... books, pencils, values, etc NOT WITH GUNS!!! Schools are not the Far West, where cowboys used to solve every matter shooting.
Here's a real cowboy, John Wayne, and the way he solved matters. Is this what we want for our schools?

And here's Gary Cooper in High Noon (Click here to watch the full movie). Again any resemblance with a school?
Here are some related articles to read about the issue:
Trump Suggests Teachers Get a ‘Bit of a Bonus’ to Carry Guns (The New York Times)
Would arming teachers be a 'deterrent' or 'a recipe for disaster'? (CNN)
Cops And Educators Agree: Arming Teachers Is A Terrible Idea (Huffington Post)
Florida shooting: Teachers want to be armed, but not with guns (BBC News)
Giving guns to teachers? That's an army we don't need – or want (The Guardian)
What is the verb that comes from the adjective 'deterrent'? How would you say in English: "La alarma disuadirá a los ladrones de entrar en la casa".
Activities for my 2º ESO students: What would you like your teacher to be like?
24. Fill in the gaps with these words: bargain , deal , exchange , change , rate
1. There was a fascinating ________________ of views in the debate.
2. It was quite cheap. It was a tremendous _______________ in fact.3. Let's make a _______________ . You have my sweater, and I'll have your jeans.
4. This isn't the right _______________ . I gave you twenty pounds, not ten!
5. What's the _____________ for dollars today?
And now with: advice , intention , meaning , mind , opinion
6. In my ___________, I think that marriage is definitely a good thing.7. I took my mother's ______________ . I didn't get married until I was twenty-five.
8. I can't make up my _____________ whether to get married or not.
9. I have no ____________ of ever getting married.
10. Marriage? My husband doesn't understand the real _____________ of the word!
Solutions to VOCABULARY exercises in the previous post.
A. 1. borrow 2. lend 3. lend 4. lent 5. borrow 6. borrowing 7. lending
B. 1. fault 2. mistake 3. fault 4. error 5. mistake 6. error/mistake
Here you can read about the difference between error and mistake. FAULT/ERROR/MISTAKE, further explanation and exercises.
Well, my teacher is good, but he send lots of exercises and writings and I'm very lazy to do this homework. There comes a point and you do this homework like nothing.
ResponderEliminarI don't care how is he.
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ResponderEliminarIt is a well-known fact the last decision Trumps has made about providing guns to teachers in order to prevent attacks as the last one in Florida, where 17 people were killed. However, is that the most common sense decision ever made?
ResponderEliminarFor a start, that issue gas caused controversy among teachers of all over the world, who are logically against that determination. What's more, they have shown their disagreement on the social media networks with the hashtag # armmewith.
Apart from that, this is such a making no sense idea that some teacher have claimed they would leave their dream job of teaching if they are asked to carry guns in the classroom. Moreover, providing teachers arms and training would cost such a huge amount of money which could be spent on education, books, pencils... rather than in arming teachers.
Taking all into account, I tend to believe that Trumps has a mental disorder. Teacher only want to earn a living and transmit their knowledge to students. As long as students are at ease, they will learn and not only that but also their incorrect behaviour can be in control by means of different ways without using violence. The world would surely be a better place to live in if education and respect are the only things we live for.
¨Trump's proposal to protect the educational community: weapons teachers¨ perhaps this man he has lost his head thinking that this plan was good idea, the teachers are not killers are persons that they worry about the education about his students and only search transmit their knowledge.
ResponderEliminarI think that in the history there have been many attacks in institutes caused for students but really weapons teachers are the solution, i think that a teacher would not be able to shoot a student because the are not killers.
Maybe if in the doors of the institutes would have metal detectors, the students couldnt introduced weapons in these or if will try to control the most conflictive areas there would not be so many problems.
I think that in EE.UU a lot of people have weapons , this is because there is so easy get a weapons if Donald Trump he cares more this there would not be so many problems with weapons but he prefer abuse of social minorities, discriminate people and do anti-human acts
Miguel Ángel González Ortega 2A Bachillerato
In my opinion, taking weapons to the institutes is not the best option to protect yourself, because you could offer a weapon to another person who is not stable and could hurt someone. For me, the best option is to have a gun law that regulates the purchase of weapons and psychological tests are done to anyone who wants a weapon or a firearm.
