Crowd funding (micromecenazgo) .- the
practice of funding a project or venture by raising money from a large
number of people who each contribute a relatively small amount,
typically via the internet.
"musicians, filmmakers, and artists have successfully raised funds and fostered awareness through crowdfunding"
Crowdfunding is an excellent idea. Have a look at these articles:
Crowdfunding: the boom and buzz explained (The Guardian)
How does crowdfunding work? (BBC News)
Why crowdfunding is no replacement for the welfare state (The Guardian)
However, crowdfunding has also got its dark side. A few days ago, we have seen in Spain the case of an online crowdfunding for medical expenses which turned out to be a fraud. A man with 2,000 tumors asked famous people for money to cover all the medical expenses due to his illness.
Paco Sanz, the perillán who swindled more than 14,000 people by simulating "2,000 tumors" (

Some activities for you to do:
The English We Speak: Crowdsourcing (BBC Learning English. Another link in case the previous one doesn't work: Crowdsourcing
English in a Minute: 5 ways to use 'SET' (BBC Learning English)
Listening Exercise for you to do : Millenials and business (6 Minute English, BBC Learning English)
mmmEnglish talking about : SILENT LETTERS (part 1)
Here's the song The Heat is on by Glenn Frey with lyrics for you to sing along:
- Episode 210324 / 24 March 2021 >>> Discovering the Universe's best kept secrets - Language related to 'Science'. Need-to-know language: particles, detect, capturing & evolved.
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ResponderEliminarNowadays there are a lot of methods to earn the necessary money to do the different ideas that we can have, one of these methods is crowdfunding, this method is via the internet, and it consists in the fact that a large number of people give some money to someone, like musicians, artists or other people that ask for money to do something.
ResponderEliminarOn the one hand, we have all the good things that this method has, for example thanks to this method, a lot of people that don't have enough money to do a project, can win enough money to do it, and that people don't need to ask for a loan to the bank, so they don't have to pay them back any money. Thanks to this method you can also know if your project will be successful, because if a lot of people give you money this will mean that your project will be very successful.
On the other hand, we have all the disadvantages, for example if you suggest a project that you want to do, because you want people to give you money, someone can copy your idea and he can do it before you, so he will have all merit for this project. With this method there are also some people that trick other people to give them money, for example, for medical expenses, but they don't need any money.
In my opinion all the methods to win enough money to do different ideas that you have, are very useful, but you need to know how to use them, and of course don't trick other people, because there are also people that ask for money because they really need it to carry out their project, and if you trick the people, they won't give money to anyone.
Francisco González 1ºBach
These days it is very difficult to start a big project like a business. Many people don't have enough money to do themselves and they don't know if the business will be successful. Asking for a loan means that you will have to pay back a little more money. To avoid asking for loans, people are raising money thanks to crowfunding. Crowfunding is raising money thanks to a large number of people who invest a little money. Many musicians and artists have used crowfunding to raise money for their projects.
ResponderEliminarTo raise money by crowfunding you have to have an original idea. After that you have to have around a third of investors between your family and friends, the platform would provide another third of investors and finally the last third would be between teh customers. Crowfunding needs also a lot of work. Potential investors will write emails asking for details of the project and after answering all the questions they may only invest 10 euros or even they might decide not investing anything! You can also know if the business will be successful. If there are many customers between the investors the business has a high chance of being successful.
Crowfunding also has its dangers. Here in Spain there was a man who said that he had over 2000 tumors and the needed a special treatment. Lots of people payed for his treatment. He was arrested a few years ago, but he only will return around 15% of the money he raised and will spent some years in prison.
I believe that crowfunding may be a good idea, but you need to make people trust on you because they don't want to be cheated. If you can make people trust on the project and show them what you are doing with the money. Crowfunding can make people able to start a project and they only need an idea, some friends and luck.
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ResponderEliminarOver the last few years crowdfunding has become an increasingly common way of raising money for entrepreneurs. This practice consist of asking for a very little money -often the same amount that a coffee costs!- to a large number of people who are willing to support you or your idea.
