on the table five minutes ago.
8. ¿Había tres vasos junto a la botella? Sí.
Were there 3 glasses next to the botell? Yes,there were.
9. Papá estuvo la semana pasada en la República de Irlanda con su hermano.
Dad was last week in the republic of Irland with his brother.
10. Mi primer día fue el jueves.
My first day was the Thursday.
11. ¿Dónde estaba tu hermana?
Where was your sister?
12. Éste fue su tercer gol. (De benzema)
13. Ayer por la mañana el tiempo fue realmente malo.
Yesterday the weather was really bad.
14. Hacía niebla.
It was fog.
15. ¿Estuvo Miguel en el cine el sábado pasado? No.
Was Miguel in the cinema the last saturday? No, he wasn’t.
On Mondays I have language and English maths and on Fridays I have English maths physics and chemistry physics education
ResponderEliminarLife is very hard since you have to work hard to get what you want and once you have studied you wil have a job and with the money they give you at work you will maintain your life.
ResponderEliminarIn my opinion, what you should do is make an effort to get the job that you can and want to get.