Río is over and here are some activities to do:
>>> News Review >> Brazil wins a gold medal in athletics (BBC Learning English)
- Episode 160817 / 17 August 2016 >>> Expressions presented: medal tolly, feeds on & cheating.
- Episode 160810 / 10 August 2016 >>> Expressions presented: wondering, to log, stylish & unveiled. (Michael Phelps swims into Olympic history)
BREAKING NEWS >>> three more medals for Spain (17 medals in total so far):
Spain Men's basketball national team defeats Australia in an incredible match and get the bronze medal. Our golden generation will never disappoint us!!!!
A bronze medal for Coloma in mountain bike event.
Spanish rhythmic gymnasts get the silver medal among olé cries and guitar playing!!!
This is no country for men, IT BELONGS TO WOMEN, INDEED!!!
Ruth Beitia wins the seventh gold medal for Spain in women's high jump (read the report) (watch the jump)
The latest from Río
Two more medals for Spain (13 medals in total): INCREDIBLE historical SILVER MEDAL for women's basketball national team (Congratulations for being so competitive!!!!) >> watch this and bronze medal for Saúl Craviotto in the k-1 200 metre event.
INCREDIBLE >>>>> Carolina Marin, the young lady from Huelva, wins the sixth gold medal in badminton!!!! (some images)
Another gold medal for Spain (the fifth one) >>> Saúl Craviotto and Cristian Toro in K-2 200 metre canoe sprint (watch the race)
Two more medals for Spain in Taekwondo: silver medal for Eva Calvo and bronze medal for Joel González (video)
Our men's basketball national team will fight for the bronze medal (watch summary) and our Women's national team in basketball will be in the final fighting for the GOLD medal against the USA in the Olympic Games in Río after defeating Serbia in the semi-finals!!! GOOD LUCK!
The New Spain has brought us the fourth gold medal and the first silver medal, that is, the seventh medal in total for Spain >>> Marcus Cooper Walz, the canoeist born in Oxford whose father is English and whose mother is German, from Majorca wins the gold medal in K-1 1000 metres event (watch the event) & Orlando Ortega, Cuban-born, won the silver medal in 110 hurdles event (watch the event).
And now the 110 hurdle race:
Fifth medal for Spain >> Marc López & Rafael Nadal wins the third gold medal for Spain in the men's doubles in tennis, the first one for our Spanish men!!!
"A gold medal and with one of my best friends is just unforgettable", said Nadal after the match.
Fourth medal for Spain >>> Lydia Valentin wins the bronze medal in weightlifting!!!
Second gold medal for Spain (third overall) >>> Maialen Chourraut in canoe slalom!!! (Watch the race)
Our Golden Girl (Mireia Belmonte once again), the first gold medal for Spain!!!! in 200m butterfly

Mireia Belmonte wins first Spanish medal of Rio 2016 (Marca)
First medal for Spain: Mireia Belmonte wins the bronze medal in Women's 400m Individual Medley (estilo libre)
However, what does 'medley' originally mean? And what's the Spanish for 'heat'?
Tip: Make a glossary with all the words you learn in English related to the Olympic Games. (I'll do one myself for you in my site)
What time is it right now in Rio? Remember that they are five hours behind Spain.
RIO 2016 - official website
Problems we may find during these Olympic Games:
News report (BBC Learning English) >>>> Could polluted water cause problems for Olympic athletes?
Rio 2016: Swimmers need to ingest only three teaspoons of water to be almost certain of contracting a virus (The Independent)

Nadal, the stand bearer for Spain. How happy he looks after his big disappointment for not being able to it in the last Olympic Games in London.
Some articles to read:
Rio 2016 opening ceremony a mix of pared patriotism and climate concern (The Guardian)
Opening Ceremony: 'Rio is ready to make history' as Olympic Games begin (CNN)
See, I CAN hold a flag! Andy Murray leads Team GB in the Rio Olympics triumphantly holding the standard ONE-HANDED (Daily Mail)
The Olympic Games is one of the best competitions in the Sports world. Like every four years, a country host such games. Brazil have been the last in organize. Spain participated in allmost all games, although by surprise she is not to participate in football where she had more chances to get medal.
ResponderEliminarSpain got seventeen medals being the majority of gold. They were obtained in swimming (Mireia Belmonte), men's doubles tennis (Rafael Nadal and Marc Lopez), canoeing (Maialen Chourraut) and Marcus Walz in men's canoeing, men's doubles canoeing (Saul Cravioto and Cristian Toro), badminton (Carolina Marin) and athletics (Ruth Beitia).
Many of this medals have been won by woman. Also have won four medals of silver and six medals of bronze. This have been one of the best records of Spain in a Olympic Games and I hope that we can have better result in the next Olympic Games.
