Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.

by Bruce Lee

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2018

Dumbphones and plastic

What do you mean by 'dumbphone? Is it a phone for dummies? What does a 'dummy' mean? What is the opposite of 'dumb'? These are all questions that can be answered by having a look at this:


The English We Speak: Dumbphone (6 Minute English, BBC Learning English)


What kind of mobile phone have you got? In the previous listening exercise there are certain expressions you should look up. can you tell me the meaning of them?

"I was getting addicted to my smartphone"  _____________________________

"I couldn't stop checking" _____________________________

"I got rid of it" _________________________

"There is no temptation to stare at this dumbphone in bed"  ______________________

"I'm sick of being bullied by my smartphone."  _______________________

"I could swap my computer for my typewriter."  _____________________________


And now changing topics, .....

Here's a listening exercise to do: Curbing our plastic addiction (6 Minute English, BBC Learning English)


Related article you can read about the issue:

Plastic-eating enzyme could help fight pollution, scientists say (CBC)

And do you remember the difference between these two words:

English in a Minute: Been vs Gone (6 Minute English, BBC Learning English)


SOLUTION to an exercise in the previous post.
Answer these questions:   How do you call... ?

1 a strange-looking man    2 a young fair-haired girl      3 a badly-dressed lady       4 some well-made furniture

33 comentarios:


    Plastic is one of the most abundant materials on the planet. Nowadays, plastic is used for almost everything and we are contaminating much more than before.
    A couple of years ago shops started to charge the supermarket bags, because if you pay for them you do not waste them so easily , these bags end up in rivers, seas, oceans, forests and mountains and the animals eat them and die, because the plastic takes a long time to decompose, in the seas the fish get trapped in them and die ..

    If we do not stop using so much plastic we will destroy our planet and the animals that live in it, we need to make a change and we need to do it fast

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    1. xXDANIEL_17592Xx17 de noviembre de 2018, 17:14
      What do you mean by 'dumbphone?
      I think a dumbphone is a way to call the old phones with keyboard and without internet or apps.

      Is it a phone for dummies? What does a 'dummy' mean?
      It isn't a phone for dummies because a dummy is a stupid or an idiot person

      What is the opposite of 'dumb'?
      The meaning of "dumb" is silly so the opposite of dumb is smart

      Daniel del Pozo Quesada 3º ESO B

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  6. With the mean of 'dumbphones', I think that is a kind to call them 'old phones' or 'phone with keys'.
    These phones is not for dummies, but when the technology started were very useful for comunication.
    You use the mean of dummy to call another person, gently, stupid or idiot. Just like:
    - Dude, you are very dummy hahaha.
    And 16 years later aprox. appeared 'the smartphones' or 'inteligents phones'. This is the opposite
    of dummy, inteligent. How do you call...?
    1. A strange. 2. A blond girl. 3. A naff (Una hortera). 4. Furniture 4K.

  7. Nowadays, you can do everything with a smarthphone, from sending text messages to buying things. But smartphones can also distract us a lot. Dumbphones are a possible solution to this problem. A dumbphone is a phone who can only call and send text messages. A dumbphone hasn't internet connection or games, so you can't get distracted! You call it dumbphone because it's a phone who can't do many things, so it's the opposite of smartphone.

    And now changing topics, plastic is a very common material, it's easy to produce it, but it takes many years to descompose itself. If we don't recycle plastics, they can end up in the ocean, and animals can become entangled or ingest it, so they die. The first plasticas are more than 100 years old, so they atill are in decomposition! I think we should recycle plastic and help the enviroment!

  8. Nnowadays, almost all the things that surround us contain plastic, and this can be a problem.

    Plastic is a type of material that are very present in our life, and it is ery difficult to eliminate on Earth. This material contaminate and it is a problem for our health because this sometimes can produce a lot of diferent illness like cancer, because it has additives very dangerous. For example in the children`s toys or in the plastic bottles.

    This enzyme can be very interesting for destroy part of the plastic that are in our planet. I think that this is a very good idea because the enzyme can eliminate it easily. Also, is a process that is not very expensive as scientest only have to do a little change in its structure because initially it had a good effect on the plastic.

    Ana Muñoz Álvarez 4ºA

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    1. Dumbphone is an old phone without Internet connection, although it is something of the past, some older people use them.

      They are simple phones, easier to use than smartphones and less addictive.

