Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.

by Bruce Lee

lunes, 5 de abril de 2021

I can't help falling....

 Although I'm a bit annoyed with some of my students, I can't help reminding them this most important piece of news (What does 'can't help + verb in -ing' mean?):


    REMINDERS FOR OUR STUDENTS >>>>>> B1 & B2 exams!!!!

You can register for the B1 and B2 exams as freelance student (estudiante libre) from 1st April to 15th April.


Here's the LINK to the website of the Official Language School in Motril.


And you must also remember that you can apply to be an official student next school year from 1st May to 20th May. Here's the LINK, and all the dates for ...


PRUEBAS DE CERTIFICACIÓN 2021 Pruebas escritas  junio 1 - junio 10



Here's a sentence our students in 2º Bachillerato had to translate  in their control on the reader "Jane Eyre": 

"Setting out on the road, I could not help thinking of Mr Rochester's despair when he found himself abandoned." 

How would you translate it? (simple explanation in a video)



     And all this brings to my mind a couple of songs that I present you in this post as my musical hint for you. The first one is by Elvis Presley "Can't Help Falling in Love" (1961). Here's a version with the lyrics both in English and Spanish, and another one just with the lyrics in English:



The second one, which you will probably like better, is the version of this same song done by UB40 "(I Can't Help) Falling In Love With You".



Some activities for you to do:    





  • Episode 210331 / 31 March 2021    >>>  Changing how we view the Universe -    Language related to 'scientific discovery'.  Need-to-know language: profound consequences, hints, baffling, shed some light on & large improvement (in something).


11 comentarios:

  1. We are able to see what surrounded us such as colors , shapes or faces , but have you ever imagined what life will be like living as a blind person ? Is this case as simple in real life as in our thougts?.

    Being blind is not a simple task especially when you become blind because of an accident that you had however, when you are blind from bith you have the ability to move around and to learn to lead a normal life in an easy way and also , you develop other senses such as hearing or touch.

    Nowadays, digital technology is improving the lives of blind people , that´s what we called assistive technology that can help people with disabilities to do things that in another way would be difficult for them . One example of this is "BeMyEyes", a smartphone app that allows blind people to find lost keys , cross busy roads and even color match their clothes. Another example is the typical white cane but that includes a system to detect the obstacles in front of you .

    I think that blind people are just like anyone else but they just can´t see so technology is a good way to help them to lead an easier and a normal life.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Many times we don´t value what life gives us, so we don´t take into account the small things like seeing colors, shapes and how beautiful the world is. We take all of this as something everyone has, But have you ever imagined what your life would be like being blind?

    A blind person is no less trained than a person who sees since by not having a sense they develop and sharpen the others much more, there are people who are born with it and others by the consequence of an accident. But all of them can learn to lead an easier life. For people who were born with it, it has to be hard since they have never known the world as we see it but it must be sad also for people who have lost their sight since they only have to imagine everything.

    But to make life easier for these people, technology is very helpful. One form of this is what we call assistive technology, is made to help people with disabilities and to make easier tasks that may be more complicated. We can highlight the app “BeMyEyes” that tries to help blind people with tasks that aren´t easy for them like matching the color of clothes and even finding their keys. Another element that helps them in their daily life is the white cane which have a digital device named ‘Sixth Sense’ which works using echo-location and serves to detect obstacles and so avoid many problems.

    In conclusion, blind people can lead lives as normal as a person who sees and technology is improving every day and can make life easier for these people. In my opinion I think technology will continue to advance and will discover something that makes these people see again.

  4. The increase of new technologies has create a change in the way of managing and accessing information. However, the technology for blind people, is not just a vehicle to access information, but an opportunity to improve their ways of life and feel in equality.

    Nowadays, the technology has become a necessary tool to carry out many tasks present in the daily life of a blind or visually impaired person. Internet and many other digital platforms have made it easier for them to connect with companies and communicate with a group of friends. In addition, exist invents knows as assistive technology equipment which help blind people work around their challenges.

    Apart from different inventions, there are apps for mobiles phones such as voice or audio readers, and even gadgets like smart glasses or fingers reader. On the other hand, despite all the technological advances, many blind people suffer from discrimination because some people think that they are not able to using new technologies. But the reality is that the blind know technologies more than ever, since they are part of their day-to-day life and help them lead a better quality life.

