Click on the link to see all the times for the September exams of all the subjects
SEPTEMBER EXAM for ESO (Albert's students)
We will be doing our English/French exams on Friday, 1st September
1º Bach A - Time: 8.00-9.30 Classroom: 1º ESO A
1º ESO ENGLISH - Time: 10.30-11.30 Classroom: SUM (Salón de Actos)
1º ESO C/D Alberto FRENCH - Time: 12.30-13.30 Classroom: LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT (Departamento Idiomas)
In less than in a year's time you will have finished your Selectivity exams and you will be struggling to choose the university degree you want to study and therefore what kind of job and life you may have.
Related articles to the Selectivity exam (June 2017, option A. Mannequin challenge) >>>
Has the mannequin challenge come to a standstill? (The Guardian)
22 heavily armed men post mannequin challenge on Facebook, much to delight of cops (The Washington Post)
Mannequin Challenge Is the New Viral Video Sensation You Probably Can’t Avoid (The New York Times)
English with Lucy: 5 ways to improve your English everyday!
Related articles to the Selectivity exam (June 2017, option B. Zodiac signs) >>>
How to Find Your New Zodiac Sign After NASA's Recalculations (Inverse Science)
NASA Has No Time for Your Astrology Nonsense (Time Magazine)
Panic in the zodiac: astrologers quash fears over 'new' 13th sign (The Guardian)
Nasa isn't changing our beloved star signs – but the zodiac is still wrong (The Independent)
Still, it is time to rest, to sleep, to relax after a long tiring year full of emotions. So take your time and in a few days' time start your warming up for the most important and crucial school year of your lives so far.
Related articles you should read about the issue:
How lack of sleep affects the brain (Health, BBC)
Children struggling to concentrate at school due to lack of sleep, MPs told (Education, The Guardian)
How dangerous is sleep deprivation, really? (CNN)

- Episode 170628 / 28 June 2017 >>> Expressions presented: brainpower, humorously & crowd-pleaser.