Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.

by Bruce Lee

viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2021

A cop to sort out climate change matters?

Yes, we need the COP26 in Glasgow!!!


Remember that the word 'cop' is a colloguial way to refer to a police officer in the United States. Can you remember the film ROBOCOP (short video to remind you)?


Actually, in this case COP26 stands for Conference Of Parties dealing the issue of climate change in our planet and it is the 26th time they meet. 


Three terms to unlock COP26 (BBC Learning English): net zero emissions, circular economy and 1.5 degrees + renewables, reduce emissions, change our diets, the clock is ticking.


Here some articles for you to read about this matter:



This tool will help us get to zero emissions (by Bill Gates) & Sir David Attenborough talking about The Climate Crisis: Towards Zero Carbon 



Norway and CO2 emissions | DW Documentary



Some activities for you to do: 


A History of the English Language (with subtitles)



Here's my musical hint for today: The House of the Rising Sun by Joan Baez  and here's a version with the lyrics for you to sing along... 


Episode 211103 / 03 November 2021    >>>  World's oldest known art cave   -    Language related to 'old things and the past'.  

Need-to-know language: ancestors, archeologists, ancient, decaying & crumble.



Project about A Foreigner in New York  by Natalia López (2º Bach A)

17 comentarios:

  1. Climate change has been intensigying in the last years. Because of this, extreme weather events like flood, heat waves, forest fires or heavy rains have been becoming more and more common and dangerous. Global warming is also a problem because when the planet heats due to different types of emmisions, ice from the north and south poles melt making the level of the sea raise. If the level of the sea raises, many people may lose their houses and jobs.

    To fight climate change and global warming, 200 countries have reunited in the COP26 in Glasgow. The main objective of this reunion is to reduce emissions, but they have talked about other topics. Thanks to the COP26 plenty of countries have promised that they will tackle deforestation by planting trees, which is very helpful to fight climate change because plants can absorb the CO2 that causes it.

    Unfortunately, other agreements like reducing the emissions of methane, a kind of emission that causes global warming, and cutting off the use of coal, whose combustion produces a lot of CO2, haven't been signed by the countries that produce the biggest quantity of emissions, like China, Russia, India or Australia.

    Personally, I think that we are still in time to reduce our emissions and try to save the planet, but we can't stop climate change if countries that produce lots of emissions like Russia or China don't make an effort to reduce emissions and use renewable energy.

  2. Climate Change is not a thing of today, nor of yesterday and not of the day before yesterday; it is a consequence caused for many years. In those times when it was known that it was a reality, anyone who claimed that Climate Change was something existing was taken by a madman, people with power, politicians, hid or passed this fact although the origin of this misfortune is due to many things, most of the fault is the human being.

    The chemical pollution of rivers, seas and the aggressive emission of gases, such as Co2 and many others to the atmosphere have caused global warming to occur, thus causing Climate Change. The North Pole is an ice cap and Antarctica is covered by ice which has a function of regulating earth´s temperature, but due to aggressive gas emissions, the planet is warming and then the ice in the North Pole and Antarctica is melting, then the Earth is beginning to heat up. Also, as the ice at the poles melts, the sea level will rise quite a few meters.

    If we continue doing nothing, we will soon feel the consequences of climate change on a large scale. I think the important thing is to have a lot of information on the subject and want to contribute our small but essential grain of sand. We should use more renewable energies such as electricity and less fossil fuels like petrol. To help the environment to improve, humans should reduce the amount of wastes, specially plastic and non-biodegradable elements. Only then we could help the environment.

    In my opinion, the first step is to change many of our daily habits that harm the environment such as using electric energy and reducing the emission of carbon dioxide and other harmful substances. Everyone should be conscious that changing the planet cannot be possible if everyone doesn’t contribute.

    Álvaro Martín Moliz. 2º BACH

  3. Climate change is something that everyone has to be concerned about since we can end up without a planet if we continue at this rate of over production and lower the rate of pollution since we are loading the ozone layer.

    The political meetings they do on this issue from my point of view is more of a media issue than anything else since in the end no one agrees on what to do.

    A study predicts that if we continue at this rate of production and pollution, in 2027 there will not be a single edible fish on earth and fish is one of the most important foods in human nutrition and that we would be left without them would be very bad news. .

    I think that everyone should make a reflection because if we continue doing things that badly, future generations or ours will probably have to find another place to live since there will be no earth

  4. In my opinion, climate change is something that we could reduce, but we could never eliminated completely, given that all of us pollute without realizing it. Like driving, with factories, smoking...

    It's true that every time we pollute more and the world is worse, we need to put all of our part to make this change, because if we not we will end the world before the time. We need to consume much many plastic, in short trajectories go on bike or even walking, throw the trash to the bin, and many things that we can change without any effort in our day.

    People aren't aware of the seriousness of the problem despite the facts that news continuously appear on TV about this problem and that the change in temperatures has been much more noticeable this year.


  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. Climate change is the global variation in the Earth's climate. This variation is due to natural causes and the action of man and occurs on all climatic parameters: temperature, rainfall, cloudiness, etc, at very different time scales. Climate change affects us all.Some causes of climate change are the following: the natural greenhouse effect, water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, etc.

