Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.

by Bruce Lee

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2024

I learned my lesson

The important thing when you commit a mistake is that you learn the lesson and that you don't commit the same mistake again. That is what Magic Johnson (NBA basketball player) said in the chat show at the bottom of this post when being interviewed alongside Larry Bird about their careers.


Therefore, it is important for my students to learn the lesson and not to commit the same mistakes again. For instance, they should write genuine comments so as to improve their writing skills.


Here's a quizz for my students in 1º ESO!! >>> Prepositions of place and location    More exercises  


Solutions to the exercises in the previous post.....

Complete each of the sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence before it.

1. If only I HAD DONE     2. They wish they HADN'T COMMITTED    3. I wish this kid WEREN'T / WASN'T      4. I wish he DID      5. If only Jason PAID/WOULD PAY (change of habit)     6. If only he STOPPED        7. I wish I HADN'T    8. He wishes he HAD READ     9. Steve wishes he HAD PROPOSED       10. She wishes she HAD DONE    11. I wish he DIDN'T BELCH (SO) loudly
12. If only she HAD HEEDED



The London to Edinburgh challenge: Episode 5: Food & Drink (BBC Learning English)

Here are some activities for you to do:


QUIZZ: Which is correct? (BBC Learning English)



"All work and no play makes Jack/Jill a dull boy/girl"

Learn English with Pirates of the Caribbean





Álcaraz beating Yibing Wu in Shanghai!! Enjoy some incredible shots from both players!!

        Match highlights 




Road towards success in the new PAU (Selectivity exam).....


1) Turn the following sentence into reported speech.                                              

                The director said: “We are very privileged to have nursed her.”

2) Join the following sentences using an appropriate linker (do not use AND or BUT). Make changes if necessary.                                                                                                                             

She lived for a long time. She had a whisky everyday.

3) Put the following words in the correct order to make a meaningful sentence.

                people / homes / old / in / live / nursing                                                          

4) Give a question for the underlined words.                                                           

                She is said to be 115  years old.

5) Complete the following sentence:                                                                          

            If Eva had lived six more days…


Model of the new PAU exam for 2025 made in Galicia


This exam comprises four questions: 1. and 2. contain two subsections which you must answer in full; 3. contains only one section which you must answer; in 4., answer only one of the two subsections.


Read the following text:

    In common with many gender-based languages, Spanish resorts to a generic masculine when it isn’t specified whether the subject is male or female. For example, a girl is a “niña” and a boy is a “niño”, but collectively, children are “niños”. One solution hit upon by supporters of inclusive language is to “double up” on genders so that “the neighbourhood children” becomes “the neighbourhood boys and girls”, but such innovations can infuriate traditionalists. The conservative-minded RAE has so far managed to evade the question but has previously defended the gender neutrality of masculine nouns. “Doubling up is artificial and unnecessary from a linguistic perspective,” it said in an official statement. “The explicit use of the feminine is only justified when the opposition of the sexes is relevant.”

    The battle over language is only the latest fought by Spanish feminists, whose movement flowered in the 1930s during the Second Republic when women such as Clara Campoamor campaigned for women’s suffrage and Dolores Ibárruri, better known as La Pasionaria, was a leader of the Communist party and the anti-fascist movement. When the fascist victory in 1939 installed a Catholic dictatorship, feminism was delayed but has since been making up for lost time. In fact, the first feminist congress was held just 17 days after General Franco’s death in 1975. Today, the spokeswomen for the #MeToo movement in the European parliament, Amelia Martínez Lobo and Arantxa Calvera, are both Spanish. Now, in what is considered its fourth wave, the movement has become more militant. Over the past two years this growing militancy has seen millions of women take to the streets on International Women’s Day, which takes place on 8th March. The movement’s main focus is on sexual consent, equal pay, parental leave and violence against women.

1. Answer both subsections in this question. (2,5 points)
1.1. Indicate whether the following statements are True, False or the information is Not Given in the text (T/F/NG). In true and false cases, copy the part of the text which justifies your answer. (1,5 points)

1. Spanish is a language with a grammatical gender system.
2. The President of the European Parliament agrees that languages must be inclusive.
3. The Spanish Language Academy is in favour of using masculine AND feminine nouns whenever possible.
4. Many feminist writers and thinkers were sent to prison during the Francoist regime because of their ideas.
5. The Feminist movement blossomed during the Second Spanish Republic.
6. Using non-inclusive forms of the language will contribute to social inequality in the future.

1.2. Find a synonym for each of the following words. (1 point)

1. employs      2. discovered        3. postponed     4. salary      5. concern


Vintage NBA basketball: Fan Request: Magic Johnson & Larry Bird | Letterman  ( Other videos to watch: 1  2  3  4 )



Breaking news >>>>



 The tribute to a legend


‘A difficult decision’: Rafael Nadal announces retirement from tennis at 38 (The Guardian)


Tennis legend Nadal to retire in November (BBC Sport)


Rafael Nadal annonce sa retraite : Une légende se retire (L'Équipe)


Federer, Djokovic, Murray & More: Rafael Nadal In The Words Of His Peers 💫


Some other videos to watch:  1   2   3   4   5   6  7 

And always remember...

Victory belongs to the most tenacious

Rafael Nadal just really loved playing tennis    

Thank you, Rafa | Retirement Tribute | Australian Open    

Rafael Nadal: The Story of the Matador | Ultimate Tribute


Halloween is coming. Here are some activities for my students in 1º ESO...

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