Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.

by Bruce Lee

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

Eating less meat could save 45,000 lives a year, experts claim

Some articles to read about the issue:

However, read about the reactions in Argentina:

What does WHO stand for? 

And some time ago we posted this in this blog:

Joint of honey roast ham
 Read the article and write a comment about your eating habits or anything about the issue.

And finally. LINGOHACK:   Episode 151028 / 28 Oct 2015 

What will happen in the future? Here's an exercise on the FUTURE PERFECT tense.


55 comentarios:

  1. This article is very interesting. I didn´t know that the excessive consumption of meat provokes cancer and so many deaths. It's really impressive! I think that everyone should do what the article says, we should eat less meat especially processed meat that contains much fat and is very harmful for health especially for the heart. We should eat more fruit and vegetables which are healthier, we also should do more sport, so we can avoid obesity and many deaths a year. I think that everyone should have a balanced diet as the Mediterranean that is the most healthy.
    Mireya González Paredes 2ºA BACH

  2. Oh, my Got! I know that eat excesive of thing can be very dangerous but I didnt know that 45.000 people a year die because of eat a lot of meat.The excess isn´t good for example drink alot of alcohol or eat a lot can be very dangerous for our healthy even we can die.I think that this article is very interesting and the people shoul read more and look after. I think that this number it is very high because although we have to a lot of tecnologie we must do sport and have got a balanced diet to not happen this cases.
    Carmen Presenta Prados Ramón 2ºA BACH.

  3. My mother and my grandmother always said to me and my brother: "You should eat meat every day for to grow and to be strong". Now, I know that they didn't have reason, because to eat meat every day is unhealthy. It is very serious because it cause 45.000 people died a year. I think that everyone should know this! From today, I'm going to eat more vegetables (excluding carrots and peas) and less meat, although I love the chicken and the fillet steak.
    By: Noelia Fernández Béjar 2º Bach A

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. I've always known that my family and I eat too much meat and that it isn't healthy, but I have never suposed that it can be so dangerous. I think everybody should read this article because I think most people think like I did and they don't know the risks eating to much meat has. I like the article because it doesn't speaks only about health problems but also about environment issues. After reading this article I will try to change the diet in my family and we will try to eat meat four times a week.
    By: Anna Rodríguez 1°Bach A

  6. I know something about that, but I didn't know that it was so damaging. In my home we used to eat meat because my brothers hate fish. I agree with the article to the extent that the added in meat, and food in general, are becoming more, and more damaging. I think we should look for more about our diet and eat more natural aliments.

  7. I think that a balanced diet could save many lives and this balanced diet should have less meat than we usually eat, but to be healthy isn´t only that, we must also do sports every day and today most people hardly ever play sports.
    I think that eating a balanced diet and doing sport every day the human race could be most healthy.
    I also think that people as students don´t have time to play sport because they would be all day studying if they wanted to pass the course.

    Enrique García Prados 2ºA Bachiller and happy new year

  8. I knew that eating too much meat could be unhealthy, but I didn't know it causes too much deaths. To have a balanced diet is the key to be fit and have a good health, but I think that not too much people do that. It's known that overweight is a global problem, but does anyone do anything to give a solution for it? Nowadays there're more fast food restaurants and less people practise sport, so I think here we have the real problem, which really causes deaths.

    Mari Gloria Lozano Prados 1º BACH A

  9. First I think this article is a bit exagerated. However is true that we must care for our health, only because health is the most important.
    All foods are necessary if consumed it in adequate amounts, especially from the nutritional point of view meat is a usual source of protein, fat and minerals in the human diet.
    I think we don't need to control exactly the amount of food we eat, because we'd go mad.
    We have to eat meat, fish, legumes, vegetables, pasta ... always in adequate amounts.

  10. Everyone eat meat and some of they eat meat too, maybe they don't like anything else that meat, and that cause diseases as cholesterol and heart attacks.
    To avoid this, we must have an appropriate diet without excesses of any type of food and we must do sport.

    However the meat is often considered a "strong plate" on any table or essential element of the food; the role of this food is often questioned by vegetarians and some nutritionists.

