May is coming to an end, and so is our school year. First, I would like you to read previous posts in this blog related with the label: advice , and then give some advice to the students that will follow your steps. Try to be sincere and, using appropriate advice structures, tell them what they should do. Include the level you are referring to at the beginning of your comment.
Exercises on Reported Speech:
A. Transform these sentences into Reported Speech.
1. "I can't stop laughing", the student to the teacher.

2. "They're laughing at me now", said Mary.
3. "I can't afford to buy your car", Albert to Fernando Alonso.
4. "FC Barcelona will win the King's Cup tomorrow", said Messi in the press conference.
5. "We don't like this exercise", said the students.
6. "I'm afraid of spiders", said my mum.
B. Fill in the gaps with 'said' or 'told' and then transform these sentences into Direct Speech.
1. They ....... that they couldn't find a cash machine in that city.
2. Mary ........ them that the fish tasted awful.
3. Fernando Alonso ........ Albert that he was saving for a new car then.
4. My parents ..... my aunt that they wanted to borrow her house in the mountains.
5. Nadal ......... that his elbow was very painful.
6. She ...... me that her coat was made of leather.
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ResponderEliminar4th ESO is a really important course because when you finish this year, you have to decide whether to do baccalaureate, a degree or work. If you choose to do baccalaureate, you have to have a good level in 4th ESO but, is it as difficult as it seems?
ResponderEliminarOn the one hand, honestly, yes, 4th is harder than 3rd. The topics are a little more complicated and there are many homework and projects. At the end of each trimester you can be a bit extressed because there is a lot of subject matter, not only English, there are also other subjects so you do not have much free time. You should make a timetable where you´ll organise your time during the week, these could help you a lot! Besides, you have to study every day and make your exercises is really important too!
On the other hand, if you organize your time well from the beginning, everything will be easier. For example, I recommend you to make during summer 10 of the 25 blog comments, you will be much more relaxed throughout the course! In addition, you should read at least one of the reading books before the course starts; this way, you will get a very good mark in the reading test.
All in all, 4th may seem difficult, but if you take your homework to the day it will be very easy! in my opinion people who are going to move to 4th should not worry, this is a decisive course but if you study you will not have any problem.
This year I am studying 3ºESO, last year I was in 2nd grade, it was not a very difficult course but when I was finishing in the course. difficult because it is always the previous year but a little more difficult, yes 3º is not equal to 2º, in 3º they demand more. I think it is also if you study or not, because if you do not study then it is normal for my mother to always he says "all the effort has its reward". Because if you study during the course in the summer you will go to all sides and do everything you want, but of course during the course you do not do anything in the summer. You should always Do the homework because apart from the exams the work also counts and if you never bring it the note will lower it and apart from the attitude you have, it will not be the same for people who behave well to a person who always bothers in class. that you should not do is when you do an exam copy of your partner or make papers with the answers because if the teacher catches you you can suspend and you will have to recover in the summer. My advice is to make an effort during those 9 months and then in summer you have a great time.
ResponderEliminarThis year I have studied 3 º ESO and compared to last year I studied 2 º That is more difficult since the teachers give the material faster is more damaged and with new and more difficult things. We are already at the end of this school year and it is three weeks before I have the final exams that decide my grades for this year and I have next week every day and I have to study hard if I want to get good grades since thirteen of the ESO is funmental in my opinion.
ResponderEliminarYou already have to start taking very important decisions of your life that will affect you with the things that you have to study as a major and you have to start to know what you are going to do in the future.
I do not know what I'm going to study in the future, I still do not see it clearly, but I want to get some high marks and I'm guided by what I like and I'm good at maths. That is why I have decided to do the 4th of Science and the Science Baccalaureate and I hope that later I will discover what I want to do with my life and what I want to work on.
At the beginning of the course, everyone always starts with fear because they think it will be more difficult than the previous year, but if you study, you realize that there is nothing difficult or impossible that everything is a matter of striving to make it as easy as last year.
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ResponderEliminarMy advice for new students are several.
