Nowadays batteries are one of our biggest concerns, if not the biggest. Expressions like these can be uttered with such a desperate feeling that we would think someone is about to die: "My battery is flat", "Your car battery is dead, I'm afraid", "The battery of my mobile phone is too low", "The TV remote control has run out! How are we change channels?".... And now the problem becomes more and more serious with the appearance of electrical cars.

Articles related to the issue:
Smaller, longer-lasting and cheaper batteries store much more energy (Treehugger)
How to make your 'dead' batteries last eight times longer (CNN)
Can electricity from the human body replace batteries? (BBC News)
By the way, one of our articles was from the website TREEHUGGER. Where does this word come from? (See at the bottom of this post)
Listening exercise to do: It's good to talk (6 Minute English, BBC Learning English)
The English we speak: Echo chamber (BBC Learning English)
REVISION EXERCISE for 1º Bachillerato >>>
93. EVERYDAY ENGLISH. What would you say in these
1. You are in a bar. Offer to buy your friend a
2. You are late for a meeting. Apologize and say why
you are late.
3. You have just come home from the cinema. Suggest
your friend to order a pizza.
94. Define the words: 'tape' & 'palace' :
95. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. ¡Ojala que apruebe el inglés!
2. Hay menos ejercicios en este examen que en el anterior.
3. Voy a pelarme antes de que empiece el instituto. Y mi hermano
4. Cuando los ejercicios empezaron a complicarse, le pregunté a mi
hermano mayor.
5. Acabo de recordar que tengo que ir al banco ahora mismo.
Proposed solutions to exercises 91 & 92 in the previous post
Ex91 >>>
Ex91 >>>
1. Who did you go to the cinema with? 2. How often does he do the gardening?
3. What is the book about? 4. How long have you been learning English?
5. What will the weather be like tomorrow?
Ex92 >>>
1. shorter and shorter 2. further 3. the funniest 4. The more polluted, the bigger
- Episode 170726 / 26 July 2017 >>> Expressions presented: segregated, front-runner, vehicles & internal combustion engine.
TREEHUGGER is a person who hugs trees, that is, a person who loves nature.
Currently the people live Stuck to the mobile, computeror television getting to the point not to see more far from the screen. We live in a generation where is more important the telephone that other things for example stay with friends and if stay with friends, only see the telephone we have forgotten as living the life without technology.
ResponderEliminarThe telephones not are bad if you can control the use of this, but many people are addicted and don't been able of controlling his use.Today we can search any information in the telephone, and we can speak with any person no matter how far away live for one part the telephone is good but for other part is bad depending the use that we gave them
A few years ago a lot of married, They started a use the television alot of time Neglecting his family and his work, i used to call the television the ``caja tonta´´ because the television is able of clean the brain and convert a the spectators in the people more silly of the world this persons only see Tv trash, when the television brings in a lot of programmes interesting
i think that the human have the capacity To use technology for a good goal or for the contrary this technology Will dominate the human i only can say To those people That beyond the stripes of that screen the world rotates and they lose his live seeing the television or using the telephone
Batteries are considerated environment friendly because of its production method. There are two ways to store energy into a battery; one is by formulating a certain chemical reaction, and two is by charging it.
ResponderEliminarNowadays battery is used to power, advanced machines, electric appliances and mojority of electronics that are integrated to mankind. Having fulfilled its duty to provide practicality for human to operate electronics, the battery could be titeld as one of the most important inventions ever made.
The rapid growth of advanced technology made it inevitable for batteries to not develop more and more.
Researches all over the world are using the battery technology to make a more environment friendly energy source.
Nowadays, we are surrounded by technology, this technology must be fed with electricity so scientists must invent batteries to store the electricity. Now, let's talk about usual problems that we have with batteries.
ResponderEliminarThe small technological devices usually have a small battery, this is the case of mobile phones which have batteries with rectangle form which feed them during a period of hours or days. A normal battery usually lasts between one and two days. This is the main reason why people look at the quality of the battery when they go to buy a mobile phone. It depends on the amount of amperes it has. Another problem I want to talk about is the following: how to know if a battery is broken. If your mobile phone's battery lasts not much time it can be that the battery is broken. To check this, you must remove the battery from the mobile and see if the battery is plane or swelled by its faces. If the battery has its faces swelled, the battery will be broken.
The last thing I'm going to talk is: Can the electricity from the humans bodies replace batteries? We generate a small electricity in our body because of the nerve impulses. However, this electricity we generate is not enough to a machine or to a small electronic system because this things need more energy.
