Mating, flirting... love, but beware of sexual harassment. Spring and St Valentine's Day are nearer and nearer and nature knows that!!!
Here are some articles to read about the issue:
Flirtation or sexual harassment? Here's how to tell the difference (The Guardian)
The science of flirting (BBC Science)
How to flirt: lessons for women (The Guardian)
Is flirting cheating? (The Independent)

Have a look at the bird seduction techniques >>>>
And what about cranes in Japan?? Isn't their dance incredible?
Whales and their songs, another issue worth analysing >>>
- Episode 190206 / 06 February 2019 >>> The changing sound of whale song - Language related to 'singing and songwriting'. Need-to-know language: tunes, singing from the same shong sheet, embellishments, start from scratch & musical repertoire.
Episode 2: Adverbs of frequency in our series of BBC Learning English: The Grammar Gameshow, where you can test your knowledge of grammar.
Here's some advice to new teachers >>>
Lucy tells us about Top 10 mispronounced English words.
John McEnroe, The Commissioner of Tennis, keeps talking about tennis
McEnroe: Why Roger Federer is mad at me! | The Commissioner of Tennis | Australian Open 2019
WHAT is used in exclamatory sentences when it is followed by a NOUN or a NOUN PHRASE. It works exactly the same as SUCH.
What an (easy) exam we had at the Official Language School in Motril! >>> We had such an (easy) exam....
What (good) basketball players we have in Spain! >>> We have such (good) basketball players in Spain.
What (good) wine they make in Itrabo! >>> They make such (good) wine in Itrabo.
HOW is used in exclamatory sentences when it is followed by an ADJECTIVE or an ADVERB. It works exactly the same as SO.
How carefully Fernando Alonso drives when it rains! >>>> Fernando Alonso drives so carefully when it rains.
Remember you can also use SO with NOUNS when talking about quantity. In that case you will need MUCH & MANY depending on the noun.
Some sentences to translate into English:
1. ¡Qué bien canta mi primo!
2. ¡Qué canción tan bonita él canto en la fiesta!
3. ¡Qué ejercicio!
4. ¡Qué ejercicio tan fácil estamos haciendo!
5. ¡Qué frío hace en Ítrabo!
6. ¡Qué buen queso hacen en Holanda!
7. ¡Qué buenos futbolistas hay en Holanda!
the exclamatory sentences and then fill in the gaps with SO & SUCH+articles
if needed.
1. ___________ unreliable McLaren is! Yes, but Alonso drove ……….… carelessly that he crashed it.
2. __________ tasty ham they have in Trevelez! They have …………. good conditions there.
3. _____________ funny this film is! Well, the actors aren’t ………… funny.
4. _____________ fast Usain Bolt runs! He is ………… fast runner.
Finally, have a look at this post in my blog Neither trekking nor just climbing... it is actually running in the Alps!!!! , where you can find a link to a page where there are loads of exercises about this issue.
Valentine’s day is just a day to celebrate love but people forget that on the other days when the loved one actually needs us that is the time we should celebrate love and so the concern.
ResponderEliminarBut today’s generation people just celebrate it to show off. There is no actual love showcasing mend behind it. It was meant to be the day of lovers to express and open up to their loved ones!
So Valentine is be open, love your loved one and be loved too!
Celebrate it for expressing your thoughts and not just fake it.
Be there for them in need in all walks of life!
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarNowadays, we see lots of sexual harrasment cases on the news. Women are being screamed at, pursued, groped, licked, touched, appraised, scared and frustrated by street harassers. There are lots of harrasments in the workplace, too.
ResponderEliminarPeople who are flirting should be very carreful with their words and acts to the other person. The difference between sexual harassment and flirting is really fairly clear. If you want to meet someone, you have to flirt but you must do it in the right environment and being always friendly and respectful. Sending a flirty text message, a hand resting on the knee, or telling a person that you feel attracted are some examples of flirting always when it comes from the right person at the right time. Sexual harrasment is when a man goes too far - whether through what he says or what he does - when a woman clearly doesn't want it.
In my opinion, the reason of sexual harrasment is because young people have access to porn, or because of the music videos they watch where the vocabulary and the dance are very sexual, also because they send a lot of sexual images with their mobile phones,etc. Children at school should be more informed about the difference between flirting and sexual harrasment!
ResponderEliminarSexual harassment can be defined as sexual innuendos, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical contacts of a sexual nature that are unwanted or unwanted that create an offensive environment.
It is important to note that sexual harassment is not the same as a flirt or a mutually agreed upon relationship. It is an action that is not desired, that offends and anguish, and can, in some situations, be physically and emotionally dangerous. The victim may feel intimidated, uncomfortable, embarrassed or threatened.
In my opinion, the reason of sexual harrasment is because young people have access to porn, music with male chauvinist vocabulary, children should know the difference between dating and sexual harassment.
Today there are many cases of sexual harassment both at work and at school and on the street. Do you think the situation will improve with regard to harassment or will it continue as it is?
ResponderEliminarIt is true that the people who receive the most harassment are women, but there are also many men who receive them and justice does not act in the same way. The main problem with harassment is that two people start talking to get to know each other and there comes a time when one of the two people does not want to continue knowing the other person and that is where the real problem begins, since the rejected person takes it very bad so he begins to threaten the other person and the other falls into his game out of fear.
In my opinion, justice should punish bullies more harshly and should apply it in the same way for men as for women and for that, bullies tell them that before doing things like the ones they do, they will think what would happen if they did. who make them are to their family members to have how they would sit. I also think that in schools they should give more talks about bullying and the consequences it brings.
Valentine´s day is a special day in 14th of February. You also celebrate it with your girlfriend or your boyfriend. There are a lot of people without girlfriend or boyfriend but they also celebrate it with the family or friends, but there are some people sad because they haven´t got any girlfriend or boyfriend and they celebrate this day with no energy.
ResponderEliminarThere isn´t any reasons to do not celebrate Valentine´s day, you must be happy in this day because this is a day about happy, soo by happy because any problems can beat you.
Leo Gómez 2ESO-B