Animals are really intelligent, but how intelligent they are. Probably more than what we think.
Top ten smartest animals
Here are some articles to read and amazing videos to watch:
Animals know more than you think (The Guardian)
Which animals are smartest: Dogs, cats, or ... raccoons? (The Washington Post)
The octopus: One of Earth's smartest (CNN)
Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are? (The Guardian)

A Crow named 007 - Intelligence of animals - BBC Episode 2
And... How does a chimp wash its hands? & CNN Amazing Animals Lemurs are incredibly intelligent
José Miguel's contribution (1º Bach A): How smart are dolphins? by Lori Marino
What is for you the most intelligent animal?
Here's a listening exercise to do: How intelligent is the octopus? (6 Minute English, BBC Learning English)
Here you can learn phrasal verbs made with GET. (Exercise to do)
- Episode 180815 / 15 August 2018 >>> The AI that spots eye disease - Language related to 'surprising changes'. Need-to-know language: on the brink off, jaw-dropping, gasp, game changer & the advent of.
Animals are really intelligence but we underestimate the intelligence of animals because people think that humans are the most intelligence and the other animals are stupid but the animals have a good intelligence.
ResponderEliminarAccording to a new report, chickens appear to be much more intelligent than previously thought, with better numeracy and spatial awareness skills than young children. Also, We know that flies can remember their destination , even when a distraction is put in their path. Researchers have found that fish can be trained to associate a sound with feeding times, and even remember this when released into the wild.
Sheep have been found to be far more intelligent than their unfair reputations suggest. In a series of tests involving learning how to get food from differently coloured buckets and recognising different shapes, carried out by researchers at Cambridge University, sheep performed as well as monkeys, and better than rodents. Sheep have also been found to recognise and remember the faces of 50 individual fellow sheep, as well as human faces.
Some experiments of scientists and biologists have discovered that the octopus is one of earth´s smartest although it is a animal that people think that haven´t got intelligence. Octopuses are so smart they tip-toe around awkwardly on the ocean floor hoarding coconut shells to later build themselves a fort to defend themselves from predators, a new Australian study has found.
Patricia Rodríguez Martín 2ºbach A
I think the animals are very inteligent but sometimes they look silly. Sometimes even the most unusual animal can surprise you for example Some time ago I saw a video of young people training a bee to do simple excercises.The bee was tying to find te most eficient form to complete the excercises.That video was incredible and it shows us that all the animals are inteligents
ResponderEliminarThe human being is an animal, and what we call "animals" they think and they are intelligent, but in their own way and in their environment, whether hunting, looking for food, escaping, exploring, caring, etc.
ResponderEliminarThat is to say, that within their possibilities, not like humans, but they have their intelligence.
There is no specific discipline that studies animal intelligence.
Many have special abilities that allow them to function in their habitat.
Elephants, dolphins, parrots, crows and other birds and non-human mammals, for example, solve problems much better than other animals.
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ResponderEliminarI think that animals are the best friend of man, like for example the dog, it is an animal that is always there and although it does not look like it, it makes a lot of company.
ResponderEliminarThere are many types of animals and in my opinion there are some who are more intelligent than others such as, for example, the dog, the horse ... they are intelligent animals but the pig, the rooster ... they aren´t.
Nuria Díaz Ruiz 3 ESO A
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ResponderEliminarYou can think that animals are stupid, but it is not correct
ResponderEliminarFor example the birds can remember their destination, fish can associate sound with feeding time, In the case of sheep we know fom test than they can find food from differently coloured buckets and recognise different shapes like monkeys or rodents, pigs are intelligents too they can find bowl of food that has been hidden.
An article talks about how smart octopus are, sometimes We think that is a silly animal but is not true, Scientist were under water for two hours more or less and they could see how the octopus used its tentaclus and it was very interesting.
Moreover animals are human's best friends. Almost everyone would like to have a pet in his house.
Animal intelillent has bien seen since chilhood because I hace grow up with they. For example my grnadparents has a dog ,and airways go with my grandmother to buy but one day the dog go with my grandparent to an richard and this day gave jim heart attack.
ResponderEliminarA lot of peopoe thinks that animals are just to make company to people but, is this true?