ResponderEliminarTo be successful in 3rd ESO, the most important thing is from the first day to do the tasks and dedicate time daily.
The organization of this subject is fundamental, the folders of the notebook must be ordered, as well as make the comments of Alberto's blog and his writings.
Alberto is a very demanding teacher, but the result at the end of the course is very good.
It is not a difficult subject, you must organize and dedicate time daily.
You must read a book per quarter, do your activities and an examination of each book, so it is necessary to read the book at the beginning of the trismetre and not leave until the end.
The exams should be prepared daily, Alberto's blog is very important to have a routine and understand the subject.
The activities that he sends us in the blogs train us for success.
3rd of ESO is not harder than 2nd of ESO, it only requires more perseverance, and you should try a little harder, if you take the subject every day it does not have to be more difficult.
The best thing for me in 3rd year of ESO has been to go to YORK with the language insertion program, I have practiced English and I have enjoyed a new experience. You have to go !!!
To finish just say that constancy is the key.
Susana P. Bosch
3º ESO Grupo B
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ResponderEliminarLast year, I was in 2ºESO, and I thought that 3ºESO was going to be harder. Now that I´m here, in 3ºESO, I have noticed that not really. This can happen to 2ºESO student,too, so I´m going to tell them how I´ve spent the year and some tips to make the way easier.
ResponderEliminarFirst you have to know that 3ºESO isn´t harder than 2ºESO, it is more demanding. Obviously, you are going to study more things, and you´ll have more texts to study, but most of the things you have to study you already know because you have studied them last year. Other things are completely new, but you don´t have to worry, because these are a few things, and probably if you work hard, you´ll adapt and learn them soon. Finally subjects and teachers are practically the same, so you already know what the teacher is like and what you are going to study.
Talking about adverts, I can´t tell you many things, but I can say that you should always do your homework, because if one time you don´t have too much time to study, you will have an idea of what the unit is about, because you have done the exercises. Obviously they affect the final marks too, so if you can improve your marks doing them, Why don´t you do them? Another piece of advice is that you can try other ways to study, this year I have studied doing summaries of all the units, so I can study easier. If you don´t like this way, you can try others like doing outlines of the units. Finally I want to tell you that you shouldn´t worry about the difficulty, because if you didn´t have got any problems in 2ºESO, you won´t probably have them here either, so don´t worry and enjoy the summer, because next year, you´re going to work a bit harder.
I´m about to finish 4ºESO this year and I must say that I found it a bit difficult to get used to Alberto´s teaching system, because I had another English teacher in the past three years. But is
ResponderEliminarAlberto´s system that difficult?
First of all, I want to make clear that English is a very nice language and it will help you a lot in the future if you want to go to the university or search for a job. To be good at English you have to like it and study it everyday! Besides, the more you study, the better marks you will get!
Secondly, in order to pass English with Alberto you must follow his pieces of advice from the begining of the year until the end of the 3rd term. If I were you, I would follow his pieces of advice! He will ask you to prepare a folder with different sections: one for maps of UK and USA, one for the writing exercises you will have to do during the year, one for homework and blog exercises, and one for the exams. You must hand in the folder the next day after each exam. The folder helps you to keep everything tidy and you can always revise it before the exams. Be careful, because Alberto never says the exact date of the exams!!! Another thing you should take into consideration is that you should do all the writing exercises during each term and make comments on your teacher´s blog, correct them and then upload them on your blog. In both 1st and 2nd term you must make 10 comments and in the 3rd one, 5 quality comments. All this will increase your mark at the end of each term! In addition to all that, you´ll be doing projects and controls about the readers, so you´d better make time to read every book that the teacher tells you. Other important pieces of advice I can give you are: do your homework everyday to keep up with the class, always participate in class, do the reader sheets every term, keep your notebook tidy and clean, with all the pages numbered. If you do all that, it will increase your final term mark.
In the end, learning English with Alberto wasn´t that difficult! I got used to his teaching system and I always followed his instructions! Listen to me, do everything that your teacher asks you and you will pass English! Otherwise, you will have to study during the summer and you won´t enjoy your vacation at all!