      The Dumbphone is made of plastic, another big problem for society.

      I think that paying for plastic bags is not a solution, because with them some people earn a lot of money.

      Why is it believed that paying plastic bags is less polluting?

      The solution to the plastic, besides the invention of the enzymes, is to throw the plastic where it can be recycled and not on the street.

      Another solution to the problem of plastic is to replace it with another less polluting material.

      Susana P. Bosch
      3ºESO Grupo B

  11. Plastic is now a big problem because all of us use it lot . Plastic bottles , wrappers and even children´s plastic toys. The problem with this kind of material is that it can take a lot of time to disappear from the earth . Moreover some people throw away plastic into the water and this can cause the death of fishes and other marine animals .

    Now scientists from USA and Britain have discovered an enzyme that can digest the plastic in an easy and fast way . This could in future help fight against pollution.

    In my opinion I find it very curious how a simple enzyme can make the plastic disappear and help the earth to be clean and unpolluted .

  12. Nowadays, almost all the things that surround us contain plastic, and this can be a problem.

    Plastic is a type of material that are very present in our life, and it is ery difficult to eliminate on Earth. This material contaminate and it is a problem for our health because this sometimes can produce a lot of diferent illness like cancer, because it has additives very dangerous. For example in the children`s toys or in the plastic bottles.

    This enzyme can be very interesting for destroy part of the plastic that are in our planet. I think that this is a very good idea because the enzyme can eliminate it easily. Also, is a process that is not very expensive as scientest only have to do a little change in its structure because initially it had a good effect on the plastic.

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  14. A dumbphone is a simple, old-fashioned style mobile phone which can only make calls and send text messages. A dumbphone is a lot cheaper than a smartphone and its battery can last for weeks.

    Dumbphones are mostly used by old people because they find smartphones very complicated to use.

    I prefer smartphones because I enjoy surfing the Internet or using social media such as Instagram, Whtasapp or Facebook.

    About plastics, I think nowadays there is a serious problem about the use and the decay of the plastic. We are addicted to plastic, we use it in every part of our lives. The problem is that most of it is not biodegradable and it lasts for hundreds of years. Plastics are a real threaten for plants, wildlife, particularly marine animals and even humans.

    I think that reducing the use of plastic bags, water bottles, straws or cups is the easiest way to start reducing plastic pollution. Then, we should recycle plastics properly throwing all kind of plastics into the yellow trash bin and reuse plastic items as much as possible if we want to reduce the amount of ¨new¨plastic in circulation.

  15. Nowadays, technology has advanced a lot and we spend a lot of time on the internet. Most people have very advanced and expensive phones. But, what about dumbohones? Is it a phone for dummies?

    The answer is no, it isn’t a phone for stupid people, is just a phone very simple, wich ones you only can make phone calls and write text. On the one hand, a dumbphone is great because it helps you to focus on what is really important. On the other hand, a dumbphone isn’t useful enough for today. And you can’t do many things with it.
    In my opinion, i prefer actually mobile phones because i can search information on the internet and take photos among other things.

    And now changing topics, plastic is one of the most abundant materials on the planet and it is destroyed very slowly, so this is a big problem. If we think about it, we realize that we can’t live without plastic because it is everywhere.
    From my point of view, everybody should help with this, if we change some little things, like using paper bags, we can help to the planet a lot.

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  17. Nowadays, everyone has a smartphone, a laptop or other thing that you can use to connect to the Internet. Phones are new inventions, fifty years ago, many people didn´t have a phone, and many other others had a landline. The telephones they had aren´t like the telephones we have today, they weren´t tactile, so they had a keyboard and you could only call or send a text, they didn´t have internet or other apps, they were the called dummbphones.
    Most of phones are made of plastics, a material that comes from petrol and has a lot of uses. Everyday, you use a lot of things made of plastic, like bags, glasses, etc. I´ts really a useful material, but it has a problem, it is destroying the planet. There are plastics everywhere, in oceans, in forests, in cities... If we don´t recycle them, we are going to destroy the planet, and with it, the humankind.

