(FIFTH WEEK of quarantine) Again here we have another opportunity to keep on experimenting. This time we will be trying some online classes, even though I have just noticed that Monday was still part of our "incredible holidays" confined at home. I hope you don't mind.
By the way, in spite of being at our Easter holidays, I'm really happy with the work done with a few students, who have completed their 25 comments, written all the compositions proposed, done all the work (even digital projects) regarding our compulsory readers.... and even video sketches!!!
Quarantine Scoreboard
Posts uploaded: 18
Students participating: about 70 out of 110 (65%)
Comments written and corrected: 400
Emails exchanged: more than 1000
PASEN announcements & messages: more than 1300
Things handed in and corrected: more than 500
Visits to blog and site during quarantine: more than 6,000 (Average of 300 visits per day)
Monday, 13th April
1º ESO CLASS (<<<Click here)
First, can you watch this to revise?
English in a Minute: "PLAY, DO & GO" for sports (BBC Learning English)
Very good morning, ladies and gentlemen!!
I hope you are all well, safe and sound. Here's again the link to the session, just in case: https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/379e7c0b009640fea3b23156deeba859
First, the student has to download the two attachments above: the exam and the audio for the listening exercise in the exam.
Once, you have downloaded them, you have to decide which level you are going to do. If you do level 1, you cannot use anything at all (and, please, be honest). If you do level 2, you have got the possibility of doing it without anything (no folder, no textbook, no dictionary, no translator...) or you can do it with the help of: your folder, the textbook or any other material.
In any case, you must tell me the conditions in which you do the exam. We must be honest as I have to know how good your level of achievement is. If we don't do it in a fair way, we will have fake results and all this work will be useless. Apart from that, I strongly recommend all of you to copy and try to do LEVEL 1 EXAM!!! as this will be the one we will correct later.
Then, you can either print the exam and handwrite it or just have it on the screen of your computer and handwrite it.
Finally, as we have done so far, you will scan or photograph it and you will send it to my by email by 11 a.m.
Spanish: El alumno tiene que descargarse los dos archivos: el examen y el audio del listening exercise del examen. Una vez se lo haya descargado, tiene que decidir qué nivel va a hacer. Si hace el nivel 1 (level 1), no puede utilizar nada (y, por favor, sea honesto). Si hace el nivel 2, tiene la posibilidad de hacerlos sin la ayuda de nada o hacerlo con la ayuda de: el archivador, el libro de texto o otro tipo de ayuda. En cualquier caso, me lo debe decir. Tenemos que ser honestos y yo debo saber cómo está su nivel de conocimientos. Si no lo hacemos bien, todo este trabajo no sirve para nada.
De todas formas, recomiendo que todo el mundo tenga copiado (y si puede, que lo haga a lo largo de la semana) el examen de nivel 1, que será el que corregiremos el lunes 20 en nuestra próxima clase online.
A continuación, o bien lo impreme y lo escribe a mano o bien simplemente tiene el examen en la pantalla de su ordenador y lo escribe a mano en una hoja de su libreta.
Finalmente, como hemos hecho hasta ahora, lo escanean o le echan una foto (comprueben que se vea bien) y me lo mandan por correo electrónico para antes de las 11.
English in a Minute: The differences between 'SPEAK' & 'TALK' (BBC Learning English)

4º ESO CLASS (<<<Click here)
Very good morning, ladies and gentlemen!!
I hope you are all well, safe and sound. Here's the link to our session, just in case: https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/55c766d756b946bd8cf62f7443269e0b
First, the student has to download the two attachments above: the exam and the audio for the listening exercise in the exam.
Once, you have downloaded them, you have to decide which level you are going to do:
LEVEL 1 (pages 3-6) If you do level 1, you cannot use anything at all (and, please, be honest).
LEVEL 2 (pages 7-9) If you do level 2, you cannot use anything at all, either (and again, please, be honest)
LEVEL 3 (pages 1-2) This is the exam for PENDIENTES. There is no listening exercise. You cannot use anything at all.
LEVELS 4/5 (pages 10-12) If you do this exam, you can use anything you want if you are in level 5; and just your folder if you are in level 4.
In any case, you must tell me the conditions in which you do the exam. We must be honest as I have to know how good your level of achievement is. If we don't do it in a fair way, we will have fake results and all this work will be useless. Apart from that, I strongly recommend all of you to copy and try to do LEVEL 1 EXAM!!! as this will be the one we will correct later.
Then, you can either print the exam and handwrite it or just have it on the screen of your computer and handwrite it.
Finally, as we have done so far, you will scan or photograph it and you will send it to my by email by 11 a.m.
Spanish: El alumno tiene que descargarse los dos archivos: el examen y el audio del listening exercise del examen. Una vez se lo haya descargado, tiene que decidir qué nivel va a hacer. Si hace el nivel 1, 2 y 3, no puede utilizar nada (y, por favor, sea honesto). Si hace el nivel 4, tiene la posibilidad de hacerlo con la ayuda del archivador. Si hace el nivel 5, puede utilizar además el libro de texto o un diccionario (no traductor). En cualquier caso, me lo debe decir. Tenemos que ser honestos y yo debo saber cómo está su nivel de conocimientos. Si no lo hacemos bien, todo este trabajo no sirve para nada.
De todas formas, recomiendo que todo el mundo tenga copiado (y si puede, que lo haga a lo largo de la semana) el examen de nivel 1, que será el que corregiremos el lunes 20 en nuestra próxima clase online.
A continuación, o bien lo impreme y lo escribe a mano o bien simplemente tiene el examen en la pantalla de su ordenador y lo escribe a mano en una hoja de su libreta.
Finalmente, como hemos hecho hasta ahora, lo escanean o le echan una foto (comprueben que se vea bien) y me lo mandan por correo electrónico para antes de las 11.
1º Bach CLASS (<<<Click here)
Very good morning, ladies and gentlemen!!
I hope you are all well, safe and sound.
Next Monday from 11 a.m. to 13 a.m. I will be meeting my 1º Bachillerato students to see if you have any doubts about the first 7 units. The session is already in the lecture room here in Moodle (English 1º Bachillerato) and this is the link, just in case: https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/c32436f87fda4ceea41aa7897f70a93b
Let me know if you have any problems or any other activities. If we see that the experience is useful, we'll repeat to give you some important explanations about unit 8.
Your teacher,
Here are some films about Sherlock Holmes for my students in 1º Bachillerato:
Sherlock Holmes [Jeremy Brett] - The Hound of the Baskervilles - Granada [1988]
Sherlock Holmes in A Study in Scarlet 1968
The Hound of the Baskervilles 1959 full movie
Here are also some of the projects handed in during our special Easter holidays:

- Project about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle by Ana Muñoz (1º Bach A)
- Project about The Hound of the Baskervilles by Mihail Livaditis (1º Bach A)
- Project about The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sofía Morea (1º Bach A)
- Project about The Hound of the Baskervilles by Marina Guirado (1º Bach A)
- Project about The Hound of the Baskervilles by Lucía Guirado (1º Bach A)
- Project about The Hound of the Baskervilles by Aroa Bolaños (1º Bach A)
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