    Carolina García Bautista 3ºA

  7. On 12th November, the United Nations Conference on Climate Change ended. It has brought together one hundred and ninety-seven countries; bussinessmen,scientists, activists, who have tried to reach agreements and commitments to combat climate change and to progressively stop using coal.
    But has it really served any purpose? It seems that not for much. One of the most relevant things was to reach zero carbon emissions, this objective seems unfeasible in the short term.
    It seems hypocritical to me that all leaders go to the conference by private plane with what they pollute. I think that goverments aren´t serious about solving this problem, it gives me the impression that they aren´t interested because they have many benefits, it´s a problem that is difficult to solve. From my point of view it takes more effort to solve.

    Alejandro Venegas Mancilla 3ºA

  8. Climate change is one of the biggest problems that humanity faces today and if we don't take action the results will be devastating for human life as scientists already warn.

    Despite all this, we remain so comfortable with our lifestyle that many of us deny the problem outright or simply turn our face and pretend nothing is wrong.

    I think that the ones that should make changes are the factories and their way of producing products, trying not to use certain substances that are so harmful to the environment and also us trying to use the car as little as possible and all the advice that they always give us every time that they talk about it.

    This is a problem that affects all of us and instead of discussing whether it is real or not we should act now.

    Alba Arellano 1ºBach A

  9. We really don’t know what climate change is, either due to excess information, inaccurate sources or misinformation, which gives us a series of false myths about climate change.
    First, it is necessary to clarify two concepts that, although closely related, are often mistakenly taken as synonyms: climate change and global warming. There is big difference: global warming is the cause of climate change, which is the increase in the temperature of the planet caused by emissions into the atmosphere of greenhouse gases derived from human activity, causing variations in the climate that would not occur naturally. The greenhouse effect is a natural process that allows the Earth to maintain the conditions necessary to support life: the atmosphere retains part of the sun's heat. Without the greenhouse effect, the planet's average temperature would be -18ºC.

    There are various changes that we can make in our consumption habits and in the reeducation of our needs, reconsidering what is really necessary to live in harmony with the planet. For example...

    - Recycling
    - Using public transport
    - Saving energy consumption.
    - Consume less meat

    Lucía Mingorance Rodríguez 2º BACH.

  10. In recent decades, climate change has been going higher and higher. The climatic events have intensified, for example we are seeing more floods or more forest fires like in Australia at the beginning of last year or already the usual summer fires in California.

    Because of this, to combat climate change, around 200 countries have gathered at COP26 in Glasgow, where they have agreed to reduce CO2 emissions, among other related issues, and have also talked about stopping deforestation and planting new trees, so they would absorb the CO2.

    Although, this initiative has not been entirely successful because countries as China, Russia, India or Australia that have more methane emissions, which cause global warming, and stop carbon emissions, which produce CO2, have not signed.

    To sum up, I think that we are still in time to save our planet, but we can't stop climate change if some countries that produce lots of emissions don't make an effort and use renewable energy.

  11. This year COP26 was celebrated in Glasgow. This is a big reunion where different countries meet to talk about climate change and possible solutions.

    Although every year this meeting takes place, the situation of our planet is worse and temperature is higher. This is so dangerous for the life in the Earth. The countries must reduce their emissions of CO2 and pollute less.

    I think that there are solutions for this serious problem, but the countries are not interested. I don’t understand this behaviour because humans are the responsible for these circumstances which are affecting all the animals and plants here.

    Therefore, we need to stop this global warming before we destroy this planet. If this happens, human beings will be the cause. We have opportunity to save the Earth, but we have to act now.

    Leo Maldonado Castro 2º Bach

  12. Lately, in recent years, climate change has increased, since global warming has increased due to the fact that less and less public transport is used or people are walking to places. We prefer to take our own vehicle, without sharing it with someone who goes to the same place sometimes, either for pleasure or comfort.

    Global warming is the cause of climate change, that is, the increase in the temperature of the planet caused by emissions into the atmosphere of greenhouse gases derived from human activity, are causing variations in the climate that naturally they would not occur. The Earth has already heated and cooled naturally on other occasions, but the truth is that these cycles had always been much slower, taking millions of years, while now and as a result of human activity, we are reaching levels that at other times they brought extinctions in just two hundred years.

    It is also worth mentioning that in the time of total confinement, this problem lost importance, since the lack of cars circulating at all hours and everywhere greatly reduced carbon emissions, benefiting our planet.

    Personally, I think that if we all do our part we can stop this still, using less our own transport and more the public, gradually changing gasoline cars for electric ones ...

    Nuria Diaz Ruiz

  13. Climate change is a global challenge that hasn´t got borders. For me, the climate change is a alteration of our planet for cause of our fault, to exploit all it´s resources in our favor and for later pollute and destroy all that has it´s nature and composition, such as animal habitats, forests and jungles (in other words, the plants) and the most important, water, a vital and essential resort for all livings beings, including humans.