  11. The text can be resumed by the sentece that said Craig Bennett, FoE's director of policy and campaigns,"We don't need to go vegetarian to look after ourselves and our planet, but we do need to cut down on meat," I think that like everything we do, we must eat a little of meat, and me should study a little every day... The fact is that we eat too meat and a lot of fast food and this isn´t very good. Nowadays we look to fruit and vegetables with displeasure and we forget that they have a lot of good things for us and they are very healthy. However, I think that be vegetarian isn´t good at all because eat meat is important too.
    BY: María González 1ºBach

  12. In my opinion this article is interesting but I don´t believe in much facts of this document. I want to say that for me this is curious, because If all of this things, that the article tell are really, in my family, all members must to have cancer... jeje (because in the two branches often eat meat)...
    I think it´s necessary eat flesh, because it has a lot of nutrients that our body needs. This flesh was fundamental in the evolution of the man, or to be precise, it was fundammental for the growth at the brain of hominids. This must not be forgotten.

  13. I don´t believe that toe at less meat could sabe so many lives, because always my mother has said to me that the meat is very good because it has many proteins and especially meat of chicken and if it is roasted better because it has less fats.
    I did not know that the meat could provoke a number so raised of dead men.
    Only I knew that the burnt meat provokes cancer.
    I believe that almost the whole world eats great more meat that fish, fruit or vegetable, but surely do not know the number of deaths that the meat provokes.


  14. Such an interesting article but I need more than an article to stop eating meat. Everyday I eat meat and I´m not die yet. I think this articles are written by people who doesn´t know very well what they are saying.
    But you can not deny that this article is somewhat curious but I don´t believe what it say.

  15. Although I'm not a vegetarian, I love fruit and vegetables, but I also think that there are certain proteins that are found in meat and that we need for a good health. Is true that you shouldn't abuse of anything, because any kind of food in excess can be harmful, so we must control our diet and we deprive ourselves of some caprices that sometimes hurt us a lot. People should read this article and they would notice the harm we do ourselves and the harm we do to the nature of eating huge amounts of meat, as we shouldn't forget the animals which die by our fault. I think that doing the things with knowledge, many lives could be improved, and by the way, we let the animals live.

    María Rodríguez Martín 1º Bach. A

  16. To tell you the truth, in my family, we usually eat a lot of meat, but I never thought that eating meat in excess causes so many deaths every year. However, although all of us know the food we should eat or the food we shouldn’t eat, the truth is that everybody just eating what they want. All foods are necessary in our daily routine; we have to eat pasta, fish, meat, fruits, legumes, vegetables ... but always in recommended amounts. In my opinion, everything in excess is bad (for example: my mother always says me that I have to eat more and more legumes and vegetables, but this doesn’t mean that I only have to eat legumes and vegetables), therefore we should control us when we eat.

    Elena de la O López 2ºA Bach.

  17. I think roast beef when the human kills the animal is disgusting.
    My sister says that some some people eat crude the roast beef, but I think that is lie,because she's ten years.
    At the end the roast beef is incredible and he has a marking very very good.

    Paola Quirós Pozo. 2ºB

  18. In my family we eat a lot of meat but we have never tried roast ham. I think roast ham is similar to ham. I have never tried roast ham myself, but I would like to try it while I'm in Bath in April. I'm looking forward to this experience with my partners.

    Alberto Pineda Montoro 2ºB

  19. I eat a lot of meat but never eat bacon. I think bacon is very soft and greasy. My favourites food are spaghetti, pizza, hamburguer, salad and macaroni. I hate asparagus and carrots. I'm a lucky person because I always have food. My family eat a lot of meat and fish.

    Francisco Garcia Garcia 2B.

  20. I didn't know that excessive consumption of meat can cause cancer, sickness and death of many people.
    All foods are necessary in our nutrition, we must eat fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, pasta... but never in excessive amounts.
    Now, there are many fast food places and that leads to obesity in most people.
    To be healthier you have to eat everything but in moderated amounts and do sports.

    María Béjar Rodríguez 2º ESO A

    In my family, we usually eat meat, a bit of fish and hardly ever any fruits and vegetables.

  21. I didn't know that excessive consumption of meat can cause cancer, sickness and death of many people.
    All foods are necessary in our nutrition, we must eat fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, pasta... but never in excessive amounts.
    Now, there are many fast food places and that leads to obesity in most people.
    To be healthier you have to eat everything but in moderated amounts and do sports.

    In my family, we usually eat meat, a bit of fish and hardly ever any fruits and vegetables.

    María Béjar Rodríguez 2º ESO A

  22. I didn't know the excessive consumption of meat can cause cancer, sickness and death of many people.
    All kinds of food are necessary in our nutrition, we must eat fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, pasta... but never in excessive amounts.
    Now, there are many fast food places and that leads to obesity in most people.
    To be healthier you have to eat everything but in moderated amounts and do sports.