ResponderEliminarFor example, countries such as Australia and Japan have managed to drastically reduce firearms deaths after applying stringent laws regulating the transport and arms trade that could serve as a model in the United States when those people try to recover from the slaughter of children and adults.
In Japan, it is almost impossible to hold on to a firearm. They are forbidden for all except the police on active duty and, even they, cannot carry them in their hours of rest. so Japan has one of the lowest weapons possession rates in the world.
In contrast, the United States has one of the highest. They have less than 5% of the world population, but more than 40% of weapons in civilian hands that is between 250 and 300 million weapons in the hands of ordinary citizens
That's why I think we should all adopt a position like that of Japan and only give weapons to qualified and responsible people who can carry that responsibility.
Ariadna Prados López 2ºBachillerato
Our teacher wants us to be hard-working and I think that´s good. So we do our homework, do the writing exercises and write the comments and he wants us to take the B1 in 4ºESO.
ResponderEliminarThat way we will have the best future you can imagine.
The Way Forward for the Wild West
ResponderEliminarEvery year we hear about some awful shooting incident in American schools. Every time people protest, demanding that the government do something about the arms legislation. This year, 2018, we have already had a deadly massacre in a high school in Florida. In response, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, has suggested that the solution to this problem is arming the teachers.
America has a long tradition of arms culture. We are all familiar with the Wild West, shooting cowboys and gangsters. In Europe we have far more gun controls. In Spain owning a gun is classed as a privilege permitted by the government for specific uses, in the USA owning a gun is considered a right not a privilege and it is written into the Constitution.
What is the solution? In 1996 Australia brought in some of the most comprehensive firearms laws in the world after 35 people were massacred by a gunman with a semiautomatic weapon in Tasmania. In the 21 years since the laws were passed, about one million semi-automatic weapons, roughly one third of the country's firearms, were sold back to the government and destroyed.
In my opinion this points the way for the United States. It is not an intelligent idea to arm teachers who would probably do more harm than good!
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EliminarSpain is not the same as the United States of America, in Spain the use of guns is very restricted.
I prefer to use good examples.
I love that my teachers use dictionaries, books, notebooks and pens, and they teach us to be great people.
I think that President Donald Trump's solution is not good.
If guns are used, there will be more violence.
I think if there is an active shooter, you have to escape or hide.
Susana P. Bosch 2ºESO Grupo A
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ResponderEliminarLately a lot of people disagree with one of the last Trump’s decisions. He embraced a National Rifle Association position to arm highly trained teachers to fortify school against mass shooting like the one that took place in Florida, that is, he said that teachers should carry weapons. It is a proposal that could have disastrous consequences.
ResponderEliminarFirstly, it is not the solution. He still wants that any American can walk into a store and purchase any gun, especially an AR-15 that has become the favourite weapon of mass killers. It was designed for military combat and also it was used by Nikolas Cruz, who murdered 17 students.
Another factor to take into account is that bringing more guns into school does nothing to protect students and educators from gun violence. Students just need more books, pencils, values… but not more violence in classrooms. Besides, teachers are meant to be educators and not snipers.
All in all, everybody would agree that schools are not the Far West, where cowboys used to solve every matter shooting. I think that the best solution to this problem would be making a gun law to regulate its purchase or even banning it. Like that, this world would be a safer one.
Andrea Gutiérrez López 2BACH A
I would like my teacher to be friendly with me and with my friends, that sent less homework and that he lets us go a little before. The teacher now isn´t bad, but it wants too much of us.
ResponderEliminarSchools are known to be places where children and teenagers are sent to get knowledge in order to go to university and get a well-paid job and have a good life. Unfortunately, some of them won’t be able anymore, due to the shotting happended last month.
ResponderEliminarIt is an open secret that one the main issues in United States is how easy for people is to get guns. This is not the first time that this kind of event has happened, for example: in December of 2012, Adam Lanza gunned down twenty children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., before killing himself.
The discussion has turned to how to stop the next shotting. Some have called for new rules to make it harder and harder to buy weapons, but others have said that there should actually be more guns in the school in hands of the teachers and the staff, ready to defend the children they look after. That’s what The President Donad Trump has suggested: “with guns teachers would be able to immediately fire back if a savage sicko came to school with bad intentions”.
