In less than a year's time, you will be living away from home and you will be so eager to become independent. You imagine it will be an ideal situation for you to live: wonderful experiences, no parents around to tell you what to do, no curfews, no limits... However, it is not all gold that glitters! No one to buy the bread for you, no one to do the cooking, washing or any of the household activities a house requires, no one to wake you up and tell you to go to class.... And finally, the money matters!!! Actually, this paradise you are dreaming about can become a hell.
Anyway, there is no need to exaggerate. There must be a balance and you must always be practical choosing the best option life offers. Let's see some awkward situations and the solutions found.
Still living with your parents at 30? Get a life (The Guardian)
Living with your parents when you are a parent yourself (The Guardian)
Living with your parents after university (The Guardian)
Single parent flat-sharing – a new way to live (The Guardian)
I want my son to leave home (The Guardian)
And now let's analyse the situation from a comic point of view.
Living On Your Own: Expectations Vs Reality (BuzzFeed)
Before we go on with our next topic in this post, here's a video about some common mistakes in English:
And now let's talk about Halloween. Here's the history of Halloween to begin with:
And some other interesting videos to watch:
Halloween Facts for Kids | Fun for ALL Children!
History of Halloween (The History Channel)
The Origins of Halloween

Finally, here's Thriller by Michael Jackson >>>
SELECTIVITY. Solutions to the exercises in the previous post:

56. 1. won't do 2. know 3. see 4. will be 5. will happen 6. get 7. will look after 8. will reserve 9. finish 10. go
57. 1. She asked Carol not to go the next week. 2. She asked us if we liked English cheese. 3. Peter said he didn't know what to do that night and Jane suggested having dinner at a Chinese restaurant. 4. The teacher asked me when I had last seen my parents. 5. You said you ate something the previous day that didn't agree with you.
58. 1. The elderly man that lives opposite the petrol station has just retired. 2. She is so beautiful that she can marry whoever she wants. 3. It is said that... / He is said to be working in Germany, but he is also believed to be living in Spain. 4. Did you ever take part in a demonstration when you were a teenager? Yes, but I haven't done that since I was 19. 5. How long have you been waiting for me? I have been waiting for you for an hour. 6. Phone your girlfriend and ask her to marry you today. 7. My hair is too long, I will have to have my hair cut. 8. She has just seen the girl I used to go out with. 9. If I were you, I would buy a new book. 10. 50 littres of beer were drunk on my birthday.