ResponderEliminarNo, it isn’t. Sometimes we can think that animals are stupid, however, most of them are really intelligent!
For example, the smartest animals of the world are the chimpanzees, and they are really similar to humans. They can walk upright on two legs if they choose and they also use tools.
Another animal that is very intelligent is the octopus. They tip-toe around the ocean and they collect rests of coconuts to make a shelter, and with it, they can be safe from the depredators. That’s amazing!
In my opinion, animals are really intelligent and i would like to have a pet.
I think that animals are the best friend of man that although they do not know how to speak they notice when they are wrong and they are always with you to give you a smile, nowadays many people have animals and they are the most important things in life for them. There are animals that are smarter than others like dogs that are the best for my opion.
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ResponderEliminarThere are a lot of animal on Earth, each one is different from the other, with its own features and problems. Supposedly, the human is the most intelligent creature in the world, but it doesn´t mean that the other creatures are silly. There are a lot of animals that are very intelligent, the most intelligent animal is the dolphin, but others like monkeys are very intelligent ,too. There are animals that don´t stand out for their intelligence, like the dog, which stands out for its loyalty, or the eagles, which stands out for their excellent vision. So, not all the animals aren´t as intelligent as humans, they stand out for other skills that humans don´t have like flying, living in the water or jumping , finally, everyone has an amazing skill.
ResponderEliminarin all the world there are a lot of differents animals some are microscopic and others are big.
ResponderEliminarEach animal is different from any other and each animal have got differents "abilitys" for example giraffes have got a long neck with which they can eat the leaves of tall trees, the lions have got long caws and a big strong mouth to hunt animals below them in the food chain.
Also animals can do things that the humans cant do for example the birds can fly the fishes can grab the oxigen from water etc...
I think that animals are human´s best friends. If you think about it, nearly everybody has an animal in his house. It's pretty cool having one with you, also if it's a dog! I have a little one.
ResponderEliminarI love them, also when I was a child. I used to go to a friend's house only to play with his beautiful dog. Now it's not necessary because I have one. She doesen't eats a lot, but she runs! When we play, we make a race and she's always the winner.
I used to have a little turtle and it also ran a lot, but it doesen't ran as fast as my dog. I also have lots of birds in my rooftop. I have a lots of cages with them in. There are all tipe of bird colours. Some are white, some are red, and there are a lot more.
As you can see, nearly everyone love pets and animals. ALSO ME!
We ussually think, that other animals are stupid,but some animals are surprisingly smarted as I can read in the articles, they can take puzzles for get food, also they can do the same thinks as us .They can use complex ways to communicate themselves with sounds and gestures.Others live in groups have a hierarchy like wolves, lions or apes.
ResponderEliminarEven the size of the brain isn´t all, for example dophins´ brain it´s double as our, but we are smarter than they, that is because our brain it´s almost fully of neurons, but dolphins´ have too much brain mass. but dolphins are still one of the most intelligent animals that we know coulding be able to understand humans.
I think have that intelligent because that was the only way to survive, an exemple of this can be that the predators are usually smater than the preys you have only to look to ourselves
Today there are many people who have a pet in their house such as the dog or cat that are the most common.
ResponderEliminarThere are people who think that animals or pets are useless, but on the contrary they are very intelligent, in fact the most intelligent animal is the chimpanzee, although there are also dogs, cats, etc.
In addition, animals today are used for many things since they are very clever, such as dogs that are used by the police, there are also animals that can serve as transport such as the horse
salvador pretel
Nowadays, humans believe they are much smarter than all the animals on the planet, but according to new studies, animals are smarter than we think. Do you think that in the future animals will have more intelligence than humans? What animals do you think are the most intelligent?
ResponderEliminarAccording to a new report, chickens are much smarter than previously thought and have better calculation and awareness skills than young children. Besides, the studies that have been done in the last 20 years have confirmed their sensory abilities, their ability to think, make inferences, apply logic and plan ahead.
In addition, sheep are much smarter than we thought because according to a series of tests they can learn to obtain food from cubes of different colors and recognize different shapes. It has also been discovered that sheep recognize and remember the faces of 50 individual sheep or even human faces.