To conclude, I would like to say that a lot of teachers have said that they just want to be respected by their administrators and their pupils. They want enough resources, such as books and school supplies to be able to teach. They don’t want guns!
Mª José García Gutierrez 2ºBACH
Our teacher is very good, but he wants too much of us, and sometimes we can´t give him that he wants, it isn´t bad because with he you can leanr more than with other teachers, and have a better level of English. Really, don´t care how is the teacher, what care is that he explain good and you can learn all the lessons.
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ResponderEliminarI would like my teacher be more comprensive, because sometimes sends too much homeworks, for example everyday he send 1 or 2 pages of the book and some writting exercises.
ResponderEliminarHe isn´t a bad teacher, he explain very well and prepares you for the B1 and other things that helps you later.
John Wayne popularly known as The Duke was an American actor who began his film career in the 1920s. John Wayne was born in 1908 in Winterset, Iowa, and was called Marion Robert Morrison, although his parents changed the name to Marion Mitchell Morrison when they decided to call their next son Robert. His early years were marked by poverty. Duke was a good and popular student. High for his age, he was a star football player at Glendale High School and was recruited by the University of Southern California (USC).
ResponderEliminarLately a lot of people disagree with one of the latest Trump’s decisions. He embraced a National Rifle Association position to arm highly trained teachers to fortify school against mass shooting like the one that took place in Florida, that is, he said that teachers should carry weapons. It is a proposal that could have disastrous consequences.
Firstly, it is not the solution. He still wants that any American can walk into a store and purchase any gun, especially an AR-15, which has become the favourite weapon of mass killers. It was designed for military combat and also it was used by Nikolas Cruz, who murdered 17 students.
Another factor to take into account is that bringing more guns into school does nothing to protect students and educators from gun violence. Students just need more books, pencils, values… but not more violence in classrooms. Besides, teachers are meant to be educators and not snipers.
All in all, everybody would agree that schools are not the Far West, where cowboys used to solve every matter shooting. I think that the best solution to this problem would be making a gun law to regulate its purchase or even banning it. By doing this, the world would be safer.
Andrea Gutiérrez López 2BACH A
Is convenient that teachers are armed with weapons? The new Donald Trump's law has created much controversy between teachers of many schools. Are teachers able to use a gun to stop a student's attack? What is worse, the remedy or the cure? Let's talk about it.
ResponderEliminarNowadays, it is known that schools are good places where children are sent to get knowledge in order to go to university and get the job they liked the most. A few months ago, an attack where 17 people were killed took place in Florida. Since then, Trump made this inappropriate law. It is normal that many teachers have claimed they would leave their dream job of teaching if they are asked to carry guns in the classroom.
From what I think, the enormous amount of money that Trump wants to invest buying guns for teachers should be used for notebooks, calendars, pencils, rubbers,.....in summary, for school supplies. I think that other ways exist to control the bad behaviour of students, as punishments, tasks, jobs, projects. Furthermore, I want to add that this kind of problems could be solved very easily if families taught their children respect and humility.
Joaquín España 2ºBACH
Schools are the places where children and adolescents learn to be trained for the future. In the case of adolescents, they prepare to go to university and find a stable job. Although unfortunately, many of them will not be able to do so, since they have been killed by the shots that occurred a few months ago at a school United State.
ResponderEliminarThis event isn't the first one that happens or the last one that will happen. This is because in the United States it is easy to obtain weapons. As for example: a student killed 17 people in a shooting in an institution in which he was expelled for his bad behavior, last February of this year.
Many people have asked for new rules to avoid more murders, since many people have already died. However they say that teachers and students should have more weapons to avoid these catastrophes.
In my opinion, I believe that weapons should be banned all over the world and should only be carried by professional people. At school there should only be books, notebooks ... and fewer weapons.
Today I’m going to talk about if teachers should have guns with them. Students can think that it is a good idea and take it too.
ResponderEliminarTaking guns to school can cause a lot of problems because it might cause and accident and the reputation of the school can be bad. Guns are synonym of violence and violence is a thing that we have to reduce.
There are other ways to solve a problem than violence. Violence causes a lot of problems. If teachers carry guns it give students the message that carrying guns is a good idea.
Also we don’t want a world where teachers have to carry a gun to be protected at school, schools should be a safe place and not a place where you life is put at risk every day.