EliminarThis method although it could seem silly or tedious has helped many people reach their objectives and earn a lot of money. It is mainly used by artists ,who don't usually earn enough on other online platforms to pursue their career, by small brands whose aim is to grow bigger, or by people who have a great idea but need certain budget to take it into action.
Furthermore, crowdfunding is highly used for solidarity purposes. Many ordinary people use it to ask for money to afford a medical procedure. However, there is a negative aspect about this; some people take advantage of the willing to help of people and lie about having an illness to earn money. This happens very rarely but there are cases when the person has obtained thousands of euros by a lie.
To sum up, as far a I am concerned, crowdfunding is an excellent way to help and support many careers, small business and help people. Nevertheless, it is important to know a little about the person you fund to make sure their project is real and avoid a scam.
Nowadays, there are many people whose dreams are starting a company or business, but they can’t do it because it needs a lot of money and not everybody has it. So,they look for other ways to get money and ideas to be able to undertake. Many of them decide on crowdfunding platforms, which offer an attractive idea for those people who need investment.
ResponderEliminarSome of these are Crowdcube, Kickstarter and Seedrs, and they are essential for many commercial plans. In the last few years, this method has won a lot of boom because they have made many business owners be able to get a lot of money. These platforms have been used by some consumer products like food and drinks. They have improved the company's profile, and accordingly they have earned more money.
Nevertheless, this method also has disadvantages and if you decide to use it, you would know that you are running risks too. When you want to start with a new business, not all is money. You have to have contacts and business experience. They are a legal process and they also have costs to collect money later. To succeed with crowdfunding, you should pay attention to the different platforms which dedicate in because each of them offer different measures.
In conclusion, I think that it is a good idea and a different way to start a project, but you have to know the risks and if you can allow yourself to lose money. As everything, you have to be well informed about different options and how you can continue to grow.
On the one hand, crowdfunding is a great way to raise money, especially for people who have little money and need it the most. Sometimes, I have seen some news on social media about people who are trying to raise money. Most of them are because they need to pay for surgery, or their house because they are going to be dislodged, or to buy food or clothes for the poor ones... But there are also situations in which money is asked for not so necessary or important things such as holding events or constructions.
ResponderEliminarIt is true that we do really mind making a small donation, and less if it´s for a good reason. The same happens with famous people. Generally, they have more money than a normal person, but the important thing is not that, is the impact they can have. If a famous person publishes on social media that he has donated money for a cause, it is very likely that some of his followers will also do so. They are more influential.
But there is a problem. Sometimes people take advantage of these things and simulate causes that don´t exist, like the aforementioned Paco Sanz, just to raise money to keep it by himself. This is very bad because it makes the rest of us doubt about if we should donate money or not, since we constantly have the feeling of being cheated.
We must be honest, and not ask for money when we don´t need it, but we must also show solidarity with those who need it the most. From my point of view, I think that when we see someone who tries to collect money, especially if it´s a cause of life or death, that we inform ourselves of the truth and make sure that it´s not a fraud and if we can, make a small donation. We have to be sympathetic, and think about what we would like people to do if we were in that situation, but not be fools and believe everything!
Crowdfunding is a resource that has helped many people, indeed, it has saved the lives of sick people. Crowdfunding is a way to raise money for all kinds of things, both for the surgery of a sick person and for an event. These collections are usually online. I think it should be used for really important things, such as saving a person's life or helping people who are homeless and buying them food or clothes.
ResponderEliminarI recently saw a crowdfunding in which they wanted to raise money to operate on a child with a very rare disease, the surgery for that operation was very expensive and his parents were not able to afford it. I think that this is really important and if it is an essential need. But later we found crowdfunding to raise money for an event, that is something very expendable from my point of view.