    In my family, we usually eat meat, a bit of fish and hardly ever any fruits and vegetables.

    María Béjar Rodríguez 2º ESO A

  23. Many people talk about the food that is healthier for our bodies, the quantities that should be eaten or how many times it's advisable to eat certain food in a week. However, the most part of the people that I know don't respect the food pyramid and usually eat too many sweets and fats.

    I have read that eating too much meat is bad for health, and that in the Middle Age, the richest social classes died from diseases caused by eating a lot of meat. However, the peasants who couldn't afford buying meat were very healthy. When the richest realized this, they changed their diet immediately and began to introduce more vegetables, fruits and fish on their food habits.

    Nowadays, in most families, meat consumition is still very high. On the one hand, I think that this happens because meat is easy to cook, and perhaps, easier to eat (especially for children) than fish, since fish is scraped. On the other hand, in my opinon, the fact that we usually eat more meat than fish is because we have been accostumed since we were children, and now, we like its taste.

    In conclusion, I believe that society today should make an effort to try to eat more fish and have a more varied food habits. I think I have a good alimentation because my parents taught me since my early age that I must eat everything on appropriate measures to be healthy. In addition, I think that not only should we eat healthfully, but we also must do some exercise at least two hours a week.

    Clara Prados. 2ºBACH B.

  24. The processed meats can produce cancer if you eat it all the days, but I think that if you eat processed meats sometimes can't produce cancer, because it has vitamins and it is necessary for a full diet.

    If the processed meats produced cancer, many restaurants might not serve meats, because it is unhealthy for the clients and they won't eat it.
    I think people are eating more meat than fish or vegetable, because the parents are travelling and when they arrive at home, they don't have much time for do the cooking and also the children like more meat than fish or vegetable.

    In my opinion there is a lot of people that eat meats all the days and they have problems with their weight and other problems with their health. They should have a balanced diet that has processed meats, but in small quantities.

    I eat sometimes meat and I think that isn't bad for my health.

  25. Nutrition experts caution that eating mutton, pork, beef and sausage is very perfudicial if we eat every day at risk of dying from cancer or a heart attack or stroke. But we can eat meat two or three times a week, they advise us to eat more fish, vegetables, fruits, legumes, etc. Should we ignore them for a healthy life.
    I did not know that red meat is harmful, so now in my family we eat less meat and more fish. There are many people in the world who is vegetarian, that too is a problem because the nutrients from meat not have the vegetables but in turn is good because if you do not eat meat are spared from having cancer and obesity.

  26. Nutrition experts caution that eating mutton, pork, beef and sausage is very perfudicial if we eat every day at risk of dying from cancer or a heart attack or stroke. But we can eat meat two or three times a week, they advise us to eat more fish, vegetables, fruits, legumes, etc. Should we ignore them for a healthy life.
    I did not know that red meat is harmful, so now in my family we eat less meat and more fish. There are many people in the world who is vegetarian, that too is a problem because the nutrients from meat not have the vegetables but in turn is good because if you do not eat meat are spared from having cancer and obesity.

  27. Obviously the meat is necessary for the life , because it has vitamins and nutrients that we need.
    I don´t think that eat meat can produce cancer , because more people have always eaten meat.

    The notice may cause crisis in the meat industry and in the restaurants or markets selling meat .
    The people will stop eating meat , the livestock industry will close .Now, there are many fast food places and that leads to obesity in most people.

    Jose Manuel Diaz España 4ºB

  28. Obviously the meat is necessary for the life , because it has vitamins and nutrients that we need.
    I don´t think that eat meat can produce cancer , because more people have always eaten meat.

    The notice may cause crisis in the meat industry and in the restaurants or markets selling meat .
    The people will stop eating meat , the livestock industry will close .Now, there are many fast food places and that leads to obesity in most people.

    Jose Manuel Diaz España 4ºB

  29. The news tells us that eating red meat can cause cancer , it has been very surprising to everyone in the world.
    On the one hand, although the cancer is the disease that causes most deaths, eating meat isn't the only reason they can cause, so I don't reckon this will change the habits of food from different countries.
    Moreover, since we all know that fish is always healthier than meat, also do not smoke, do sports or take the Mediterranean diet.
    Obviously, some countries that take a lot of meat, wo'nt change their habits, however, we must think about the increase of deaths from this disease and avoid anything that we think can cause it.