Besides, according to a study published by Cambridge researchers in 2009, pigs could use a mirror to find a plate of food that had been hidden like monkeys. Researchers have discovered that fish can be trained to associate a sound with feeding times. Other researchers discovered while studying orangutans in Indonesia, that apes build very complex nests in trees, using many types of specially chosen materials.
To sum up, many studies say that animals are much smarter than we thought. In addition, I think that humans are not born intelligent, therefore, we learn as we grow. So, I think that if humans teach animals from birth to make actions, they would be smarter.
I like animals , they are beautiful and some are big and others are small , my favourite animal in the world is the dog , they are good animals , they are excellent animal , I have got one dog its name is Nevado , it is cool , big , and a excellent dog … but my favourite animal in the water are sharks , they are predator animals , are very fierce , they are very big and long .
ResponderEliminarI AM CARLOS 1 ESO A .
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ResponderEliminarSometimes we think that animals are stupid and not too smart . Also the ones we don´t treat so well are actually , the most smart , like pigs or chickens . But ,what if animals were not so different from humans in intelligence ? .
ResponderEliminarAccording to a study , chickens are much more intelligent than we thought because they have better numeracy and spatial awareness skills than us and also they have the ability to think and apply logic. In addition ,a fish for example , can be trained to associate a sound with feeding times, that´s crazy !.
Something very curious is that a sheep can recognize their food with different colours and shapes and also they can remember the faces of 50 fellow sheep and human faces too . So , it is obious that animals have more inteligence than we thought .
To sum up , we should´t question the intelligence of animals because it can alter the way people think about them .
I have never thought what the most intelligent animal is. After I watched the video of the crow and read the articles on the Alberto's sites, I remmenbered that once I watched a video about dolphins' intelligence. This video talks about dolphins and how their brains are very similar to human's. The video is:
ResponderEliminarThe video starts talking about the evolution of mammals in the sea and how they turned from being grand and silly animals into animals with less teeth and more brain. Some of the most interesting data is the practices of cooperation to hunt fish. They take different roles such as net-maker and hunter. Dolphins are able to create a plan in group and also to make life together with other dolphins. Another interesting point is their language comprehension. It is really fascinating how animals can understand human language and signals. Lastly, I found really impressive their senses of empathy, altruism and attachment. I thought that these senses were only present in human beings. However, the fact that they are also present in dolphins make me think of how intelligent these creatures are.
To sum up, dolphins are the second most intelligent animals after human beings.Aditionally, I also think that knowing about dolphins' feelings and keeping them in zoos is not so ethical. As we, human beings, wouldn't like to be taken away from our family, I believe that dolphins do not like it either.
José Miguel Albertus Béjar
I had never thought about which is the most intelligent animal. Later, I watched the video of the crow and read the articles on Albert's post and I remenbered that once I watched a video about dolphins' intelligence. This video talks about dolphins and how their brains are very similar to the human brain. The video is:
ResponderEliminarThe video starts talking about the evolution of mammals in the sea and how they turned from being grand and silly animals into animals with fewer teeth and more brain. Some of the most interesting data is the practices of cooperation to hunt fish. They take different roles such as net-maker and hunter. Dolphins are able to create a plan in group and also to make life together with other dolphins. Another interesting point is their language comprehension. It is really fascinating how animals can understand human language and signals. Lastly, I found really impressive their senses of empathy, altruism and attachment. I thought that these senses were only present in human beings. However, the fact that they are also present in dolphins make me think of how intelligent these creatures are.
To sum up, dolphins are the second most intelligent animals after human beings.Aditionally, I also think that knowing about dolphins' feelings and keeping them in zoos is not so ethical. As we, human beings, wouldn't like to be taken away from our family, I believe that dolphins do not like it either.
José Miguel Albertus Béjar
There are many animals , and there are many types of animals , for example of water , fish , sharks whales ... Of air , for example birds , and of land , for example lions , cats ... there are many dangerous animals , they can kill you , for example bears , sharks ..., and there are some domestic animals , like dogs , they help us a lot of , my favourite animal is the shark .
ResponderEliminarAnimal can also eat meat , grass , fruits , leaves ... but they all drink water , the animals are fantastic creatures .
