Summer is here and our expectations are so high as we have so many things to do ahead, so many experiences to live, so many people to meet. Then we will have such good memories when autumn comes of all we did, of all we lived and of all the people we met. Who knows? We may meet our future partner or our best friend, Who knows?
SUMMER REVISION >> Activities for my students in 1º ESO:
- Now have a look at the post Victory belongs to the most tenacious and the comments made and then try to write a comment describing Rafa Nadal physically. Here are some notes that can help you.
- Write another comment (it could be in the same post) about your personality. Here are some notes that can help you.
- Some exercises to describe appearance and personality (Agenda Web)
And remember that all the activities proposed will be compiled in my site: Summer Revision for 1º ESO
Here's my musical hint for today: I can dream about you by Dan Hartman. You can have a look at the lyrics in this version with lyrics.
Here are some activities for you to do:
The English We Speak: Jump through hoops (BBC Learning English)
A listening exercise for you to do: Is it wrong to eat plants? (BBC Learning English)
English in a Minute: How to use the word 'PRETTY' (BBC Learning English)
Learn how to speak naturally: How to talk about things you like (BBC Learning English)