Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.

by Bruce Lee

domingo, 16 de octubre de 2022

How hard it is to learn English!!

 Despite of all Albert's speeches in class telling us how easy English language is, many students find it really hard to learn. As it is the case of plurals in English...



This is just because the English language has different origins (Latin, French, Germanic languages...) and, for instance, Spanish has mainly one. 

Here are some activities for you to do and you'll see how easy it is. 

Some activities for you to do:






Here's an old song to help you learn English: Greensleeves sung by Olivia Newton-John. Here's a version with the lyrics for you to sing along!!




"All work and no play makes Jack/Jill a dull boy/girl"

Mind Your Language - Are you in Mr Brown's class?   

You'll see how hard it is also for them!!  


6 comentarios:

  1. English is a language that it is not difficult for me because I have been studying since I was 3 years old and I have learned a lot of things. Plurals for me are easy because I learnt the rules. There are a lot of verbs and some of them are a little complicated. However, I am studying to learn more.

    Martin Toledo López 1ºB

  2. I think English is easy, although some things are difficult learn, for example: Grammar for me is easy, but the most difficult for me is the past simple, past continuos, etc...
    I´m sure that this year I will learn a lot of things.

    Aday Rivera Montes 1ºB

  3. In my opinion, English isn´t difficult, you only have to learn the rulers. For example, Past simple when it is affirmative is : Subject + verb with -ed, when is negative it is : Subject + didn´t + Verb and when is interrogative it is : Did + Subject +Verb. So we can easily learn English. Apart from grammar, vocabulary is important. For example the vocabulary of hours ,the weather... Also plurals for my are so easy.

  4. The English is easy in 1ºeso when you studied the present and past. For me the most difficult of English is to differentiate when you must use a verbal tense, for example an exercise about all the past tenses or future tenses. In 4ºeso all is more difficult than other school years. A lot of students decide to study in England for a year. They can improve their pronunciation and they are prepared for B2 or C1. Maybe the students will go to Ireland before United Kingdom. The Official school of Languages is a good option to learn English, too.

    Jose Antonio Sabio Prados 4ºESO A

  5. English is easy for me, although I still have a lot to learn. It is very important to learn it because it is a language that is used worldwide and is one of the most important. English is also important because of the B1, which is a very important requirement for the future. The easiest thing I see in English is the vocabulary, the TO BE, etc.

    Andrea Romera Noguera 1ºB