    Paola Ruiz Fernández 4º ESO A

  30. To eat red meat causes cancer ? and I always thought that smoking causes cancer and eating some foods that carry chemicals but never thought that eating meat cause cancer. I think that eating lots of red meat causes obesity but it is difficult that only meat cause cancer . In all countries there are many chain restaurants that sell meat for many years and I don'tt think the number of patients increases, but if increases the number of patients with diabetes and heart.
    we need health care.
    Antonio Peregrina Martinez 2ºA

  31. Does it? People awake now? We have always known that meat it is dangerous for our health, and now that it causes cancer. Somebody says me if you eat something who it is died, your body will be ill. But if you eat thing living, like as vegetables, fruits... you and your body will be better and you will be alive. Three quarters we eat daily comes from animal origin. We should eat more vegetal origin food, and say goodbye to eat meat everyday.

    On the contrary it is certainly to eat meat sometimes it is good, because it contributes vitamins and it is necessary for a full diet. And people who work into this, such as butchers, if people let to eat meat, they will lose customers, and so their works.

    Regarding Argentinians, I don’t think the same, but they can do that they want.

    All in all, people should eat less processed meat, and so could to save a lots of lives in a year, experts claim.

    Andrea Gutiérrez López 4ºESO B

  32. Now, in all means of communication there are news about meat and cancer. The OMS has included processed meats in carcinogenic substances to human's group, like tobacco, plutonium and contaminated air.

    In the past, people who ate meant meant that they could. However, now eat meat left to be something weird, it's too common.

    Nowadays, its easier eat meat than eat an apple... This change (eat more meat, less fish, less fruits and vegetables) hurts our health. Obesity in our country is the most frequency, cardiovascular accidents are also common, like hypertension, cholesterol...

    Red meat is the flesh of all mammals, and processed meat is meat which has been in some process for improve its taste or storage. These meats are, for example, hot dogs, corned beef, ham, sausages...

    I usually eat meat, and not much fish nor fruits. I think it's true, and I don't know to do. I reckon I'll carry on eating those meats, but prepared by my mother.

    María Béjar Rodríguez 4º ESO A

  33. I can't believe it! Well...I've always known that eating too much meat isn't very healthy, but I didn't know it can causes 45,000 deaths a year! That's a big problem, especially for Spain. In my opionion, most of spanish people usually eat meat, and it can produce obesity, and other problems like cancer. However, we can't forget to eat meat sometimes, because it contributs vitamins that are necessary for our body.

    At home, I usually eat meat, and I hardly ever eat fruits and vegetables. My parents always say to me that I have to eat more fruits and vegetables, but I don't want to listen them.

    I reckon we should start to eat more healthy, and avoid going to fast food restaurants like Mc Donald's or Burguer King, whose meats we really don't know of what animal is.
    Let's do it!

  34. Many people think that this new is very problematic because the factories and the markets can suffer a decrease in their solds. Personally, I consider that eating a big amount of meat could cause illnesses but if we have a normal amount we won´t have any problem.
    This article can provoke that people stop to buy meat and the producers can lose money.
    In conclusion, I think we should eat meat because we need proteins. But we have to practise some sports to be healthy.
    José Manuel Ortiz Jiménez 4 de ESO A.

  35. In my opinion, I don't think is the same as smoking. But it's important eat meat to livea healthy live, however there are some meats that are toxic if enough for our stomach... If I didn't have any problem passed since the processed meat eaten, Why I will happen now ? Having a normal consumption of processed meat, I don't think people suffer cancer, I'm my conclusion alchool and smoke is worse than eat.
    The world for keep health magazines won't do a change to be less Carnivore.

  36. The OMS has said that eat red meat causes cancer, it is similar to tobacco and breathe polluted air.
    I didn't know that until the day I watched the news, everybody is talking about that!! Even , there are many funny whatsapp messages talking and laughing about that. I don't usually eat red meat, I prefer to eat chicken and other things as potatoes and pasta. I think we should have a healthy diet, and we should eat all kinds of food, especially vegetables. Teenagers don't have a healthy diet because we eat a lot of sweets and fried things.
    I think that we should eat a little bit of everything, it is bad for your health if you always eat the same food. That is a healthy diet.

