Some of our students are working really hard during this quarantine. Here are some examples of the projects they are handing in. Well done!!
Project on Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Lucía Espinosa (4º ESO A)
Project on Christmas Carol by Nuria Díaz (4º ESO A)
Describing an experience/experiment at our Science Week by José Corzo (4º ESO A)
and here's another one about Robotics at our Science Week by David Bacas (4º ESO A)
Quarantine Scoreboard
Posts uploaded: 48
Students participating: about 85 out of 110 (77%) at least once during the quarantine, but only 40% of them are really working!!!!
Comments written and corrected: more than 850
Emails exchanged: more than 4000
PASEN announcements & messages: almost 3000
Things handed in and corrected: more than 2200
Visits to blog and site during quarantine: almost 24,000 (Average of 250 visits per day)
Video lectures (ONLINE CLASSES): 23 (+ 6 Dictations on line, 4 verb exams and 7 online exams) and several individual online tutorials
Monday, 1st June
1º ESO
Tasks for today:
Unit 7 (page 98) >> Do exercises 1 & 2.
Remember to do if you want.....
Unit 7 >>>> VOLUNTARY
Wr13: Ejercicio de producción escrita sobre el tema: A description of an event, teniendo en cuenta el PASADO DEL VERBO TO BE, ADVERBS OF DEGREE (very, really, quite & not at all) y todo lo visto en la pagina 96. Se estructurará en 2 párrafos: 1º sería hasta donde llega el modelo ".....and there was a piece for everyone."; y 2º hasta el final.

The vast majority of IES Mediterraneo are working hard during quarantine in all subjects. Some teachers send too much homework. Students send homework to their due date.
ResponderEliminarOliver Lozano Martín 1ºA