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  19. Today there are smartphones everywhere, in the ads in TV, in school, and everyone have one. Smartphones had evolved a lot, before the Internet was created, there were a type of pone that only could call and send text called dumbphone, and some people still have one. This phones are made of plastic, and it is a very special material, because it has a lot of uses and it´s very useful, but it has a big problema, it pollutes a lot, and if we don´t find an alternative, we are going to fill the planet with rubbish

  20. About mobile phones I think that today's are better because you can do more things in them than with the old ones it would be impossible to make them.
    And about plastics I think it's a problem for the world because some do not break down and others take a long time, using so much plastics is not good because it is polluting for plants, animals and humans

  21. Nowadays, the most abundant material that surrounds us is plastic because we use it a lot like bottles, wrappings and even toys for children. The manufacture of this material is causing many problems.

    One of the biggest problems caused by plastic is the contamination because this material takes a long time to disappear from the earth.
    Recently, scientists from Great Britain and the United States have discovered an enzyme that can digest plastic easily and quickly.

    I think that the enzyme is very interesting and that it can help us fight against pollution in the future. Due to this material affects us in health because it can cause diseases such as cancer.

    Desiree Rodríguez Arias 4ºA

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  23. In my opinion, some of the old phones did not have anything compared to now that has more things and those before were larger and is very different from new smart phones because the phones now gives us many of the things we need with day to day, if we use the mobile calculators we should not have to make calculators we would save more oil and we would not pollute so much, as with the ensiclopedias if we do not use them and we use more the internet, we would not have to make so many books.
    The word mannequin is a synonym of the word fool and the opposite of mannequin is intelligent.
    All the phones or objects that we use in our day are made of plastic that is a very polluting material and for that reason we are destroying our planet

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  26. In my opinion a dumbphone is an old phone that has a keyboard and it is very different from the new smartphones because dumbphones don't have internet or other apps and with a new amartphone you can do everything you need.
    The word dummy is a synonym of the word silly and the opposite of dummy is smart.
    All the phones are made of plastic as everything you use everyday and it is a huge problem because plastic is very pollutant for the environment and we are destroying the planet with these things

  27. Nowadays, everyone has a smartphone since now it is a new technology.

    With a smartphone we not only call and write messages like with all phones, but also you can play, you can connect to the internet, search for information etc.

    Nowadays it is also very important to the topic of plastic.

    The plastic is used almost for everything. A plastic takes a long time to decompose and instead of recycling it most go to the ocean, where it expands. As a consequence, many animals can die.

    So recycle. Recycle for your health.

    Gabriela Daiana Creta 4°A

  28. Today we have in our homes some technological devices that have internet.
    We all use smartphones either to send messages or to look for information or to enter public places
    or to play ... these things are just a distraction to do our things such as: doing homework, doing sports etc.
    The dumbphones are very silly phones and less developed than the smartphones because you can only call and send voice messages. With these mobiles you cannot connect to the internet, you cannot play either.

    Plastic is a material widely used by all people and has to be recycled as it can cause a lot of damage to the environment.
    Plastic is formed from a very limited resource such as oil and it takes hundreds of years to degrade.

  29. Today, with a smartphone, you can do everything, from buying food to sending text messages. They distrate us from what we are doing and make us look at them constantly. But, with a Dumbphone, this changes. With Dumbphones you can only make calls and send ordinary text messages. These phones haven't got wifi or any other phone. This helps us to concentrate better and help us with the problems that generate the smatphones like addictions. A Dumbphone is a very simple phone, especially good for old people.

    And now, I'm going to talk about plastic. Plastic is the usual material for production. This causes pollution, in the water, in the floor, in the soil, everywhere. Eventually it can end up in our food provoking health problems. In the latest years scientists are trying to make it disappear faster. This would be fantastic for the environment.

  30. The smartphones are very important for our everyday life, but they have advantages and drawbacks, but if you know use them well are very good.

    There are a lot of adavantages for insteance, you can communicate with other people, take photos, play games, search information, listen to music, reading books, and many more things. But there are also some drawbacks, it can hurts your eyes, neck, shoulders and back, it harbors thousands of bacteria, and many more things.

    Martín Toledo López 3ºB

  31. Smartphones are something that we use daily, but they cause many problems in the society only if you use it for bad things, like cyberbulling.

    People usually use them to comunicate with friends, parents..., and this is an advantage for us because imagine if you have a problem with your car, you just call a mechanic with your phone or talk with your parents asking for help. But phones have lots of disadvantages, like people using them for cyberbulling, or they stay lots of hours looking at the phone on aplications like Tik Tok, or Instagram. I used to have this problem about using it too much, but not any more, the thing I just did is just put it far from me for no distractions.

    Leo Gómez 3ºB
