... although your English teacher does it every day. Unfortunately, most students don't do things for free, or do they? Do you write a comment or a composition for free even if your English teacher is going to correct it for free?
Here's a listening exercise for you to do and some articles to read:
6 Minute English: Working for free (BBC Learning English)
Interns beware: working for free could put a dent in your career (The Guardian)
Thomas Cook: Ex-employees work for free to help holidaymakers (BBC News)
Work for free, advertize yourself: How millennials can nab perfect job (CNN)

I like money
ResponderEliminarI think that money is important, but not for everything, some things we should do for free like help our friends and family
Hello teacher Alberto
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ResponderEliminarI think money is actually one of the most important things in the world. Some people take too much care of money instead of helping their friends or family, I think that's a great mistake because money is a very important thing, but there are other things that are much more important than it.
ResponderEliminarIf you want a good amount of money you must study at school and at university because if you want a good job and you want to earn more money than others, you must also study more than others to have a great job.
There are other ways of earning money, sometimes you earn more than other people do. You can play as a professional sport player and you'll earn a lot of money. This is a very difficult thing and there are very few people that do this because it is a very difficult thing to do and you must play a lot of hours the sport you like.
In fact, I think that having a good job and having a good amount of money is very important, but studying and taking care of your family and friends is the most important thing in the world.
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ResponderEliminarMoney is very necessary to live daily.
EliminarFrom a very young age, my mother gives me a weekly pay to learn to give value to money, to save it or to spend it.
For example, she does not have to buy me a book that I would like to read, because I have to get the money to buy it with my savings.
From my point of view it is true that not everything is in exchange for money.
We must do things, just to feel good, not to get money.
It depends on your education, in my case I think in the best possible way.
In my house, we never take money in exchange for doing tasks for the family, the elderly or young children.
So for example, I am going to buy for my grandparents, I tend clothes, or I wash the dishes and… I don't receive money for it.
I think that my mother educated me in fundamental values, so that people who are well with me, receive the best of me, without having to receive money for it.
Susana P. Bosch
4º ESO Grupo A
Money is a thing that is necessary to life, but the people gives to much importance. If you haven´t got enough money to a good smartphone or for wear brand, the people judge you and they can even laugh at you.
ResponderEliminarIn my opinion money is important but not as much as people think. Money doesn´t give you the happiness or love. There are so many things more importanta than the money
This is to work for money or it does not go above all the age of the future thinking you have.
ResponderEliminarPeople of my age who are studying, work daily and do not have any type of salary, however other people also my age but it is a smaller number of people, they have decided to leave the studies and meters and to work, in this case if they have a salary for the hours they work.
The work that I do daily without any pay is to study and do my homework, I go to the institute in the morning and to the conservatory in the afternoons, for now this is my job and I will not have pay since this is optional and that is something for me, that is, it is something that is for my good and to learn me, I do not give anything in return.
Already older people do have pay for their work, since they usually have real jobs, which give money in exchange for their effort on something specific.
I think, do you need money to buy the things you want. I want to have money.
ResponderEliminarRocío Avellanedas Nocete 1°A
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ResponderEliminarMoney is a very important thing, it is an essential element for life because if you have it, you can buy food (which is the most important thing for living), your home, clothes, pay taxes ... You get money by working. We must not waste it, because if we waste it we may need it for more necessary things. What if things were free? People would fight because everyone wanted the same thing.
ResponderEliminarNowadays most of the parents advise their children and even force them to study to have a good job in the future. If you don't study, the job they will offer you is worse.
We must be aware that thanks to money we can have a series of accessories: such as cars, leisure, air conditioning...
In my opinion money is necessary but it doesn’t bring happiness, sometimes poor people are happier than rich people.
Francisco José Prados Espinosa 3º
Nowadays people work hard to get some money for paying their houses or recreational activities or even something that they want to buy, or not? "Normal people" work 6 or 5 days per week to get money, also there are people who work all the days of the week, but if there are people who works all the days, there will also be people who don't work any day of the week.
ResponderEliminarThese are once who work as a company director or as a investor. Currently, there are many ways to invest, but one of the most usual is to buy and sell cryptocoins or buying and selling NFTs. These are virtual coins or images or GIFs which when people start to buy some of that its value grows and increases in price. So you can make an image which is so horrorus but it can cost a lot of money. The last week I read that one person has sold one NFT for the price of 60,000,000$!!
In conclusion, if you are intelligent you can try to buy virtual coins or a NFT to win money, or study like normaly every people ang get your studies to work, which in my opinion is the correct option and more safe.
Francisco Toledo López 3ºA
In life, all things that we do has consequences. They can be good consequences like money, learn about something… but they can be also bad consequences.
ResponderEliminarHumans, always search get rewards for them and get more than they really need. For that reason, money exists because if we didn’t have something of valor to buy things, we would raze with everything. Unfortunately, we usually hope material things earlier than things that are going to improve ourselves.
Sometimes, there are situations that rewards aren’t money if not that they are objects or presents. Or have you never got any present to do something that your parents have asked? Since we are children we are educated to hope any reward in return of our work. How when we grow up and we are in school, rewards are notes. For that reason, apart of hope learn with our work and study, we hope also get good notes.
However, sometimes we don’t appreciate well things because “it´s free” or “if it’s cheaper is because it’s worse” and it makes that we don’t do things that we really want to do.
Andrea Valdés Padial 3ºESO A
Working to earn money is the most popular thing people do during all their lives. But, what about another ways to earn the same or much more money without working the same time?
ResponderEliminarDropchipping and cryptocoins aren't a popular way to earn money, but why? People who need people to work for them don't talk about cryptos or dropchipping, but actually, if you have knowledge, patience and money, and also luck, you could earn money without working and staying at your home.
In my case, I prefer to study, and have a job I want. Because if I have a degree for example in History, that degree would be there for my entire career, but money isn't going to stay there for much time.
Francisco Toledo 4ºA (CORREGIDO)