To sum up, batteries are a general problem we have. However scientists are developing new batteries with silicon that last more and pollute less.
Joaquín España 2ºBACH
Batteries are a device consisting of electrochemical cells with external connections provided to power electrical devices such as flashlights, smartphones, and electric cars.
ResponderEliminarNowadays, it is used in most electrical devices such as cars, portable radios, laptops or mobile phones, which are one of the most used in our life. I think that we can't live without batteries.
One of the biggest problems that we have with the new mobile phones is the short duration of their batteries. Most of the batteries don't last more than one or two days and we have to charge it almost every day. However, old mobiles phones have a battery which can last for a week. I think experts should fabricate longer batteries so that we could use our electrical devices more time.
Another problem of the batteries is the pollution that they can produce if we throw them away when they have run out. There are specific places in which we have to leave them in order to protect the environment but not all the people leave them there because they find easier to leave them in the rubbish.
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ResponderEliminarNowadays, technology is so important in our lives that people use it all the time and it essential in our lives. It makes batteries run out fasterfaster and in a very little time. For this, people need batteries that use their energymore slowly.
ResponderEliminarMany things that are around us need batteries. This means that we are surrounded by technological devices that make our lives easier but some can also affect our intelligence and health, for example the television or phone.
Scientists are investigating about the probability to obtain electricity from the human body so as to replace batteries. This is looks like a science fiction film but it can be real. Scientists say that they could use the energy caused by the movement of internal organs or heartbeats.
I think that we mustn´t use the technology so much because something in excess is bad.
Patricia Rodríguez Martín 1Bach
Today we are almost as dependent on batteries as we are on electricity. We use batteries everywhere , but above all in our cars, cell phones, laptops, music players.
ResponderEliminarBatteries were invented nearly two centuries ago but they keep getting better and better. Battery manufacturers are refining chemistries and production methods to make batteries last longer and weigh less.
There are many things of the batteries that many people don´t know as all batteries degrade over time, the rate of self-discharge is lower at colder temperaturas, using or storing batteries in high temperatures or using them in low temperatures can affect the voltage of the battery and may reduce battery performance.
One of the problems is that the resources required to manufacture batteries may not be sustainable. Another problem is the very high cost of batteries. From my point of view, I can say that batteries should last longer to have more independence on chargers.
Francisco García García
Nowadays most of electricity function with batteries. People use very much batteries, now cars function with batteries, I think the electrical cars aren't good because some petrol stations have to load the car and if you don't have battery, you would stay thrown. But in a few years in all petrol stations will have.
ResponderEliminarOn the one hand, batteries usually break in summer because to the hot, to take very much the mobile phone. The mobile phone that the batteries can get they don't have a problem because they can buy a new batteries, but the mobile phone that the batteries can't get they have a problem. All the new mobiles phone have the batteries encrusted.
On the other hand, batteries is very pollutants and there are places where you can take all the batteries that don't serve but there are people that throw the batteries to the trash since the batteries take in degenerating more of 1000 years.
I think in each house people should be more responsability since if they don't recycle, the world is more dirty and his son will have a world very changed. In my point of view Scientist should invent other forms of to get electricity and don't use a lot of batteries.
Nowadays, we are surrounded by technology, this technology must be fed with electricity so scientists must invent batteries to store the electricity. Now, let's talk about usual problems that we have with batteries.
ResponderEliminarThe small technological devices usually have a small battery, this is the case of mobile phones which have batteries with rectangular shape which can last hours or even days. A normal battery usually lasts between one and two days. This is the main reason why people look at the quality of the battery when they go to buy a mobile phone. It depends on the amount of amperes it has. Another problem I want to talk about is the following: how to know if a battery is broken. If your mobile phone's battery doesn't last much time it can be because the battery is broken. To check this, you must remove the battery from the mobile and see if the battery is flat or swelled on its sides. If the battery has its faces swelled, the battery will is broken.
The last thing I'm going to talk about is: Can the electricity from the humans bodies replace batteries? We generate a small electricity in our body because of the nerve impulses. However, this electricity we generate is not enough to a machine or to a small electronic system because these things need more energy.
To sum up, batteries are a general problem we have. However scientists are developing new batteries with silicon that last more and pollute less.
Joaquín España 2ºBACH
Today most people spend many hours of their day to day with the mobile, Spain is one of the countries with the largest number of technological devices connected to the Internet and we spend an average of three hours a day looking at the mobile or the Tablet, and It is true that one of the biggest concerns is to be away from home and see that the battery is running low.
