Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.

by Bruce Lee

martes, 8 de noviembre de 2022

It is time to keep strong

We’re on a ‘highway to climate hell,’ UN chief Guterres says, calling for a global phase-out of coal (CNBC)



We need to be really strong to be ready to this menacing future and we all have to do things properly.




COP27: Why money will dominate conversations at the climate summit (CNBC)







Some activities for you to do: 



Here's an excellent exercise for 4º ESO to check if they really know the difference between the Present Perfect Simple & Continuous  >>  Exercise to do    





and here's an exercise for 2º ESO about POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES AND PRONOUNS  >>   Exercise to do   




My encouraging song to help you become stronger: Say Say Say by Paul McCartney & Michael Jackson. Here's a version with the lyrics for you to sing along!!




"All work and no play makes Jack/Jill a dull boy/girl"

Mind Your Language - At the police station   &  Opposites and synonym of 'valley'  




7 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. 4º ESO looks pretty difficult if you are in 3º ESO or 2º ESO, and it could be true to people who don't work enough. Obviously 4º ESO brings different things from previous years, but it's just a matter of adapting to it.

    One of the hardest subjects for people is English. Ok, it isn't easy talking a language which isn't yours, but we have been learning it since we were 4 years old at least, so we should already know how to have a conversation in English.

    People should know that English is a language with different ways to talk about one singular thing, or that it is very different from Spanish. When you are going to talk about an action that is yours but you don't do that, you have to write the sentence in the passive form, using different forms of 3 or 4 verbs in the same phrase.

    English is a Language that you need to use all the days because it is essential to use it properly, if you start school after doing nothing of English in summer, you'll find it hard to use the language again.

    Francisco Toledo López 4ºESO A (corregido)

  3. In this time when we passed the pandemix of COIVD-19, when we where locked down in our houses we need to keep strong and together because in that time we need to have someone next to us. A lot of people didn´t resisted to the pandemic , for any reason. Now we need to be strong to go ahead with our lifes after that suddenly locked down, we need to be together too for support a person who needs that help. Now is the moment to concentrate in our futures and be strong to complete the achivements that we have.

    Javier Rivas López 4ºESO A

  4. I totally agree with Sir. Guterres. Our earth needs responsible people.
    It´s very impotant that countries take measures for stop the climate change. Countries should invest more money in renewable energy.

    Juan Diego Alonso 1ºA ESO

  5. Climate change is a problem that we have been aware for some years ago. The glaciers are melting, some animals are in danger of extinction because their habitats are changing and they can’t live here.Many other animals are moving to places with climates suited to their characteristics and this this is creating problems because they make other species extinct in those places.

    This autumn we can observe big changes, like the warm weather until a few days ago and how cold is it now.

    This is a big problem that we have to solve because it will have serious consequences, more than we have now. It is something that we must act quickly to stop destroying the planet and it go better.

    Ángela Rodríguez 4ºA

  6. The last month there was a meeting, COP 27, of the presidents of the all countries in the world for take urgently decisions about the difficult situation of climate change in the world. The climate change is becoming a huge problem for the humanity, and this COP 27 have been a disaster cop because the unique achievement is the finance for the catastrophes in Africa. If the world follow this road the humanity will live bad in the future.

    Rubén Sabio Prados 4 ESO A

  7. The situation at the moment is alarming, since the pandemic everything has worsened, since the pandemic there have been many catastrophes in the world.

    The situation with climate change is alarming. The global average temperature of the earth's surface has risen by almost one degree since the middle of the last century due to excess greenhouse gases, and it is increasing.

    Climate change has been noticed and is being noticed, it barely rains and when it rains it only sparkles, the polar caps are melting, the fields are drying up, and there have been many burns due to climate change. Farmers ask for help because if it doesn't rain the field dries up, and it dries up and there are no crops.
