It's no rubbish!! There's rubbish everywhere: at school, in the streets, in the sea, in the space... Something must be done immediately if we don't want things to go any worse!!
How many words do you know that are connected with 'rubbish'? Look far below in this post and you'll find some of them. But try first, and then have a look at this interesting LINGOHACK episode:
- Episode 191120 / 20 November 2019 >>> Learn 'rubbish' vocabulary (French restaurants fighting climate change): Language related to 'rubbish'. Need-to-know language: waste food, compost, organic, landfill and greenhouse gas.
And rubbish is obviously connected to some big issues, such as: nuclear waste, climate change, recycling, reusing, upcycling, pollution, landfill, methane gas...
Some articles for you to read about the topic:
Green new meal: restaurants can charge diners to reduce their carbon food-print (The Guardian)
Parisians fight climate change with a surprising weapon (BBC News)
Restaurants Fighting Climate Change (Michelin Guide) towards Zero Food Print (ZeroFoodPrint)

The Future’s Rubbish! - BBC Documentary
Amazing fact: Almost 16,000 tonnes of Aucklanders' recycling ended up in landfill last year
However, 'rubbish' can also mean 'talking foolishly'. Look it up here, and here you can have its definition in English.
And talking about 'rubbish' and, sorry, 'shit', here's another episode of News Review: Slippery toilets could save water (BBC Learning English)
Episode 2: Adverbs of frequency in our series of BBC Learning English: The Grammar Gameshow, where you can test your knowledge of grammar.
English in a Minute: Five ways of using 'run' (BBC Learning English)
Words connected with rubbish: rubbish bin, dustbin, litter, space junk, debris, garbage, trash, compost, waste... You can even have a look at some posts related with this:
What really matters in life
Cleaning up space junk
Food and food waste, a big world problem
We all wish it would rain down!!!!
Paris: World Climate Summit 2015

Great entry, Alberto!
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ResponderEliminarNowadays we buy too food, and then, the most of it is throw away, and we are not conscious of the problem that this action can produces.
ResponderEliminarOn the one hand, we usually buy more food that we need, so if we don’t eat it, it will be throw away. We must add in this waste, the plastic which packed it , another big problem. All of them finish principally in the sea, where lots of animals can die because of . But also we can see rubbish in the street or in the country.
On the other hand, there are so many actions which reduce this problems, and people who are very aware of this problem. We can do some small changes in our diary live that aren’t difficult and they help to the environment. For example, recycling, reuse, using the less plastic that we can, or buying only the things that we are going to consume.
Finally, this is a problem that is affecting us a lot, but with some changes, we can solve it. I believe in that we can improve this problem.
Nowdays we live in one community in that the people don't wit to think tht we are destroying the enviroment, because we don't reuse the things or we don't recycle any and if we don't recycling the food, the plastic, paper, glass...
ResponderEliminarAnd if you you add all the polluting gases that produce the bussines we live in one destroyed enviroment.
The most problems is the change climate that are produced because we generated a lot of plastic more of the necesary as every food, or every things that you buy have a lot of plastic, plastic that then the people don't recycle and more of this plastic go to the river, oceans... and this plastic don't destroy in the envitoment, that is to say it does not decompose rapidly but it takes thousands of years to for decompose and the sun rays that go to this oceans, river, forest and evry part of the world they produced in the plastic a one reflex effect that this effect produced one over warming of the atmosphere producing that the glaciers, and snow stay melting for that the level of the water of the oceans are up and this water stay procuding a lot of flooding, tsunamis and thay stay destroying the enviroment.
I think that we must to salve the planet, stopping the excess of plastic the gases of the bussines, because if not ours planet is going to dissapeared and destroy and every people go to die, and the humanity go to dissapeared for always.
We live in a world where people don't care about the trash they throw away. There are rubbish everywhere. In the streets, in the schools, in the sea, in the countryside... We need to do something!
ResponderEliminarContaminated places have the potential to impact on human health and the environment in a variety
of ways. Things and pollution in general.
On one side, we throw away a lot of food and inorganic things like bottles, buckets, rubbers, plastic... These things can stay lots of years so if we participate to support our world, we will have a clean and renovate planet, so what are you waiting for?
On the other side, we have lots of transports, factories... that create a lot of pollution and if you are living in a big city like Tokyo, Barcelona... sometimes you can see that the sky is a little dark than normaly, and other times, for example in Tokyo, people have to use a mask.
I think that we need to support all of us to make a great world again for the next generation because if we don't do this we can die before 2050. Bring your help!
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ResponderEliminarClimate change is the evil of our time and its consequences can be devastating if we do not drastically reduce dependence on fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions.
ResponderEliminarAlexandra Pérez Moreno 1ºA
When we talk about rubbish, we think about the rubbish we generate at home, the plastics in the seas and oceans, the rubbish in our forests, but what happens to the technological rubbish?
ResponderEliminarA major problem for the environment is technological waste, which comes from electrical and electronic equipment.
