Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.

by Bruce Lee

sábado, 8 de octubre de 2022

Octopus, an unknown amazing creature!!

According to experts: "Octopuses are ocean creatures that are most famous for having eight arms and bulbous heads. Some other fun facts: They have three hearts and blue blood; they squirt ink to deter predators; and being boneless, they can squeeze into (or out of) tight spaces."

Click here: Octopus facts (Live Science)  for further information. 

Some interesting videos to watch about octopuses:


The Insane Biology of: The Octopus (Real Science)

  • Pablo García López (1º ESO B) - site blog
  • Izán Lomas Iglesias (1º ESO A) - site blog
  • Carla Vigo (1º ESO B) - site blog
  • Amin Briouel (1º ESO B) - site blog
  • Carolina Prieto (1º ESO B) - site blog


And have you seen the 007 James Bond film Octopussy? Here's the scene called "Two of a kind" (
the same or very similar. Example: "she and her sister were two of a kind" // (of cards) having the same face value, but a different suit.)

Some activities for you to do:



Some recipes with octopus...

Easy Spanish-Style Octopus Recipe (Pulpo a la Gallega)

Grilled Spanish Octopus – Bruno Albouze


and remember you can always go and try the famous grilled dry octopus at El Paso Bar in Motril!!!  Yummy!!!




12 comentarios:

  1. Octopus is the second best animal in the sea, because is very intelligent and is very taste. They can survive a heart attack with their three hearts. In the sea there is a lot of animals to discover in the depths on the sea, but the humans can't go down because there is a lot of pressure and our submarines can't supported. I wait the humans in the future can create news submarines to discover the animals in the depths on the sea.

    Jose Antonio Sabio Prados 4ºESO A

  2. The octopus is a sea animal that have eight tentacles. A courious fact is that this animal have three hearts and its blood is blue. The octopus lies in the depths on the sea and is a prey for all kinds of depredators . When a depredator wants kill the octopus, this release a squirt of ink for get away.
    In the Salobreña´s coasts there are a lot of octopus and in the eighty porcent of the beach bars you can eat it. It is a typical dish of Salobreña.


  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. The octopus is an amazing animal, they can use their tentacles to catch fishes or other sea animals. Their ink can be use to prepare some delicious foods, an example of food with octopus´ink is dark rice. The octopus is an animal with a very big memory capacity, this means that if an octopus go to an aleatory place he can memorize all the things in that place and if he go there another day he will recognize that place. A funny fact of octopus is, when they sleep you can see if they are dreaming or not, if an octopus is dreaming his skin will turn into white.

    Javier Rivas López 4ºA

  5. Octopuses are an order of octopodiform cephalopod molluscs commonly known as octopuses. Like other cephalopods, the octopus is bilaterally symmetrical, with its mouth and beak located at the central point of its eight limbs. Its soft body can rapidly change shape and texture, allowing the animal to squeeze through small passages or cracks. When swimming it drags its eight appendages; the siphon serves to breathe as well as for locomotion, expelling a stream of water. My opinion about cooked octopuses to eat is that they are delicious, especially with lemon.

  6. The Octopus dishes in Spain have a lot of tourism , the octopus attack their prey with their tentacles.
    the word OCTOPUS come the Greek , októpus , it means eight foot . 2/3 of neurons is in the tentacles and not in your head . The octopus don´t have skeleton , that helps them get unto cracks and small spaces . The octopus lives in every ocean , many in the coast and others in the bottom of ocean . The octopuses are carnivores and normally feed with fish, locusts or clams . The octopus lives few times , many can live only 6 month and other most biggers can live 5 years


  7. The octopus is a marine animal.It is common to find them in reef corals.The octopus are mollusks because they are soft-bodied cephalopods but they don't have that outer shell of most molluscs.
    The octopus is a invertebrate animal,it has got eight tentacles ,and in the tentacles has got two suction cups that help it catch its prey and they are carnivores.The octopus can live two years but the giants octopus can live five years.

    Martín Toledo López 1ºB


  8. The octopus is a cephalopod that lives under the sea, its soft body can quickly change shape and texture. It is a carnivorous animal and are usually on rocks in corals.
    In Spain there are very tasty foods that are made with octopus, I like Galician octopus!

    Aday Rivera Montes 1ºESO B

  9. Octopuses have blue blood. This colour is because instead of using hemoglobin to transport oxigen in blood, they use hemocyanin, a molecule that, instead of having iron, contains copper. In addition, they have three hearts, and they need three for their physical activity and survival; the main heart pumps blood throughout the body and other hearts circulate blood to the gills, where octopus breathes.

    They're very intelligent animals, able to recognize people and open jars, they can even get into relatively small spaces as they're invertebrates. Octopuses they have a great nervous system, the average octopus has about 500 million neurons, so they have a brain range similar to that of dogs.

    They also have several defense mechanisms, the octopus can throw black ink that expects its attackers from seeing it, and other way is that it's able to camouflage itself with the surrounding enviroment, to fool the predator. The octopus is well known in gastronomy for its exquisite dishes, it's also distinguished by its high level of zinc, mineral that helps maintain the immune system and promotes wound healing. It's an ideal food to combat diseases such as asthma, blood pressure, bronchitis and diabetes.

    Adrián García 4ºA

  10. The octopus is a very good animal, they live under the sea and they eat some fishes. They are carnivorous and some are dangerous, like the blue ringed octopus. I like octupuses and they are so cool and fun. They are very inteligent and they are common to find them under the sea. I also like tasty food that is made whith octopus, they are very delicious.

    I´m Leo 1ESO B

  11. Octopuses are animals with many medicinal properties. They are small invertebrates characterised by a head on each side of the body. They also have a large number of tentacles and spines. Octopuses are very abundant in nature and their name is due to their prolific form.

    All octopuses are good for natural medicine and have many medicinal properties, e.g., staghorns are known for their large number of spines. In addition, their spines are used in traditional Chinese medicine to cure wounds and headaches.
    Oliver Lozano 4ºA

  12. Octopuses are marine animals of the cephalopod mollusk family that do not have a skeleton. It is one of the most peculiar animals that we can find on the seabed. It has eight tentacles around its mouth and suction cups on each tentacle that help it catch its prey. It feeds on crustaceans, fish, smaller cephalopods, algae...
    The octopus as food is very good and it is delicious, depending on how it is cooked. It can be eaten boiled, grilled, in the oven or stewed, in any case it is great. A secret so that it does not remain hard is to freeze it for two or three days before cooking.
    It is a food that gives us protein, little fat, little cholesterol, has few calories, so it is good for diets.
    Galician style, with tomato, grilled... it's exquisite.
    It is a food that gives us vitamins A, E and minerals.

    Francisco José Prados Espinosa 4ºA