    In conclusion, a blind person is able to do the same activities as a normal person. Technologies are not an impediment for them but on the contrary, they have helped them improve their lives.

  5. When we are using “can’t help” + a verb ended in ing, we are saying that we can’t stop or prevent yourself from doing something, like, I can’t help eating too much sweets, I can’t help playing video games, I can’t help thinking in the english exam...

    About the B1 and B2 exams, I'm going to present to the B2 exam this year, but I'm not going to be an official student next year.

    Daniel del Pozo Quesada 1º Bach

  6. Many times we don´t value what life gives us, so we don´t take into account the small things like seeing colors, shapes and how beautiful the world is.
    A blind person is no less trained than a person who sees since by not having a sense they develop and sharpen the others much more, there are people who are born with it and others by the consequence of an accident. Another element that helps them in their daily life is the white cane which have a digital device named ‘Sixth Sense’ which works using echo-location and serves to detect obstacles and so avoid many problems.
    In conclusion, blind people can lead lives as normal as a person who sees and technology is improving every day and can make life easier for these people. In addition, exist invents knows as assistive technology equipment which help blind people work around their challenges.
    Apart from different inventions, there are apps for mobiles phones such as voice or audio readers, and even gadgets like smart glasses or fingers reader.
    DANI 4A

  7. Rocío gonzalez ferrer22 de abril de 2021, 21:29

    People do not value what we have, such as sight, which is very important since through our eyes we can see images and the colors that life has.

    People who have lost their sight cannot appreciate how things are in real Life, blind pardons have a little help that is the cane to avoid colliding with things, or a guide dog which guides you to go through the right dice.

    I think that people must be honest with disabled people who suffer from blidnes, for exemple helping them to cross the street or if they need something to satisfy their needs, we must also value the things we see on a daily basis.

    Rocio gonzalez ferrer 2 bach

  8. The life of a blind man? What is it like? It has to be very hard since they don't see anything, they don't know what their friends are like, their parents ... they don't even know what they are like physically. It is easier to lead life when you are blind from birth since you develop other senses such as hearing, smell, but if you go blind after an accident it is more complicated since you do not have the other more developed senses, so it is more difficult to adapt.
    Thanks to technology and its advances, it has been possible to provide applications or machines to help these people. There are simpler machines which detect obstacles that are called 'Sixth Sense', and more modern apps that allow you to combine colors or find lost objects, this app is called "BeMyEyes". It is also worth mentioning the guide dogs that for many years have been the faithful companions of blind people.
    For my point of view it must be very sad to live a life without being able to see and appreciate the beauty of things or places, but thank goodness that thanks to technological advances these people can feel a little more free.

    Nuria Díaz Ruiz

  9. How is the life of a blind man?
    I really think it's very complicated, but we don't usually ask that question. I really don't know the answer. I think you should put yourself in their situation. It's difficult to imagine life in black because they really don't see anything. For me it would be very difficult not to see.

    Not being able to see your family, your friends, the colors, nature, life, it must be very difficult. I wouldn't like to be a blind person. But you also have to admit that they are people who develop a lot the other senses such as hearing or smell.

    Today there are many new technologies that help blind people and many programs have actually been developed to make these people feel like we do. There are also dogs that are taught to help these types of people and I think that together we can help them to make them feel like us.

  10. A blind person is no less trained than a person who sees, since by not having a sense, they have the other more developed senses such as hearing or smell.

    It is easier to lead life when you are blind from birth since you develop other senses such as hearing, smell, but if you go blind after an accident it is more complicated since you do not have the other more developed senses, so it is more difficult to adapt.

    Today there are many new technologies that help blind people and, in fact, many programs have been developed. An element would be the white cane that has a digital device called 'Sixth Sense' that works by means of echolocation and serves to detect obstacles and thus avoid many problems and helps them in their daily lives. faithful companions of blind people and have helped these people a lot.

    From my point of view, not being able to see your family, your friends, colors, nature, life, it must be very difficult, but thanks to technological advances these people can feel like us. Technology is improving every day. and it can make life easier for them.

  11. Being blind is not just closing your eyes. Being blind implies having a technical knowledge that allows the person who does not see to locate and move around different places. It is having an experience about blindness itself that includes even recognizing and identifying oneself as a blind person with visual impairment.
    Sara Rodriguez