If these technological wastes are not eliminated, human health may be at risk.
Almost 50 million tons of technological waste are generated per year, almost impossible to recycle in its entirety.
The technological rubbish can be found in refrigerators, freezers, computers, mobile phones, tablets, televisions ...
These devices contain toxic substances such as cadmium, lead, lead oxide, antimony, nickel or mercury.
If these substances reach our body, they can cause serious health problems.
In conclusion, we have to reduce these toxins from the atmosphere, water and Earth to try to reduce their negative effects.
Susana P. Bosch
4º ESO Grupo A
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ResponderEliminarNowadays we waste too much food when we are cooking or when we eat and all of this waste isn´t good for the planet. There is rubbish everywhere , at school , at street and especially at sea .
ResponderEliminarOn the one hand , the rubbish we generate usually comes from food and if we don´t recycle it, it can get to the sea and when this happens, it can be a big problem because animals like fish and turtles can suffer form indisgestion if they eat it . Furthermore , plastic waste is the most common kind of rubbish that we can find in the ocean and it can cause the death of many sea animals .
On the other hand,we have all the organic trash which is produced by restaurants. It is not only the waste from food that people eat but also the gases that are produced when chefs cook . In fact , in Paris the food waste that comes from restaurants is mixed with pieces of wood and is transformed in plants fertilicer .
From my point of view , it is so important to recycle and we all should do it to save the planet and to avoid generating rubbish .
Nowadays people do not care much about the dirt that we all have on the planet and although some people recycle more than 75% of the population does not recycle and does nothing to avoid it.
ResponderEliminarThe sea, the streets, the roads, the schools…. Everything is full of dirt and more and more. And that dirt will take many years to decompose and during those years it is damaging the ecosystem.
In big countries like Tokyo, Japan… People have to go with masks because apart from the dirt that we throw into public places, such as very large countries, there are many vehicles and the gases rise into the atmosphere and particles of these gases remain suspended in the air and damages us. lungs
For all that we all have to save our world and take care of it for our new generations
Alicia Ortega Prados 4ºESO A
We live in a world where people don´t care about the trash they throw away. There are rubbish everywhere: in the streets, in the schools, in the sea, in the countryside… but can we do something to change this? I think so.
ResponderEliminarOn the one hand, food waste is a big problem that has grown in lastest years. The reality is that more tan 50% of food waste is produced in our own home and the other half in the rest of the world. Furthermore, all this food that is not eaten is really bad for the environment.
On the other hand,each year our country spends a lot of money growing, transporting and processing tons of food that ends up wasting. However, in many places they have already taken some measures. For example, in some restaurants they want to reduce their footprint making customers contribute with more money when they pay.
To sum up, rubbish is everywhere and we have to be concerned about it. In my opinion a great solution is recycling and avoid the less as posible to throwing away the food we don´t eat.
Lucía Guirado Ruiz 1ºA bachillerato.
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ResponderEliminarNowadays we buy a lot of food and also throw away a lot of food. This is not good for the planet because people do not recycle. Today there is rubbish everywhere.
ResponderEliminarOn the one hand the trash that we throw away and don't recycle pollutes the planet. The waste of food each year increases more And most of the trash food is produced in our homes. Besides, we usually buy more food than we need.
On the other hand this would be solved if everyone bought less food and used only the food they needed. We can also help the planet by recycling and not throwing food and trash in the streets.
From my point of view we have to take care of the planet and recycle for the next generations that live on it.
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ResponderEliminartennis is a sport very many places of the world the people play tennis. one of the most important tennis player is Rafa Nadal.Rafa Nadal is from Spain ,he is 33 years old.
Nadal is a dark boy with brown hair. It measures 1.80 and he is strong.he is nice, but it depends on the situation can be a formal, serious boy.
Angela Rodriguez 1eso a
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ResponderEliminarGlobal warming is a huge topic at the moment and one of the reasons is the rubbish we produce. Nearly everything we do leaves behind some kind of waste. Households create ordinary garbage which consists of everyday items we use and then throw away, such as food, plastics, furniture, clothes, bottles, paper, etc. The fact is people produce too much rubbish and protecting the environment should be everybody´s concern today!
ResponderEliminarTo begin with, we should know that the main part of the rubbish is either burned or taken to enormous landfill sites. They are both harmful for the environment! We can help the planet by reusing or recycling household rubbish! Most of the garbage generated in the household can be recycled and reused. For example, organic kitchen waste such as leftover foodstuff, vegetable peels, spoilt or dried fruits and vegetables, plastic, paper and glass are some of the items that can be reused or recycled. We should all have in our homes two or three waste bins: one for paper waste, another one for plastic waste and the last one for organic waste. Sort your rubbish!
In addition, recycling saves energy, reduces rubbish burning and saves natural resources. As recycling saves energy it also reduces greenhouse gas emissions, which helps protect our planet from the climate change.
To sum up, producing less rubbish and recycling waste, have a lot of benefits for both people and the environment.
