Keep running unless you want to be eaten, if you want to survive, if you want to win the race of life!! I'm afraid you can never stop. The day you stop you die, literally or metaphorically. So if you don't keep running this summer, even if it's at a lower pace, you will...
Here's an interesting African story for you to read.
The Lion and The Gazelle: The Story That Inspired Tony Maglica
An African proverb, the story of the Lion and the Gazelle has long been a source of inspiration for Tony Maglica, and continues to inspire MagLite today.
Every morning in Africa, a gazelle awakens. He has only one thought on his mind: To be able to run faster than the fastest lion. If he cannot, then he will be eaten.
Every morning in Africa a lion awakens. He has only one thought on his mind: To be able to run faster than the slowest gazelle. If he cannot, he will die of hunger.
Whether you choose to be a gazelle or a lion is of no consequence. It is enough to know that with the rising of the sun, you must run. And you must run faster than you did yesterday or you will die.
This is the race of life.
I AM AFRICA! |A wonderful African poem|
British English Listening Practice | Exploring the Amalfi Coast 🧡
For the students who have just finished 1º Bachillerato here's the English exam we have had in Selectivity here in Andalusia this June...
Road towards success in the Selectivity exam.....
Answers to both texts will be included in the next post.
Here are some activities for you to do:
Real Easy English: Talking about EXERCISE (BBC Learning English)
English in a Minute: How to use CAPACITY (BBC Learning English)
News Review: DNA study: Better coffee? (BBC Learning English)
A listening exercise for you to do: Coffee addiction (6 Minute English, BBC Learning English)

Here's my musical hint for today: Flowers by Miley Cyrus. Come on, sing along with this version with the lyrics!
A single goal can make you immortal by Philip Lahm (The Guardian)
"All work and no play makes Jack/Jill a dull boy/girl"
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