Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.

by Bruce Lee

miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2019

Technology is not that bad!!!


Technology is becoming more and more important. Have a look at this Lingohack episode:


  • Episode 191002 / 02 October 2019    >>>  Mind-reading machine helps man walk again:    Language related to 'technology'.  Need-to-know language: robotic, exoskeleton, implants, beamed & kit.

animated-fly-image-0030Paralysed man walks using mind-controlled exoskeleton (The Guardian)


This reminds me of this previous post in this blog:

Christmas amazing story: One-armed teenager made himself a prosthetic extension arm out of LEGO blocks!!!!


Actually, our robotics teachers and students at IES Mediterráneo are doing a fantastic job at school. Here's the latest challenge they have in mind for the coming school year:

We wish them the best of lucks!!!

Nature is speaking. So listen!!!


animated-fly-image-0030mmmEnglish: Pronunciation Practice 👄 Difficult Vowel Sounds [DIPHTHONGS]

animated-fly-image-0029Have a look at this and discover which of the four groups Albert is teaching this year is a REAL BUZZKILL!!! I hope this will shortly change or we'll all have a rough time.


The English We Speak: Buzzkill  (BBC Learning English)

Football:  Top 10 Legendary Moments In Football   

25 comentarios:

  1. I love technology ❤

    Rocio Avellanedas Nocete 1°A

  2. My favourite moment of the video is when the Bernabéu applauds Ronaldinho

    Alejandro Venegas Mancilla 1ºA

  3. João Félix (Viseu, Viseu Dão-Lafões; November 10, 1999) is a Portuguese footballer who plays as a striker in the Club Atlético de Madrid of the First Division of Spain. Since 2019 it is an absolute international with the Portuguese national team.
    Hello teacher Alberto
    I am Abel Martínez Padilla 1°A

  4. I love Englosa
    Hello taecher Alberto
    Abel Martínez Padilla 1°A
    Me puedes mandar las traducciones por el Gmail

  5. The tecnology is very important in the future. The robots make hards Works. the life will be more easy.

    My name is :
    Rubén Sabio Prados.

  6. Nowadays we use the technology in our free time for searching information, for play videogames or we use the social networks, but in 15 years time the technolgy renplace the works that some people do today as work in the field or even in the office and, how will the technology make it? It is very easy, with robots!.
    Very few people use the technology for work or for help him in the work, but it have a benefit because in many works you need to know how to use the tecnology and if you know how to use it you will have more easily a work.
    In the future the people won´t do the hard works and it have a advantage, theirs bodies will be more rested, but it also can produce more health´s problems, because some people won´t make physical exercise, but it also have a problem because the people, that work on these jobs, won´t work because the robots will do theirs jobs.
    In my opinion that the robots will work in some jobs can be very good for us because the life will be more easy, and that the teenagers can make theirs own prosthetic extension arms or legs I think that is incredible.

  7. We use technologies for many things such as to search for information, to play video games or social networks, but in a few cases technology replaces the jobs of some people. The majority of jobs that replace people with robots are in factories ...
    Now, from an early age, they educate you with technologies, replace books with tablets, fool around making cars that move through programs ...
    When I entered the institute they told us that now most jobs are done by robots and that to work you have to know how to use new technologies.
    In my opinion I think on the one hand it is good that some jobs make them robots but on the other hand when putting robots there is less work for people.

    Maria González Lozano 4A

  8. Nowadays, technology is taking a lot of problems but also many good things like helping to improve people's lives. Do you think the technology has more advantages or disadvantages?

    Among the new inventions of technology, is that of a French man paralyzed in an accident who has returned to walk thanks to an exoskeleton controlled by the brain, which gives hope to the quadriplegics who want to recover the movement.
    The doctors who helped him said that although the device would be publicly available in many years, it could improve the quality of life and autonomy of patients in the future.

    The patient whose name is Thibault, said that since he couldn't do anything with his body he wanted to do something with his brain. He trained for months, using his brain signals to control a computer simulated avatar to do basic movements before using the robot for walking. In addition, he trained using a video game avatar system to get the skills to operate the exoskeleton and had to relearn all natural movements. He used the avatar and the videogame to think about being able to do physical tasks like walking and approaching to touch objects. Using the avatar, the video game and the exoskeleton, he could do the duration of a soccer field and a half in the course of many sessions.

    Several studies have used implants to stimulate patients' muscles, but this research is the first to use brain signals to control a robot exoskeleton. Experts who helped in the study said that this research could help make wheelchairs controlled by the brain for paralytic patients.

    I think technology is good if we use it to help people, not to replace them. As for example,it has helped Thibault by giving him a new opportunity.

    Desirée Rodríguez Arias

  9. We use technology to accomplish some tasks in our daily lives. We can describe technology as products and processes used to simplify our daily lives.

    We apply technology in almost everything we do in our daily lives; we use technology at work, we use technology for communication, transportation, learning, manufacturing, securing data, scaling businesses and so much more. Technology is human knowledge which involves tools, materials, and systems.