  37. I can't believe it! Well...I've always known that eating too much meat isn't very healthy, but I didn't know it can cause 45,000 deaths a year! That's a big problem, especially for Spain. In my opionion, most Spanish people usually eat meat, and it can produce obesity, and other problems like cancer. However, we can't forget to eat meat sometimes, because it contributes with vitamins that are necessary for our body.

    At home, I usually eat meat, and I hardly ever eat fruit and vegetables. My parents always tell me that I have to eat more fruit and vegetables, but I don't want listen to them.

    I reckon we should start to eat more healthily, and avoid going to fast food restaurants like Mc Donald's or Burger King, whose meats we really don't know of which animal it is from.
    Let's do it!

  38. I can't believe it!! In the world there are lots of food that if people eat them too regularly they will risk having illnesses, apart from cancer, like for instance having excesive amounts of fat can lead to colesterol. I think people shouldn't stop eating a certain food, but they should know their limits. So in order to have a healthy life all you have to do is eat the certain amount of nutrients from esch food.

  39. I can't believe it!! In the world there are lots of food that if people eat them too regularly they will risk having illnesses, apart from cancer, like for instance having excesive amounts of fat can lead to colesterol. I think people shouldn't stop eating a certain food, but they should know their limits. So in order to have a healthy life all you have to do is eat the certain amount of nutrients from esch food.

  40. I didn’t believe that we could save 45000 eating less meat. In my opinion this information is shocking. In my point of view there are two great causes: cancer and cholesterol.

    The cancer is a big problem, because we haven’t investigated enough and it can’t be stopped when it began. However, I think that the probability of taken a cancer by eating meat is very very low.

    The cholesterol is the really big problem, because it affects our circulatory system and finally produces the death. This issue can be solved by doing more exercise and eating less unhealthy food.

    All in all, I think that there are many other things we should be aware like pollution, endangered animals… However, we should take care of ourselves.

    By: WILLIAM : ))

  41. Could be saved over 45,000 lives a year if everyone decides not to eat meat more than two or three times a week, but I think that impossible because every day many people from differents countries eat a lot of meat, and it's very dangerous because they don't know that the excessive consumption of meat is unhealthy and it can produce cancer and so many deaths. It's really impressive!

    Almost always I eat meat, most of my meals carry meat because I hate vegetables and fruits. My mother often told me to eat less meat and more fruit.

    To sum up we can eat meat because we need proteins but it's unhealthy the excessive consumption of meat and we should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. If it's possible more fruits or vegetables than meat.

  42. Oh my God! I didn't know until recently that eating much processed meat can produce cancer. Eating sausages, hamburgers and sausages increase the risk of suffer cancer, according to experts of the OMS. Experts say that the processed meat may have the same effect as smoke snuff, alcohol, plutonium or contaminated air in the health. For me, it is an exaggeration.

    But, what is the processed meat? The processed meat is any meat that has been transformed with salt, curing, fermenting, smoked, to enhance flavor and preserve the food. What is the OMS? The OMS (World Health Organization) is the organization responsible to help the society, on issues such as the health, the hygiene, the food, the housing.....

    All in all, I think that eating processed meat at a moderate consumption isn't bad for the health. For example, in my family, we eat meat and fish only some days at the week, because my mother says that it is boring eat all the days the same type of food. Although, we also eat processed meat. In my opinion all the people should have a balanced diet, like the Mediterranean diet. We must eat more fruits and vegetables and less meat!!

    Joaquín Alejandro España Sánchez 4ESO.B

  43. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  44. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  45. We should not eat a lot of food like meat, fish ... because they can be unhealthy for our body, we should take food in small quantities and eat lots of fruit, exercise a lot and drink a lot of water. But if we eat a lot of meat, fish . We can be affected by cancer if we eat a lot of bad food. Some food can be harmful for our body.

    In my house we rarely eat meat. We eat mostly vegetables, fruit, fish and drink lots of liquids, especially water.
    My parents like to exercise a lot in their free time and my brothers and I also like to exercise when we can.

    For what I want to be when I grow up I need to eat a lot of vegetables, fruit and exercise. And also to be able to have a healthy life.

  46. Nowadays we eat a lot of meat. We eat it in many ways, in fast food, grilled, roasted... But is the meat really good?

    On the one hand, our diet has to be varied, we have to eat meat, fish, fruits and vegetables. Besides, meat has many properties that are good for us. In addition, meat is delicious and we can eat it in small quantities without any problem.