    One of the principal causes of the climate change it´s the greenhouse effect prduced by humans in big quantities of the gases that compose it: mainly carbon dioxide (CO2), that has increased over 5% of emissions this year, and other gases such as methane (CH4), produced by the descomposition of organic matter, and nitrogen oxide (N2O), produced by the factories.

    The chlorofluorocarbons, also coming fron the greenhose effect, these components are used in aerosols, refrigerants, and other more uses. The´re inert with the oxigen (O2), but with the ozone (O3) they do reach, destroying the ozone molecules, and in turn the ozone layer, this would increase the temperature of the planet.

    Other cause of climate change is the deforestation, trees have the virtue of transforming the CO2 into oxygen and it´s, exactly, CO2, the gas we emit. If instead of caring for our forests we dedicate to eliminating them, the concentration of this gas in the atmosphere will be even higher.

    Adrián García 3ºA

  14. Today, among us there is a great problem, climate change. People believe that Climate Change is a new problem, but no, it is a consequence caused over many years.
    In recent years, climate change has increased, since we pollute more and more, we use very little public transport, we use a lot of plastic ...

    This great problem, is the one that causes extreme climatic events such as floods, heat waves, forest fires or earthquakes, they have become increasingly common and dangerous. Global warming is the cause of climate change, that is, the increase in the planet's temperature, due to different types of emissions.

    COP26 was held in Glasgow in Scotland, bringing together presidents and ministers from around the world to talk about climate change and possible solutions. They met in order to reduce emissions.

    In my opinion, climate change is something that we must reduce before destroying the planet. We should recycle more and use more public transport, but this we should do before the problem is bigger and it is more difficult to save the Earth.

  15. Everything indicates that we need a change, a change in people's mentality, but above all a change in the actions of the countries and their leaders, since to stop this climate change we cannot just recycle and use public transport If not, we must force the leaders of each country to bet even more than ever on renewable energy.
    In this COP26, what needs to be achieved the most is the commitment of most countries to reduce or stop the emission of the majority of CO2.
    Although CO2 is not the only problem, recycling is one of them as well since very few people recycle, in my case I recycle containers, cardboard, and glass, which not many people do in some countries. In the case of Spain, people recycle more than in other countries, but in Spain we recycle worse since it is not known very well how to throw away the containers, cardboard etc …
    In conclusion, I think that we must pay attention to everything our scientists tell us and change this once and for all, although this is quite difficult due to the little commitment of politicians to climate change and the amount of waste on the planet. Even if they do not commit themselves, if we citizens protest, in the end we will get them to listen to us and we will be able to change this.

  16. People think that Climate Change is a new problem, they think that it has existed for two or three years, but that's not true, because Climate Change has existed for many years, exactly for more than one hundred years. It started as a normal global heating, I say normal because the heating of our planet is something natural, but we have made that something natural becomes something really dangerous for all of us.

    The problem is that before the people didn't give much importance to this problem and, even, they thought that it was false, that climate change didn't exist. Now we can see how those people were wrong, because it is already producing some changes in our enviroment and weather. For example, in the south of Spain we can see that now there are fewer rainy days than before, it rains less and climate change is to blame.

    Luckily, now there are a lot of people that are worried about the climate change and its consequences. These people are looking for a solution to this problem, and in addition they aree celebrating a lot of conferences. Between them, the last conference the COP26. The COP26 was celebrated in Glasgow in Scotland, and presidents and ministers, like Joe Biden or Pedro Sánchez, from all over the world met there.

    Finally, from my point of view, if we had acted before, it would have been easy to solve. But as we didn't do anything, we can't be worried about the past,but we must think about the present and the future. Because if we act now, the future will be better than how it will be if we don't act. I only wish we would do something to solve this problem and it is not too late.
    Francisco González

  17. Climate Change is not a thing of today, it is a consequence caused for many years. In those times when it was known that it was a reality, anyone who claimed that Climate Change was something existing was believed, people with power, politicians, hid or passed this fact although the origin of this misfortune is due to many things, most of the fault is the human being.

    The chemical pollution of rivers, seas and the aggressive emission of gases, such as Co2 and many others to the atmosphere have caused global warming to occur, thus causing Climate Change. The North Pole is an ice cap and Antarctica is covered by ice which has a function of regulating earth´s temperature, but due to aggressive gas emissions, the planet is warming and then the ice in the North Pole and Antarctica is melting, then the Earth is beginning to heat up. Also, as the ice at the poles melts, the sea level will rise quite a few meters.

    We should use more renewable energies such as electricity and less fossil fuels like petrol. To help the environment to improve, humans should reduce the amount of wastes, specially plastic and non-biodegradable elements. Only then we could help the environment. That is the reason why COP26 was met in Glasgow in Scotland, bringing together presidents and ministers from around the world to talk about that problem and possible solutions. They met in order to reduce emissions.

    In conclusion, the climate change is a big problem that was produced for the effect of the man in the world, finishing with all of the enviroment, and now we must fight to stop this problem, and we must start right now. The COP26 has deciced some measures for all the pays that must fulfill for reduce the climate change.
