Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.

by Bruce Lee

viernes, 5 de agosto de 2016

English, a language in motion

     All languages are, of course, in a constant evolution due to the use of the language speakers of the different parts of the world, but this phenomenon is especially significant in the English language due to the lack of an English Language Academy. Instead, universities such as Oxford or Cambridge work on different corpora (plural form of the word 'corpus') to make their dictionaries or grammar books.

    For instance, thirty years ago we would learn the Future Simple using 'shall' for the first person singular and plural. We don't do that any more. Now we use 'will' for all the persons.

Here's an interesting listening exercise for you to do: 'Is English changing?' (6 Minute English, BBC Learning English)

Have a look at Lingohack and you'll learn about the latest on the US elections, a cyborg beetle and the teenage brain development.

And remember this previous post about the human brain.


3 comentarios:

  1. Nowadays, lots of languages are changing, but english is the most. In the history, millions of people have spoken english and for this reason english has been changing in the history, because perhaps here people speak english in one way and in the other side of the world it is spoken in other way.

    In the audio, we can learn about words that are disappearing quickly or slowly. For instance, the verb "must", many times it is replaced for "might", because "must" sometimes can be too agresive, this word is changing quicky. However, pronouns such as 'I' ,'you' and 'we' evolve slowly because thousands years ago, we would use the same sounds.

    I personally think that english is the language most useful of all, because with it you can travel to anywhere in the world and communicate with ease. English is the language of the present and of the future.

    Joaquín Alejandro España Sánchez

  2. English, the second most spoken language in the world, is for sure one of the languages that is evolving more and more in the recent years. Neither all the words evolve in the same way, nor at the same time, but they are constantly changing. Therefore, how and why they change?
    Languages usually change due to their speakers, but especially by young people, who introduce a new range of vocabulary when they are speaking between them. It’s a fact that they are a very important tool in the development of the language, however not all the words that they “invent” are after accepted in the dictionaries. For instance, acronyms like WTF, LOL I sincerely don’t think that they’re going to be in the dictionaries in a few years’ time.
    Another fact to take into account is the period of time that we’re living, for example now with all the social networks that we have, we usually try to make shorter words (not everybody), inciting to create short words. In addition, these words and also expressions are usually related with new technology and online games like for instance: good game (gg), to feed the lane or well played (wp).
    In Spanish those new words have been adapted by teenagers. One interesting thing that has happened is that in the case of verbs in Spanish is that we’ve added the suffix –ar to all of them like for instance “wasapear” or “tuitear”, making verbs really easy to conjugate. In addition to this we’ve also created new words that depending of the different regions that we live we use or not.
    In conclusion, English is a language that changes and will change really fast (like Spanish) due to the amount of speakers that use it. In my view, I see that is a language that will be spoken for everybody soon. It’s for this reason that I consider that dictionaries will have to admit more new words comparing to the last twenty or fifty years’ time.

  3. A global language, is a language spoken internationally, which is learned by many people as a second language, the most popular one being English.A wide range of the lexical units in the English language were taken from German, Latin, French and other European countries. A large portion of the word borrowing uses as main source the French language justifying English language affinity for foreign words as well as mixed vocabulary.

    English is a very effective language, that it is proved by the many native and non-native speakers all over the world. Another interesting point is that the writing of English language is simple. There are even languages that have hundreds of letters in their alphabets that could have a different meaning when pronounced differently, like Chinese.

    On the other hand, there are some poor features of English language. For example there could be words written in one way and then read in another way and a lot of people may get confused, especially if one's native language is not English.

    To sum up, English is being considered as an easier language to learn than some others. Moreover, English can indeed be regarded as a global language, but, in my opinion, it cannot be considered as superior to other languages.

    Nicolás Benitez 1ºBACH