    On the other hand, meat produces cholesterol and can even cause cancer if we take too much meat. Furthermore, according to a recent study, the best diet that exists is the vegan diet, and it doesn't include any kind of meat! so we should stop and think about eating meat excessively.

    To put it in a nutshell, meat can be good but we should always eat more vegetables than meat. From my point of view, I love meat, but I am very shocked to read this article because I didn't know that eating too much meat can cause cancer so after reading this, I'll think better if I eat too much meat.

  47. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  48. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  49. Today we eat a lot of meat and a lot of fish, and this is because it is very good but we don't stop to think about the amount of bad and carcinogenic substances that it can have.

    I am one of those who eats a lot of meat and fish since it is a fast food.

    I have never stopped to think about the consequences that this may have, although from now on I will take less meat and less fish

    This topic is something difficult to believe since we have been eating this all our lives and all meals are usually accompanied by some fish or some meat.

    Many people should stop to see what can lead to eating these things and should take them less

  50. In our days people eat a lot of meat. I didn't know the consequences until I read the articles and I have to say that we should beware about the food we eat.

    Bacon, ham and sausages are classified along with cigarettes as a major cause of cancer, according to the World Health Organization and they cause more than 12 types of cancer in us, such as the colon cancer.

    On the one hand, We should be aware about the problems that meat causes and lower the quantity of meat in our diet, but we don´t have to stop eating meat. We should eat a balanced diet with vegetables, fruit, fish, meat and drink a lot of water, which is very good for your body and helps in many things.

    On the other hand, there are people that don´t eat meat because of the animal abuse or because of the cancer of the meat and they eat a balanced diet without meat.

    From my point of view we should think about our health and reduce the quantity of meat in our diet eating more vegetables and fruit and doing exercise everyday.

    María Prados Espinosa

  51. Reports are constantly featured in the news about the health risks of eating meat. If we believe everything the media says, eating a steak or bacon regularly increases your risk of heart problems or cancer.

    The health threat comes not from eating white meat, such as chicken, but red or processed, such as bacon and ham. Some people have stopped eating meat because they think it's unhealthy, others consume it daily and in large quantities.

    I think meat is not a harmful food to the body, it just has to be consumed in suitable portions. A healthy diet should include a varied amount of fats and proteins, these are obtained from animal foods such as meat.

    In conclusion, I could say that today's society should consume meat in a regulated manner and have a much more varied diet.

    Alejandra García García 2ºBach.

  52. Cancer is a disease caused by abnormalities in the cells of the body. In general, a lot of people die of cancer if the person does not receive the appropriate treatment and on time. Many types of cancer are known, the most common are: lung, skin, breast, cone ...

    When the cancer extends to various organs it is said that the person has metastasis, (difficult to cure).

    There are benign and malignant tumors, the first are slow-growing and do not spread while the others are fast-growing, spread to other organs and cause death if it isn’t treated.

    People of all ages can suffer from cancer. Cancer is a disease that causes a high percentage of deaths.

    Some actions to prevent many types of cancer are: not smoking, having a healthy weight, not consuming alcohol, eating plenty of vegetables and fruits, few red and processed meats, getting vaccinated ...

    Many scientists are investigating the cure for cancer. Let's hope to beat this disease one day.

    Francisco José Prados Espinosa 3º A

  53. Today cancer continues to be one of the diseases that kills the most people per year (approximately 100,000) and remains difficult to cure and impossible in most cases.

    This can be caused by smoking, obesity, lack of exercise and other times it can be transmitted chronically.

    This disease, apart from having many types such as skin cancer, tongue cancer, lung cancer... has 3 different phases, 3 being the most deadly and 1 being the beginning of cancer. In phase one, cancer can be terminated or it can continue. expanding through the body reaching phase 2 and even phase 3.

    Some tips to avoid cancer are:

    1 Do not use tobacco

    2 Have a healthy diet, avoid processed meats, a healthy weight, lots of vitamin D which is obtained from fruits and vegetables.

    3 Protect yourself from the sun since it can cause skin cancer, using sunscreen, hats and avoiding the midday sun.

    Jose Carlos Escribano Pulido 4 ESO A

  54. Eating less meat seems like a good idea to help save lives and improve health. Experts say it could save 45,000 lives every year, which is very important. Some studies have even linked processed meats to cancer, like smoking. But in places like Argentina, where meat is a big part of their culture and diet, people have different opinions. They may find it hard to reduce meat because it's so important in their traditions. It’s interesting to see how health advice can be different depending on the country and its culture.