ResponderEliminarOur English teacher is good and funny, but asks for many tasks and is very demanding, the positive side is that it teaches you more things and when you get to a higher level it is not that difficult, but the important thing is that it explains well.
President Donald Trump suggested that some professors or school workers in the country can carry weapons in a hidden way to respond quickly if a shooting occurs, in addition to raising the minimum age to legally buy a weapon. Trump made that suggestion when receiving in the White House a group of people affected by shootings in educational centers in the United States, among them six students of the Parkland Institute.
ResponderEliminarTrump said that given the time it can take the police to get to a school when they receive a shooting alert, teachers who are trained could stop these events "very quickly."
From my point of view I think that Donald Trump has gone a little head, I do not think it is the best option. If what you want is that schools are protected there is another series of measures that could be taken to avoid attacks in schools, for example; There should be metal detectors at the entrance door of the school. Teachers want to teach and not have to learn to use a weapon in case they need it some day. It is also true that in the United States it is very easy to obtain a weapon and this can be the cause of these attacks.
Let the professors teach and the police will already be in charge of protecting us.
My English teacher is so funny but he send a lots of homework , writigs and comments to do. he never put positives but always put negatives for dont do the homewor.
ResponderEliminari dont like this
My English teacher is very demanding because he asks for many things but it is not so bad. He is very funny and very understanding. It leaves us enough time to deliver all the things, and to some it facilitates the examination to us according to the capacity of English that we have. He is very friendly and speaks to us with a lot of respect.
ResponderEliminarMy English teacher is very demanding because he asks for many things but it is not so bad. He is very funny and very understanding. It leaves us enough time to deliver all the things, and to some it facilitates the examination to us according to the capacity of English that we have. He is very friendly and speaks to us with a lot of respect.
ResponderEliminarWith the new weapons reform of Donald Trump wants teachers from several centers to carry firearms so that in case of a shooting or something similar they have a self defense for themselves and for the students. When Trump did that, the minimum age to obtain a weapon decreased with great speed.
ResponderEliminarHaving a weapon in the US is so easy that all people of any age can have weapons.
On the black market and in the street itself, they can buy a gun or a knife, which led Trump to put that law.
The law of minimum age to obtain a weapon.
I would my teacher like to be more comprensive, because sometimes sends much homeworks, and he scream much too.
ResponderEliminarHe isn't a bad teacher,so sometimes i don't understand his explications and sometimes i can't do all the homeworks too.
What does Trump suggest to try to protect the educational community, he thinks that teachers could wear a gun . He is the only person who thinks that it is a good idea, the teachers are not taught to use a weapon, their function is to teach the students with their knowledge and to give them a good education for their future.
ResponderEliminarThere have been many attacks throughout history in the schools but I do not think that the solution is that the teachers should carry a weapon because I think that they would not be able to shoot one of their students.
I think one of the main problems in the US is that it is very easy to get a gun since almost everyone has a gun at home . I think that it shouldn´t be so easy, because Not everyone is trained to have a weapon in his/her home.
Raúl Díaz Rodríguez 2ºBach A
My English teacher is demanding, but that is good because with him we have a good level of English and then when we have to do important exams like selectivity we will thank him. It sends many exercises but it serves as review and although it does not warn us when the exams serve us to study every day and not the day before the exam study a lot. I think he is a very good teacher although sometimes I do not understand his explanations but it is because I do not lend a lot of attention.
ResponderEliminarTrumps proposition of giving teachers guns was none the least controversial.
ResponderEliminarMany teachers showed openly their disagreement to the situation and also did many parents and students. Thanks to the social pressure that law wasn´t made. However just the possibility of having guns at school gave a fright to the population and re-opened the discussion about guns in general.
From my point of view that proposal was very extremist. The quantity of shoots at school in America is very high and it is due the easy teenagers have access to those weapons, so from my point of view the law of letting people have guns for selfdefense should be over. It is a very old law which has not sense in now a days lifestyle.
But this is something many Americans are not going to let happen because they think it is traditional and are not going to look up for the security of the country, so, at least it should be harder for people to get a gun and not just selling it in a supermarket. I think that if there is going to be a gun at the house all members from the age of 12 would have to pass a psychological test at least once every year or two years. I think it isn´t a total solution but it might reduce some cases.
To sum up it is a very difficult matter to fix because whatever action is done about it is going to have many people against it.