Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.

by Bruce Lee

martes, 28 de diciembre de 2021

Give me one reason why...


You have thousands of reasons not to do what you have to do, but just give me one reason why we should keep fighting to get to the summit. 

Well, life consists of challenges and the moment we have no more challenges in our lives, it is time to quit and that is not my case because I'm still here in the front line!!!! 



Here's my musical hint for today: Give Me One Reason sung by Tracy Chapman & Eric Clapton and here are the lyrics for you to learn about what the singer really means.



Here's my very good friend Porty, electrical guitar player who used to perform along with Pablo Alborán, Café Quijano, Diana Navarro, among others, presenting his brand new website and the jingle piece of music he has just made for CANAL FIESTA RADIO.


Some activities for you to do: 


How algorithms rule our working lives (The Guardian)

The algorithms that make big decisions about your life (BBC News)

Max Hawkins: I let algorithms randomize my life for two years | TED talk

What is an algorithm?  (another explanation)

And now give me one reason not to consider Pau Gasol one of those people who love accepting challenges!!!




Episode 211222 / 22 December 2021    >>>  Queen's Christmas pantomime costumes displayed   -    

Language related to 'royalty'.  Need-to-know language: state rooms, princesses, on the throne & monarch.


Project about A Foreigner in New York  by Miguel Ángel Rufino (2º Bach A)

8 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Sometimes it´s difficult to keep fighting to get to the top. Our objectives tend to be complicated and it´s difficult for us to reach them, and we have to renounce many things for it, but it´s the price of achieving our goals! The easiest way is to leave before reaching it, but just because it´s the easiest way doesn´t mean that it´s the right one!

    If we didn't have goals, our life would be so boring. Our goals don´t always have to be difficult, they can be short-term goals such as finishing a job on time, cleaning up your room, making a special meal for dinner... Sometimes, those small tasks also involve a sacrifice because maybe for being able to do them, you have to decline a better plan...

    In life, we ​​are always going to have to do things that we don´t like to be able to achieve others that we do, or that are necessary for us to do. I think that it´s very important to be sure about this. Despite this, not everyone knows it since there are people who expect that good things come alone without having any kind of sacrifice or having done anything before.

    I also think that having challenges is entertaining because if you had no goal to fight for, you would have such a boring life... Our goals are what makes our lives meaningful. If we had already achieved all of our goals... what would be the meaning of living?

    Rocío Valdés 2º Bach

  3. I think that in this life you always have to try to improve yourself, the fact of overcoming challenges and reaching goals is a very good way to do it.

    Each one has different objectives depending on what you like or what you do, for example for a student the objectives is to get the highest grade in the exams, trying to improve and get a higher grade than the previous one, another example is being an athlete, always You have to try to improve yourself, tournaments are always the goal of the athlete, winning the tournament is the reward for all the effort made to get to that point, and all the times that he has had to overcome himself.

    I think that improving yourself is necessary for all people, because thanks to this you can feel good about yourself and continue with your daily life, on the other hand, if you never think about improving yourself, you will always feel bad because you think you have not done what you should and your mind feels bad about itself.

    In conclusion I think that the human being always tries to overcome and improve, I think that it is something that is in the most within the human attitude, this fact has been demonstrated during all the years in which the human being has lived on this planet , since through history we have been able to see how the human being has managed to overcome himself over the centuries.

  4. All of us put many excuses when we don't want to do something and go somewhere not to feel so bad, but in reality we are lying to ourselves. However, I think that we should give reasons for why we should do something or go somewhere, because if you have to do it, it doesn't care about the excuses that you give because you are going to do it before or later.

    About challenges, I think life has sense if you have challenges and goals to achieve because that keeps you happy, motivated and you'll want to live. When you have neither challenges nor dreams it is the opposite, it is all tiring, boring and repetitive.

    Every day we are listening to music and in my opinion it is essential in our lives because it helps us for many things, like it motivates us, it makes us happy, it helps you to pass over your problems, etc. In my point of view, I love music and all types of music and I can't imagine a life without it.

    To sum up, I think each person must look for many things to motivate you and have a good time because there is only one life, there is no more.


  5. We all have goals, some easier to achieve and others more difficult. Sometimes achieving those goals takes a lot of effort. Some people don't get it because they quit earlier.

    Although most of the time you have to take the more difficult path, but there are times that we can take the easy path. Not all goals have to be difficult, we can have goals like doing chores around the house. All people must have goals because otherwise we would have a very boring life.

    Sometimes we cannot achieve our goals, but we have to fight to achieve it. Sometimes we will have to do things that we do not like to achieve those goals, since not everything is easy.
    There are people who do not fight because they give up or think that everything is very easy and comes without making any kind of sacrifice.

    In short, you have to fight for what you want, not give up easily. With sacrifice everything is achieved. I think that the objectives are the ones that give meaning to our life.

  6. I think it´s very important to set out to achieve things or improve. But of course it's not enough just to propose it, we also have to work hard for it and not settle for the mínimum.

    Many people are overwhelmed by not being clear about what they want to study or what goals they want to achieve. In my opinion we should think about it and not do things just to do something, but because we really want to achieve it.

    Everything has a price, and we must work hard to achieve it. If it is something that is going to help us in the future or is going to make us happy, we have to think about that.

    Just as we have to focus on the objectives, we also have to think about the present and live it to the fullest, because we will never return to these years of our lives. I think you have to strike a balance.

    Alba Arellano 1ºBACH A

  7. Sometimes it´s difficult to keep fighting to get to the top. Our objectives tend to be complicated and it´s difficult for us to reach them, and we have to renounce many things for it, but it´s the price of achieving our goals!

    Each one has different objectives depending on what you like or what you do, for example for a student the objectives is to get the highest grade in the exams, trying to improve and get a higher grade than the previous one, another example is being an athlete, always You have to try to improve yourself, tournaments are always the goal of the athlete, winning the tournament is the reward for all the effort made to get to that point, and all the times that he has had to overcome himself.

    In this life we must have objetives all the time if not the life don't have regard. We must to fight for achieve our goals. My goals right now are to get the best possible mark in the exams to be able to enter the career I want. I am working hard to get it.

    In conclusion, each has its own goals and we must fight to achieve them never give up, for many obstacles that we find on the way.

  8. In my opinion, I believe that we always have to make the maximum effort possible and not always do the minimum, because in this way the only thing we are doing is worsening our future and deceiving ourselves.

    For example, not everyone knows what they want to study, because they see all the subjects as too difficult and they don't want to put as much effort as possible into studying, so they prefer to choose other easier subjects, although they don't like them at all.

    I see that very badly because I think that if you don't like what you want to study, and you only choose it because it's much easier, it's nonsense.

    In conclusion, even if we don't want to do anything or we don't want to studying so much, we always have to make the most of ourselves, because we all can.