    Many companies are using technology to stay competitive, they create new products and services using technology, and they also use technology to deliver those products and services to their customers. A good example is mobile phones companies like Apple & Samsung, that they use technology to create new smartphones and other electronic devices to stay competitive.

  10. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  11. DESIREE RODRIGUEZ ARIAS1 de noviembre de 2019, 14:53

    Nowadays, technology is the key to solve a lot of problems,such as helping to improve people's lives. Do you think technology has more advantages or disadvantages?

    Among the new inventions of technology, is that of a French man paralyzed in an accident who is able to walk again thanks to an exoskeleton controlled by the brain, which gives hope to the quadriplegics who want to recover the movement.
    The doctors who helped him said that, although the device won’t be available to the public for many years, it could improve the quality of life and autonomy of patients in the future.

    The patient whose name is Thibault said that since he could do anything with his body he wanted to do something with his brain. He trained for months, using his brain signals to control a computer simulated avatar to do basic movements before using the robot for walking. In addition, he trained using a video game avatar system to get the skills to operate the exoskeleton and had to relearn all natural movements. He used the avatar and the videogame to think about being able to do physical tasks like walking and approaching to touch objects. Using the avatar, the video game and the exoskeleton, he could do the duration of a soccer field and a half in the course of many sessions.

    Several studies have used implants to stimulate patients' muscles, but this research is the first to use brain signals to control a robot exoskeleton. Experts who helped in the study said that this research could help make wheelchairs controlled by the brain for paralytic patients.

    I think technology is good if we use it to help people, not to replace them. As for example,it has helped Thibault by giving him a new opportunity.

  12. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  13. Saying that technology is a subject without an exit is living in the past, nowadays, all these things we do in our daily routine are monitorized by robots, from eating (by intelligent bands) to sleeping or running. And, of course, if studying this could bring you a good job and a good salary, we should study this things at school.

    Like the video in this post shows, at IES Mediterraneo, we have been studying robotics since 2016, a subject where we learn how a robot work, and we make our owns robots and video games. When I first came to this school, I saw that subject and I thought it could be an incredible chance to bring the things I love to the school, and study it like a hobby more than like a subject. I´ve been studying robotics for 4 years, and now I think I can do very well at the subject. It´s interesting to see how the world is changing and learn how to take advantage of that.

    In summary, to all the people who don´t really knows if it´s ok to study this or it is useless, of course it´s useful, it is a thing that can help you in a future that isn´t too far, and maybe, can give you the chance to get the job you´ve always wanted.

  14. The technology is very good to for the world, because now with the technology you can do a one operation or cirugian intervenition, that is to say nowdays the technology can salve lives, now the technology stay in everywhere, with the thecnology you can to size heart rate while running, create robots to for facilitate ours lives. All these things we do in our daily routine are monotorized by robots, from eating by intelligent band to sleeping, running...

    I like this video in this post shows, at IES Mediterráneo, we have been studying robotics since 2016, a subjects where we learn how a robot work, and we make or owns robots and video games. When i arrived at this school i saw really ineteresting this subject and I decide to study this subject, I have been studying for 3 years, this course I decide to change for TIC where I stay learning new things and things of the really computing, that to say that in this subject you don't study how you can create a robots or video games, you learn about the story of the technology and you learn a lot of things of the computers and various programs that we can use. I think or recomend that the people that arrives to the Mediterraneo must to study (Robotic) and when they arrives at 4ºESO change a nd start to study (TIC: Computing).

    In summary, to all the people who don't really knows if it's ok this to study this or it is useless, of course it's useful, it is a things that can help you in the future, because in the future everyworld it will work with technology and robots and it is good to open it, and if you study this subjets you can have more posibility in the future to have a good job.

  15. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    1. When we talk about technology, we have to think of several areas within our society, not everything should be to invest in new phones, new PCs or new televisions, ...
      Every day there is news about advances in technology to improve at work.
      I think it should be that way, because technology helps us achieve amazing things.
      A few days ago, in a programme of scientific advancement, scientists talked about the latest technological advances in genetics, about a new technique that modifies genes to correct and prevent diseases.
      In my opinion to advance technologically, our society has to invest money, there are many diseases that scientists can correct, as in the case just mentioned.
      Also in other sectors, with the right technology, we can improve our lives.
      For example, there is technological machinery that recycles the air, removes some of the carbon dioxide from the air and obtains energy.
      The environmental pollution that exists in many large cities can be reduced a little by these technological advances.

      Susana P. Bosch

      4º ESO Grupo A


  16. It is true, technology is not so bad, it has helped us and it is helping us a lot of things, both in medicine and in cars. Technology has made a great development in our lives.

    For example:
    Technology in the world of medicine making medical practices much more efficient and faster. Currently, thanks to the software created for the healthcare sector, a large volume of very useful and relevant patient data can be stored. In addition to that machines have been invented with much more precision to perform operations.