There are many types of animals in the world, some live in water, others on land, and some in the air.
ResponderEliminarMany people say that animals are very stupid that they don't know how to do anything. Some animals are very smart like the dolphin and the monkey and the dolphin.The last is capable of obeying and doing things that humans say. Others are very fast like the cheetah this is capable of running at 110 km per hour, but my favourite is the turtle has many special things some are huge and people say they are from the time of the dinosaurs. Some can live up to 225 years these are very hard they have a very resistant shell a fact curious about these animals is that these animals do not have ears but they can hear and they cannot put their head in the Shell.
José Carlos Escribano Pulido 2 ESO A
The artificial inteligence can be a friend with the humans because the robots with artificial intelligence can help us in clean the house, they can cook the food, take care of kids, protect our house while we are out or they can be soldiers robots.
ResponderEliminarBut the robots and the computers with artificial intelligence can be very dangerous because they can think only and they can think as a human and can think in they are on the humans.
Ruben Sabio Prados 2º ESO A
Some animals have a very developed brain. They can sometimes be even more intelligent than humans and they can also do things and solve problems faster and smarter than some people can. Different experiments have been done to different types of animals to see their behavior and some the results surprised the scientists.
ResponderEliminarFor example, many studies have been done to monkeys to see their different reactions and to see if they’re able to solve the problem. The results not only showed the monkey’s intelligence, but the way he solved the problem and the tools he used to get what he wanted. Other animals like crows or rats have been exposed more than once to similar experiments to test their intelligence. These animals are also very clever and I’m sure that their way of solving the problems given will surprise you.
When you look around in nature, you can see hundreds of different species. Each of these species have their own way of solving their problems and to communicate. For example, dolphins communicate using a special type of sound to communicate by telepathy. Other example of a very intelligent animal is a very common one and it often appears on child stories; the wolf is a very sneaky animal and he knows the perfect time to attack. For example, he knows when the sheep are alone to kill them and eat it after.
To sum up, I think that we’re not the only clever specie in the world and I think it’s a real shame that very clever species like mice or monkeys are used as lab tests. They are very clever animals too and they can also solve problems better than some humans could.
Álvaro Martín Moliz 2º BACH
ResponderEliminarIn the world there are many types of animals, some are aquatic, others are terrestrial and others can fly. According to their diet, some are carnivores, herbivores, omnivores, there are also scavengers.
On the other hand, those who live in freedom are wild and those who live together with people are domestic.
Personally, I love animals, no matter what qualities they have and I respect nature, and I am against animal abuse. I do not understand that there are people who can harm them, with the love they give us.
I have a dog as a pet and at home we treat it as if it were one more.
My favourite animal is the dog.
Antonio González Lozano 4ºA
In the planet there are a lot of types of animals.
ResponderEliminarTheir diet can be carnivorous, herbivorous and omnivorous.
They can be aquatic and terrestrial.
I like all animals, but my favorite animal is fish because I have one.
The elephant is a mammalian animal, exclusively herbivorous, they eat roots, grass, fruit and bark in large quantities. It is the largest mammal on earth, it can weigh up to 8 tons and is 3 meters high by 7 meters long. It has large fan-shaped ears and a long trunk that is used to drink water, pick up objects, make sounds, reach high places and greet each other.
ResponderEliminarElephants usually live around 70 years and their gestation period is the longest of all animals: 22 months. As soon as they are born they already weigh more than 100kg.
Because of their large size they also have a very large brain, which is why they are very intelligent animals.
It is a very endangered species since man uses them for the value of the ivory of their fangs.
I think we have to fight against animal trafficking: the elephant is very important in the ecosystem, because of its way of life. They create paths by eating fruit, their defecation acts as fertilizer, they promote the growth of large trees, etc...
Francisco José Prados Espinosa 4ºA
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ResponderEliminarAnimals are awsome! They are so interesting because there are a lot of types.There are small animals, for example ants; and there are big animals like elephants. There are animals that live in the sea, for example fishs, dolphings... And others that live on land, for example lions, dogs...
ResponderEliminarIn my opinion, animals make us happy . My fauvorite animal is the dog, because it is always happy.
Iris Lozano López 3ºA (corregido)