I like Olimpic Games very much. In 2016 they were at the brazilian capital. Rio de Janeiro. There were a lot of problems because of poverty. The selection of Brazil won the gold medal in football. Spain 17 medals: 7 gold medals (in athlectis, badminton, swimming canoeing and tennis), 4 silver medals (in athletics, baskets, cycling, weightliting, swimming, canoling and taekwondo). I hope that they can celebrate Tokyo Olimpic Games very soon!
ResponderEliminarAntonio Puentedura Prados 2º ESO A.
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ResponderEliminarI have always loved sports since I was a child and have seen quite a few sporting events in my life.
ResponderEliminarin brazil 2016 i don't remember much but i do remember a great spanish performance in many sports like swimming, umbrella, athletics, taekwondo, basketball etc..
what i remember most from those olympics are the victories of the brazilian national team and the victories of mireia belmonte and saul cravioto, and a goal by neymar in 10 seconds
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ResponderEliminarThe Olympic Games is something that has been done for many years, for me it is very fun and exciting, and I find it something very surprising since all the countries meet with an athlete or team for each type of game. The last Olympics have. Been one of the ones that I have seen the most matches.
ResponderEliminarBehind each sport of the Olympic games and behind each player there is a great work and effort to get there, since he has been chosen ahead of all of Spain, it really is something impressive. I admire all those people and they are a great example so that we can see that with work and effort if you really put your mind to it, you can achieve great things.
There are also sports that have taken a lot of effort to be played in the Olympics since they were not really considered a sport and that is something quite hard for those who practice that sport since their work is not well recognized and it is something frustrating for them. But all this has changed and now there are many more sports than at the beginning in the Olympics, this being very good since you can see that we improve.
Irene López Maturana 2ºBach
Without a doubt, the Río Olympics Games in 2016 were much better than this year in Tokyo. Although Spain got 17 medals like this year, in Río it got 7 gold, 4 silver and 6 bronze, which means more gold medals for our country. In addition, most of these medals were won by women such as Ruth Beitia, Mireia Belmonte, Carolina Marín...
ResponderEliminarIt ́s inevitable for me to get excited when I see the 200m butterfly race in which Mireia Belmonte won the gold medal. It was a brilliant race, every time I see it my hairs stand on end. I would like one day to be able to swim at least half as well as Mireia Belmonte does. On the other hand, the choreography of the gymnasts in which Spain got the silver medal was also beautiful.
A “medley event” is a combined event, which are different races in which the result of one event doesn ́t affect the result of the other ones. In the swimming races where I compete, is the same; there are different races where you can participate. Normally, only 2 of them are done for several weeks until they are all completed. Once the results are public, the top 8 compete in the final to see who wins the race.
In Río, they are 5 hours behind Spain, so the live races were on the TV very early. However, many people from all over the world got up early to see them. I have done it in spite of all my love for sleeping This is the magic of the Olympic Games, how they make the people stay together to do something. This year it was a year late due to COVID, but we have all enjoyed it very much because we were looking forward to it.
Rocío Valdés 2º Bach
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ResponderEliminarIris: Nazaret, today are the Olympics Games, will you go to buy something to eat and watch them?
ResponderEliminarNazaret: Oh sure, shall I buy some drinks?
Iris: Yes, but arrive soon from the shop. The Olympics Games start in 1 hour!
Nazaret: What good fun the Olympics Games are! I love it!
Iris: I will get dressed when you arrive, now I´m going to take a shower.
Nazaret: I need to brush my hair and feed the dog, will you feed it?
Iris: Ok, but quickly. I'm looking forward to watching the Olympic Games this year!
Iris Lozano López 3ºA (corregido)
Michael Phelps was born on 30th June of 1985. He is the best swimmer of all time, because he has won so many medals.
ResponderEliminarIn total he has won twenty-eight medals, twenty-three of gold and five of silver. Phelps' titles and records have allowed him to be recognized as Swimmer of the Year on six occasions and American Swimmer of the Year on eight occasions. He spoke freely about the depression he suffered during his career and highlighted the importance of talking about mental health for athletes: “It saves lives.”
Martín Toledo López 3ºB
Martin: Aday, tomorrow starts the World Cup, will you come to my house to watch it?
ResponderEliminarAday: it's a perfect idea, should I bring something to eat?
Martin: it isn't necessary, because I have enough food, but if you want you can bring something.
Aday: ok! If you want, today you can come to my house to have dinner and sleep and tomorrow we will go to your house.
Martin: perfect! I am looking forward to talk about the teams that are going to play in the Worl Cup.
Aday: So am I, at eight o'clock in my house.
Martin: ok, I will be there.
Martín Toledo López 3ºB