    Technology in the educational world allows the use of more interactive tools that keep the attention of students more easily. Apart from that there are more ways to find information and learn more.

    In these two examples, technology has helped a lot, but it always has to be without abuse, because everything in excess is bad.

  17. Technology today is becoming increasingly important. We use technology for many things; to freeze food, to heat meals, to do a lot of things, to play videogames... I love technology because I can create a robot to do what I tell him, to program a videogame and then play it. Technology is to help people with their problems...

    Francisco Toledo López 1ºESO A

  18. By being clear about the concept of technology, we can focus on technological advances, which are precisely the result of this science. Technological advances are all those artificial products designed to satisfy our needs. "When scientific paradigms stop responding to the problems that concern them, violent ruptures occur in which science is revolutionized, destroying worn out paradigms and replacing them with new ones."
    The unlimited needs of the human being, in addition to the various problems that arise, have forced technology to renew itself, and produce articles that meet the necessary characteristics to meet new needs. This technological renovation leads many people to discard their products and simply upgrade, either out of necessity or to be fashionable. This idea of ​​fashion is a very significant cause of the high volume of consumption of technological products.

    Alexandra Pérez Moreno 2ºA

  19. Technology is very important in our lives, and it allows us to do a lot of things that we could not do without it. It is very useful for many things such as to communicate with people who are far from you or access all kinds of information very quickly.

    I believe that technology helps us more than it hurts us but even so it does not mean that it is not dangerous since it can cause us many problems but at the same time it helps us in a great variety of things

    At the rate at which technology advances, I believe that robots will be very important in the future.

  20. In my opinion, technology is very important for the world because nowadays we need technology for do some works. Robots make work easier, but also put off jobs to a lot of people because it makes the work better.

    There are a lot of people studying for make robots or create new robots. In our school, for example, there is a subject “robotics” where you learn about the technology and how use it.

    There are different types of robots. There are medical robots, toy robots, industrial robots… And it is so interesting because you can use a robot for anything! In quarantine people that they know about robots helped to doctor to make respiratory machines for people with covid, and if they not has done this, maybe some people would not be live.

    Andrea Valdés Padial 2ºESO A

  21. I remembered that 3 years ago when I started to study at IES Mediterranean, I was excited to have the opportunity to choose robotics. In my last school, we didn´t do anything like this because we have other types of subjects, but although they are interesting, I prefer making and programming robots because nowadays it will be very useful so it calls my attention, and it’s amazing when you realize that you can make machines that you use in the daily life.

    Tomorrow, we’re going to FANTEC. It is a fair where people from schools show their projects to other students, and it is celebrated in Málaga and so many people from Andalucía come. This year, we’re going to show a replica of the “rover”, it was the first robot to remote control that landed on a planet, and we have made an app that connects to the robot with Bluetooth. Also, we’re going to show some robots like a car but they have a mechanical arm, some objects designed and printed by us like lamps, vases… I’m so excited because we have been preparing this work for a lot of time and now we will show it to other people.

    However, one of my favorite parts of this fair, it knows about new projects of other schools and learns about them. In this way, we always can follow to learn because we collect new ideas to create new robots and combine different projects that we see, that’s so interesting a funny! Also, we know new people from all over Andalucía, and also we have the opportunity to talk with people that are interested in technology and robots, I find it interesting because we share knowledge and ambitions. I love going on that excursion because I like robotics!

    Andrea Valdés Padial 4ºESO A

  22. Technology is very important nowadays because with it you can do a lot of things more easily, you can talk to anyone anywhere or gets medical test better. People use technology to do jobs more easily, but if they use this technology like robots, a few people won't be able to work in this jobs.

    Robots are the most popular types of technology, because they are newer. Businessman use this for their companies because robots are more cheaper than people and they do the job better, moreover Robots can work a lot of hours than human people, so robots can't do some things like make decisions or do something creative.
    There are a lot of types of robots, for example: medical robots, industrial robots, cook robots... This robots are built by engineers, they built robots and nowadays there are a lot of engineers because technology continue advance.

    To conclude technology is very important in the world right now, because it facilitates many jobs such as medicine and it's necessary for all the things we do in our daily routine.

  23. Technology is very important nowadays because with it you can do a lot of things more easily, you can talk to anyone anywhere or get medical test better. People use technology to do jobs more easily, but if they use this technology like robots, a few people won't be able to work in these jobs.

    Robots are the most popular types of technology, because they are newer. Businessmen use this for their companies because robots are cheaper than people and they do the job better, moreover Robots can work a lot more hours than humans, although robots can't do certain things like make decisions or doing something creative.
    There are a lot of types of robots, for example: medical robots, industrial robots, cook robots... These robots are built by engineers, they built robots and nowadays there are a lot of engineers because technology keeps advancing.

    To conclude technology is very important in the world right now, because it facilitates many jobs such as medicine and it's necessary for all the things we do in our daily routine.
