Here are some articles to read about the issue:
Television – not in front of the children? (The Guardian)
Watching too much TV in your 20s may impact how your brain works in mid-life, study suggests (The Washington Post)
How soap operas changed the world (BBC)
Television isn't a bad influence on society after all (The Guardian)

Crossword on TELEVISION (BBC Learning English)
Vocabulary and Listening exercise to do: Language to use in research (English at work, BBC Learning English)
REPORTED SPEECH. Further practice:
Transform these sentences into Reported Speech using these verbs:
apologize , deny , explain , invite , offer
1. 'I'm sorry I was rude', said Mike.
2. 'I didn't steal John's bike', said Melissa.
3. 'Can I buy you a drink?', Albert to the Austrian teacher.
4. 'Would you like to come to the cinema with me?', replied she after the drink.
5. 'I'm late because I missed the bus', said Joe.
Transform these sentences into Direct Speech:
1. He invited her to go for lunch.
2. The judge declared that they were guilty.
3. Ari offered to help Michael with his work.
4. He apologized for handing in the composition two days later, but said that he had been ill in bed.
5. The shopkeeper ordered the three boys to leave his shop.
- Episode 170419 / 19 April 2017 >>> Expressions presented: tunnelling, put a spin on & camaraderie.