Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.

by Bruce Lee

domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2018

Chickens on the run

Chickens have always been presented as dull animals, but IS IT REALLY TRUE? What does the expression 'chicken on the run' mean?

Let's begin by reminding you of the famous film CHICKEN RUN. Did you see the film?

This film was based on another great film called THE GREAT ESCAPE, which is starred, among other famous actors, by Steve McQueen. Here's the official trailer of the film....

... and this film was based on a true story that happened during the Second World War (The Making Of The Great Escape. Part 1 of 4). Here is also an interesting documentary to watch:



Great Escape: The Untold Story (WW2 POW Documentary) | Timeline



However, going back to chicken, here's an interesting listening exercise to do: What can chickens teach us about organisation? (6 Minute English, BBC Learning English)



Organizations are often run according to "the superchicken model," where the value is placed on star employees who outperform others. You can watch this fascinating TED talk by Margaret Heffernan: "Forget the pecking order at work". By the way, what does 'pecking order' mean?



Here's another listening exercise to do: High-vis fashion (6 Minute English, BBC Learning English)

English in a Minute  >>>>   Prevent vs Avoid (BBC Learning English)


  • Episode 181107 / 07 November 2018    >>>  Train of the future -  Language related to 'power'.  Need-to-know language: diesel, electrification, hydrogen, coal  & battery-powered.

15 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    1. The pecking order is a way to organize at work.

      Work in the pecking order is the owner of the company, the head of the workers and workers.

      I think that workers are the most important, if they do not do their job, there is no production and the company does not work.

      The pecking order humans have used for many years like chickens and other animals.

      In high school the pecking order is the director, the head teacher and teachers.

      In my house the pecking order is my mother and then my brother and me.

      Susana P. Bosch
      3ºESO Grupo B

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


  4. Chicken run is a great film. I saw it lots of years ago. I love that kind of films, where everything is made of that kind of clay. I used to watch this kind of films when I was a child, specially Wallace and Gromit.

    'Chickens on the run' means 'pollos a la fuga'. The film is about a lady who is only interested in money. She is basically a woman you would never marry because she's a gold-digger.

    I think that chickens are very important and without them we wouldn't have much of the food we usually eat now like eggs or chicken with chips! Mmm... So delicious.

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


  6. "Chickens on the run" means "pollos a la fuga ", I liked it a lot and I had a lot of fun, last year it was seen again and it gave me a bit of pity because the film is about a woman who was only interested in money and that it is the same as a man to meet the interests of a farm and then put in a can and sell it to people to eat. I think that poles and chickens are not boring and without them we would not eat many things that we eat, such as eggs, meat ... But neither should we abuse because the day they disappear we will not eat any of that again.


  7. Hierarchy is a way of organising people at different levels . But is this necessary ? I think that in a Company of workers there are no good workers and bad workers , there are better and worse . There isn´t “ superchiken model “. For that I don´t think that it´s necessary to make a difference between them .

    When workers compete each other wanting to do the work alone to be better , the work goes wrong , so the key is in the social connection to each other. If you put your ideas in common in groups the ideas are better and more flowing .

    I think that the connection between workers is essential to do a better work.

  8. I saw chicken in the run not long ago with my little cousin and I think it is a great film. I love these films because I saw then when I was a little child.
    In my opinion chickens are the most important animal in the world because we have a lot of food from them and all of this food is delicious
    I think that the expression chicken on the run means that a group or people who they want to run away, in this case it would be a concentration camp.

  9. Hierarchy is a way of organising people at different levels . But is this necessary ? I think that in a Company of workers there are no good workers and bad workers , there are better and worse . There isn´t a “ superchiken model “. For that I don´t think that it´s necessary to make a difference between them .

    When workers compete between each other wanting to do the work alone to be better , the work goes wrong , so the key is to work as a team. If you put your ideas in common in groups the ideas are better and more flowing .

    I think that the connection between workers is essential to do a better work.


  10. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


  11. I saw this movie a little while ago with my sister, but I did not like it too much.
    In my opinion, chickens are animals that give us eggs, roast chicken etc ...
    this movie I did not like because the expression of chicken in the race is this movie people run from certain death.

  12. When I was little , I watched Chicken Run on some occasions. I remember that the film is about some chickens in a farm and that they were going to be killed to make canned chicken but they could escape. Today I learned that the film wanted to tell a real story in which some prisioners English, American... in the Second World War were in a Nazi camp where like the chickens were going to be killed after trying to escape.

    I think the excessive consumption of fried chicken produces obesity among humans beings, especially in the United States. We should take less meat and more fruit and vegetables for our health and we need to do more exercise,too.

  13. The Chickens can know 100 diferents faces , Chickens suck at their eggs and can even empathise with their companions . Chickens are the clossest live descendant to Tyrannosaurus Rex , the most older chicken lived 17 years old .

    Its eyes can see only this colours purple , blue light , green , yellow , orange and red and with its eyes have a field of vision 280º-360º.

    They can even lay coloured eggs depending on their breed , also depending on their diet or the conditions in which they live they can lay theirs eggs worse of better in nutrients , that´s why eggs are a different from 0 which are a the best in nutrients to 3 which are a the worst .
    Farm chickens get fat much faster than a wild one so we can eat in sooner but it´s better for our body to eat the wild one is a already more natural , since the farm chicken is in stressful conditions and they only eat feed with additives to get fat.

    Roberto Prados González 4ºA

  14. Hints to find out my favourite film.
    First clue, the character who starts this film is Seong Gi-hun.
    Second clue, the film takes part in South Korea.
    Third clue, one more character who apears on this film is Hwang In-ho.
    Fourth clue, the characters have to play many children's games, like the gonngi.
    Last clue, it is a series with 7 chapters.

    Leo Gomez 3ºB