To sum up, English is not so difficult to pass.
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ResponderEliminarI have just finished 4 ESO, and although it turned out to be a little more difficult in the beginning, it has not been impossible to achieve the goals set. With a new teacher, after 3 years, everything changed. For example, the exams, an important part of the subjects.
ResponderEliminarSo for those students who are going to do 4º ESO I will give them a piece of advice, because it is easy to pass if you do your work every day.
First of all, it is important to know what you are doing, I mean, you should understand the topic which you are working with. If you dont understand something, you must ask the teacher about it. Another thing is that you should organize your folder and your time well to do your homework and study. And try to revise vocabulary and obviusly grammar
You can start doing the comments and the first reading during the summer, because you are going to have more time during the first term.
Other thing, are the listening exercise. I recommend you to do some listenings during the week, because it is an important thing in languages.
I hope your next school year will be fantastic
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ResponderEliminarFor me this year has been the most difficult and the average mark I used to get has dropped. But after finishing the school year I think that with a good organization you can get very good grades.
ResponderEliminarOn the one hand, the first and most important piece of advice is that you do your homework daily. If you do this, it will help you revise what you have seen in class. In addition, teachers raise your grade doing homework and having a good behavior. Another good tip is to study a little every day and not leave everything for a moment closer to the exam. Also, it is very important to pay attention in class, ask questions and show interest in the subject.
On the other hand, I think that the school year has been more difficult because we have changed our English teacher after three years with another. Therefore, we had to get used to the homework he made us do, his exams …
If your teacher is Alberto, you should do at least 10 comments and the first reading during the summer. In addition, you should hand in all the writing exercises which he proposes and you should do it at the right time. Besides, if you do the listening exercises, you will learn the language better. Another very important piece of advice to learn any language is to revise vocabulary and grammar daily.
To sum up, the best advice is that you never leave everything for the last moment.
Desirée Rodríguez Arias
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ResponderEliminarNow that I have finished 4ºESO I can say my personal opinion.
ResponderEliminarWhen I started 4ºESO everyone said that it was very difficult and you had to study a lot, yes, you have to study and do projects but organising your time you can get good marks in the final term.
I'm going to give you some pieces f advice to pass English in 4ºESO with Albert, the most important thing is to study every day because it is easier and in the exam you don't forget vocabulary and in the writing exam you have more options. Anothe good tip is to write all the comments, in the first and second term you have to do 10 comments and in the third term 5 quality comments, that means they have to be longer and with more vocabulary because they have a mark. Another important aspect is the folder, where you should put a cover page,then the maps of UK and USA, the writing exercises done during the school year, the dictations and the book activities.
Everyone should hand in the writing exercises in time, Moreover is really important do the projects about the book because if you don't have good mark in the exam the mark goes up. To end you have to do the exercises at home and participate in class.
Another piece of advice is to write the comments during the summer time and so you don't have to do them during the school year.
From my point of view, 4º ESO is easy if you study every day and don't leave everything for the last minute and do all the activities that Albert sets for home
This year it is more difficult for me to get the grades that I used to get, since there is more material, the exams are no longer on a subject, as we were used to, now the subject accumulates. You have to put more effort, keep everything up to date and have a good organization since it is one of the most important courses.
ResponderEliminarOn the one hand, the most important thing is to keep the tasks up to date, which will help you, to review. It is not a good idea to study days before since sometimes you may not have time and you will stay studying until late, which is a failure, since for an exam you have to rest well. It is stupid to copy the exercises of the partner since it does not benefit you and the exam may ask you something similar, but when you copy it you do not pay enough attention to it.
On the other hand, I think that this year it has cost me more since in 4 ESO we did not give the complete agendas due to the pandemic, and this year it has been noticed that we needed a good base, which we did not have. Alberto is right is that this is not 5 ESO, which is high school where you cannot have the attitudes that we had before and you have to be more mature and do everything well.
To sum up, I believe that the most important thing is a good organization which is respected every day and thus we will obtain better results for our future.
Nuria Diaz