Here are some Χmas carols and songs:
- Jingle Bells (versions suggested by Andrea Gutiérrez and by Alex España)
- Χmas remix
- Silent Night (version suggested by Amor Medina)
- Shake up Christmas by Train
- All I want for Christmas is You by Mariah Carey
- So this is Christmas by John Lennon (version suggested by Paola Ruíz)
- Santa Claus is Coming to Town by Mariah Carey
- Last Christmas by Wham (version suggested by Andrea Gutiérrez)
- White Christmas (suggested by José Manuel Díaz), and the version suggested by María Béjar.
Finally here's another one a friend of mine (he was teaching at our school for a couple of years some time ago) has just sent me. It may be a little bit weird, but I'm sure you'll like it:
Which one do you like the most?
badly drawn boy- year of the rat
Which one do you like the most?
Can you send me any other Christmas carols or songs?
By the way, what do you do at Christmas? and what do you usually have for Christmas dinner?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=VfLf7A_-1Vw This Christmas carol it´s more funnier than the last. We can sing in the class. :D
ResponderEliminarhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Okoo4upS_Hc This is a beautiful Christmas song by Taylor Swift.
ResponderEliminarhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZXlCUNm9cg. It's a dream, maybe some day a reality. Merry Christmas!
ResponderEliminarPaola Ruiz. 2º ESO A.
I loved the video of the man who was embracing all people and calm them. For me, the best song of these, is Shake up Christmas by Train, a rock song ;), but my prefer Christmas song is "Let it go" by Demi Lovato. Is about a new film called "Frozen - The ice kingdom". I love it ! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5iVxTrxI0U)
ResponderEliminarAt Christmas, I sometimes go to Cazorla a few days. I meet my friends and I do my homeworks, too. And for Christmas dinner, my family and me have roast chicken with chips. Bye !!
Maria Jose Garcia 2º A
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Okoo4upS_Hc. This a beautiful Christmas song by Taylor Swift.
ResponderEliminarI love this song!
Maria Jesus Mendoza Alaminos 2A
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8gmARGvPlI. This is beautiful Merry Christmas.
ResponderEliminarÁlvaro Ruiz Rodriguez 2A
ResponderEliminarAmor Mª Medina Haro 2 A
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ooc5eJc5SHA This is very beautiful song merry Christmas to all¡¡
ResponderEliminarI loved the video of the man hugging everybody and calming them down. For me, the best song of these, is Shake up Christmas by Train, a rock song ;), but my favourite Christmas song is "Let it go" by Demi Lovato. It is in the soundtrack of a new film called "Frozen - The ice kingdom". I love it ! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5iVxTrxI0U)
ResponderEliminarAt Christmas, I sometimes go to Cazorla for a few days. I meet my friends and I do my homework, too. And for Christmas dinner, my family and I have roast chicken with chips. Bye !!
Maria Jose Garcia 2º A
The First World War ended on Christmas Eve with Silent Night's Christmas Carol.
ResponderEliminarI like Badly Drawn Boy – Year of the rat, because it is wonderful a current world where there aren't any wars, nor pollution, nor fighting, nor jealousy between one and another.
At Christmas I go out more often with my friends, but I also do my homeworks.
And at Christmas dinner the whole family gather together. We eat lamb and other snacks.
And this is a beautiful Christmas song by Connie Talbot - White Christmas.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCAApRzPmnQ I like this song!
Merry Christmas!
By: María Béjar Rodríguez 2º ESO A
I prefer 'so this is christmas' by John Lennon.
ResponderEliminarWe eat duck with orange sauce, meat, salad and some cold meat.
I always stay with my family in christmas, because christmas it is for that.
Carmen Trujillo Aguilera. 2ºA E.S.O
Christmas is usually passed on family, on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve in Barcelona the people of my father and eats roast beef, and some snacks, and little else, my favorite carol is THE DRUMMER
By: Ana Gabriel Garcia 3º Diver
In the First World War in 1911, England and France stoped the war only that day, because it was a day special and anybody must die. And everyone started to play together.
ResponderEliminarI like the song: All I want for christmas is you by Mariah Carey.
At Christmas, I saty with my family and we have a dinner together. We eat lamb, prawns, ham, cheese and olives.
Patricia Rodríguez Martín 2ºA
I prefer 'so this is christmas' by John Lennon.
ResponderEliminarWe eat duck with orange sauce, meat, salad and some cold meat.
I always stay with my family at christmas, because christmas is a time for that.
Carmen Trujillo Aguilera. 2ºA E.S.O
ResponderEliminarTradition has a origin Spanish and It exists since the beginning of the century XX , It is in some places of Spanish speaking too.
Emerged when farmers of the regions of Murcia and Alicante had surplus of grapes in 1909, and they began to distribute it.
People say that the twelve grapes represent the twelve months of year and people eat with each stroke, a grape.
Patricia Rodríguez Martín 2ºA
In Christmas I play football with my friends in the sports center. In Cristmas I love play tennis with my family in Motril and I go to cinema. I eat chicken with potatoes, cheese, ham, soup and fish. All food is very good. We are very happy with Christmas.
ResponderEliminarFrancisco Garcia Garcia 2B.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8gmARGvPlI .
ResponderEliminarI love this song, it's very nice and lively. It is the best for me! Every time I hear it brings me very nice memories.
Margarita Llanes Venegas 2ºA
In Christmas i go to the pool in Salobreña.I play tennis and handball with my family in the new year in the sport centre. In the new year i eat turkey with potatoes, ham, fish etc. I could overcome my subjects in the first quarter of 2ºESO. I love christmas vancances!!