ResponderEliminarIn any case, the mobile is the device that most attention is paid throughout the day, even working we tend to be looking at the mobile, we are too attentive to social networks.
It is true that when our phone has a certain time we begin to observe that each time the battery lasts less and this is the cause of factors such as; problems in the update, an app that consumes a lot of battery or simply because the battery of that mobile phone has been manufactured to last a certain time.
In my opinion, we should not spend so much time with the mobile, there are thousands of ways to have fun. In addition the excessive use of the mobile can bring us many problems such as anxiety, tired eyesight ..
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ResponderEliminarNowadays technology is a great invention for us. It can help us in lots of things that are difficult for us to do like going to places or talking with a person who's very far.
ResponderEliminarI think that technology is a very good thing if you use it in the correct way. Most of the young people use them incorrectly by searching things on the internet that they must not search or even insulting ore being bad with other people. That's quite sad because mobiles and technology can be used in a very good way and it is very useful.
Most of the adult people use technology in a good way. They use it for searching good things in google like interesting information. They can also use technology for getting to places that they don't know where they are.
That doesn't mean that every teenager uses technology in a bad way and every adult uses it in a good way. Sometimes things can be different.
I usually use my mobile for playing some games and for listening to music to chill out.
Today one of the most important things we have is technology and this has helped us a lot for the good but it has also caused us great conflicts.
ResponderEliminarI think that technology can help us if we use it correctly since it can bring us great benefits, but I also think that there are people who do not use it as they should and this can harm them.
It must also be said that almost all technology works through batteries, what happens is that these batteries must always be charged by connecting them with electricity and this can be a big problem since they last very little and we cannot charge them on the street or with solar energy, etc.
Today it can be said that for example new mobiles, new computers, tablets, etc., are prepared to last longer and this also increases their price, but the truth is that it is worth it although we can also take advantage of it to portable batteries since with these if we can charge the mobile when we are on the street and the battery is running out.
Salvador Pretel 1ºBach
Batteries are a device with external connections whose function is to power electrical devices such as telephones and electric cars.
ResponderEliminarToday most of the devices we use are electrical such as telephones, cars, these are the ones we use the most. To this day I believe that we cannot live without batteries since almost everything is electric. Batteries have two very important problems which are battery life and contamination.
The batteries have a very important problem and it is that the battery life is very short in the new phones, when they are new they last a long time but with the passage of the year it begins to wear out faster and faster. Most of the batteries do not last a single day but there are older mobiles that the battery lasts a long time, for example the battery of the Iphone lasts very little. I think this is a kind of marketing technique since manufacturers do it so that people a year buy another mobile.
The other very important problem is the pollution that it produces when we throw it away when it runs out, that is why there are special places to throw these things away so that it does not get contaminated but there are people who throw it away in other places and it is not good for the planet.
Batteries are essentials in our daily lives as they power many of our dispositives. It's important to understand how they work, their capacity, and how to dispose of them properly. The development of more efficient and eco friendly batteries is crucial to meet the growing demand for portable energy sources. As consumers, we must also make an esfort to use rechargable batteries and recycle them to reduce our impact in the environment.
ResponderEliminarRubén Sabio Prados 4º ESO A
It is not easy to manufacture batteries that are cheap, efficient, long-lasting, safe and environmentally friendly at the same time. Researchers at ETH Zurich have succeeded to collecting all these characteristics in zinc metal batteries.
ResponderEliminarThe world needs cheap and powerful batteries that can store electricity produced sustainably from wind or sunlight so that we can use it whenever we need it, even when it is dark outside or the wind is not blowing. The most common batteries that power our smartphones and electric cars are lithium-ion batteries. They are quite expensive because global demand for lithium is skyrocketing, and they are also highly flammable.
Zinc batteries have a number of advantages: Zinc is abundant, cheap and has a mature recycling infrastructure. In addition, zinc batteries can store a lot of electricity. Most importantly, zinc batteries do not necessarily require the use of highly flammable organic solvents as an electrolyte fluid, as they can also be manufactured using water-based electrolytes instead.
Nevertheless, batteries have several disadvantages: if charged at high voltage, the batteries produce hydrogen gas, with this, the batteries generate pressure (can explode) and decrease their performance; in addition, zinc deposits can form inside the batteries that can cause a short circuit, and render them unusable.
Adrián García 4ºA