Crowdfunding is a very good idea and one that has been very important to many people. Since thousands of people participate in them and a lot of money is raised. The people who participate do so with very little money, so it does not really cost them anything to participate, this makes many people participate and a large amount of money is raised. This has been very revolutionary and it will continue to be.
Crowd funding is good for venture and funders, because the funders give money to venture in the internet and they can to do his project, but it's dangerous. For example: you want to build a social flats, but you haven't got money, you hope the rich people or funders give you money and you with that money, you can build the social flats.
ResponderEliminarAlso you must to be careful, because someone can tell you lies for you fund a thing, and then is a lie. If you invest in something, you will be careful. But if you want a lot of people fund you, you will hope a lot of time because isn't easy, you must to get the attention of funders and that isn't fast. The first is: is this wanted it the funders?, and if you know, you will can to begin the project.
Jose Antonio Sabio Prados 2ºESO A
Crowfunding has become a really popular way to earn money on the Internet. You´ll have probably heard about it, but, what is it? It is a way to ask people money, offering them the project you are working on. For example, if I´m a videogame maker, and I don´t work for any major company, I can do a crowfunding asking people money, so I can work on my game without worrying about having another job. In return, the person who paid me the development will get a copy of my game when its development ends. This way of earning money has its pros and cons, so lets see them.
ResponderEliminarIn the pros, we have that it is an option for those who don´t have enought money to be without a job for years, so more people can spend some years working on his own projects, as long as the idea is good and people like it and want to support it. It also has some advantages for those who suport the creators. If the product is good, you´ll have received it paying much less than what it would have cost you, and sometimes, creators offer some limited things for the people who want to support them.
In the cons we have that as a consumer, it is a risky action. You don´t know who you are paying, if he is going to be serious and hardworking, or if it is going to be lazy and won´t end his project. Some crowfundings have ended really bad, having as a result a really bad product due to the creator´s bad management of the money, or some of them even being not finished, letting all the people who supported it whithout the product and without the money, so you have to be very careful if you are going to support some of these projects.
In summary, I think this is a really good option to support people with good ideas, letting them express that ideas doing what they like most. But you have to be careful, because you never know what is that person going to do with your money, so try to decide well who you are going to give your money to.
David Bacas 1º Bach
Today there are many methods to earn the money necessary to make the different ideas that we can have, since today it is very difficult to undertake a large project as a company, and for this it is crowfunding. Many people do not have enough money to do it by themselves and they do not know if the business will be successful. Crowdfunding is a way of raising money for all kinds of things, such as to pay for a surgery, for a big event, to carry out a construction or to buy clothing or food for people who need it.
ResponderEliminarIt is currently defined as an alternative form of financing in which investors contribute directly to a cause, usually through an online platform.
In recent years, this method has gained a lot of popularity because it has made many entrepreneurs can make a lot of money.
This method has helped many people to achieve their goals and earn a lot of money. It is used mainly by artists,
This method has its advantages and disadvantages.
The main advantage is based on the possibility of financing your project collectively, finding financial support that otherwise would not have been possible.
- It allows the creators to know aspects of the project that they would not have even considered.
-In addition, crowdfunding is widely used for solidarity purposes.
Crowfunding also has its dangers.
On the other hand, we have some of the disadvantages:
-One of the drawbacks is that there are few people or companies that invest in these projects, because they are in very early stages and do not know if the idea will be successful or not.
-With this method there are also some people who trick others into giving them money, for example, for medical expenses, but they do not need money, and this makes people distrust so that people who really need it do not receive that help .
-Being in the early stages, someone could steal that idea and have enough resources to launch it earlier. For this, it is necessary to know some marketing knowledge to promote the business through social networks and gain visibility.
In my opinion, crowfunding is a good idea for people who need help or want to start a business or project, but you need to know how to use it, and not deceive other people, because there are also people who ask for money because they really need it to carry carry out your project, and if you deceive people, people will stop trusting and will not give money to anyone.
The best thing would be first of all to inform us about the person who is being financed to make sure if the project is true and we make sure that it is not a fraud and avoid a scam.