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ResponderEliminarthere are so many plastics in the sea and on the planet. they don´t disapear and they are a danger for animals, specially animals in the sea. if fish eat plastic, we eat plastic when we eat fish.
ResponderEliminarAna Perez Prados 4ºB de eso
Nowadays, this problem is affecting animals, when we throw rubbish on the ground, some animals eat it and then, they get poisoned. We need to stop this problem!!!
ResponderEliminarFrancisco Toledo López 1ºESO A
Plastic is the most common material used by our current society. If you look in your house, you will find plastic bags, plastic glasses, plastic containers... Most of the things you usually use are made of plastic. Can you imagine a life without plastic? Maybe not, plastic is a usefull material, you can do everything with it. But, of course, it couldn´t be as great as it looks. Plastic is one of the most polluting materials in the planet. It pollutes forests, oceans, mountains, and even cities. And when we burn it, it is even worse because it pollutes the air.
ResponderEliminarMost people throw these plastics into the toilet, and then, they go to oceans and seas. Do you know that in the Pacific Ocean we can find one island made of plastic? It has an area of 1.6 km and it has the size of a new continent, so it is called the plastic continent. This can sound just like an interesting fact, without more importance, but if we don´t do anything to stop this, there will be more and more plastic continents, and in a few years, the oceans will be completely polluted.
Nowadays, scientists are investigating new materials that don´t pollute as much as plastic, to use them instead of plastic, but we must help to reduce the pollution of oceans and forests, we mustn´t throw plastics into the toilet, instead of it, throw them into a special recycling bin, it´s quite easy, and you will be helping your planet.
David Bacas 4ºA
Nowadays there is rubbish everywhere and, as we all know, our planet is in great danger. Nevertheless, most people don't think about that when they throw rubbish on the ground or when they throw all the food scraps in the same container.
ResponderEliminarOn the one hand, we probably don't take it that seriously but our actions, like buying a lot of food and then not eating it, are very harmful to the planet. Besides, we usually buy a lot of food and throw away what's left over, even more so on dates like this, Christmas. Acording to statistics, food — from the way it is grown and transported to how it is disposed of — accounts for about one third of global emissions.
On the other hand, many of us can do our part to reduce our carbon output in the kitchen by having a compost bin next to the trash can or swapping poultry for red meat in the fridge. In addition, this initiative has already been taken by some restaurants in California; if you pay a bit more for your dinner, restaurants can bill themselves as carbon-friendly, and farmers get extra money to invest in the most climate-helpful production practices, in a process known as carbon farming.
All in all, rubbish is very bad for the planet and we must control the garbage we throw away and the food we waste. In my opinion, if we get used to doing some small actions, we can contribute to save the planet.
Ana Isabel Prados Rodríguuez 1º Bach
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ResponderEliminarRecycling is very important to care our planet, so we help preserve the environment, for example recycling paper reduces cutting down trees. We must recycle in the different containers:
ResponderEliminarIn the yellow container we must put metal containers, brciks and plastic bottles.
In the blue container we must put cardboard cortainers and paper.
In the green container we must put glass containers.
In the organic container we must put biodegradable and organic waste.
Francisco José Prados Espinosa 1ºA
Recycling is very important for the planet and for us. We have to take care of the environment if we don't want to suffer the consequences. This is not a game. Please recycle
ResponderEliminarRecycling is very important for the planet and for us. We have to take care of the environment if we don't want to suffer the consequences. This is not a game. Please recycle
ResponderEliminarRocío Avellanedas Noce te 1°A
We aren’t looking after the planet. We consume plastic every day and most of us don’t recycle it. We’re producing more plastic than we need.
ResponderEliminarBut this isn’t the only problem, we’ve got pollution in the air. This is caused by the overproduction of the big companies, the overexploitation of forests, putting plastic above the fruit, and the fruit doesn’t need it because fruit has got skin.
It is obvious that climate change is here, the oceans and seas are growing are causing the melting of the poles, which makes it look like fog the climate change. The summer is longer and hotter than in other decades. In China, you don’t go out without a mask because of the pollution, what does it look like fog.
We need to change our minds about the changing climate, the air pollution, the plastic and that we throw to the trash. We don’t have a second chance.
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ResponderEliminarNowadays, people don't take enough care of our planet, most of them are not aware that they are destroying the environment like using a lot of plastic. There is rubbish everywhere: in the sea, in the place, in the streets, in the oceans ...
ResponderEliminarOn the one hand, one of the biggest problems is that people buy a lot of food, and most of it is thrown away. This problem causes both a waste of food and an unnecessary expense of the plastic that packs them. And then they go to the rivers, seas ... where many animals die because of us. In addition, plastic takes a long time to decompose so it contaminates a lot.
On the other hand, other people help take care of the planet. There are many ways in which we can reduce pollution such as recycling, using as little plastic as possible, reusing … In addition, supermarkets, factories, hotels, restaurants ... can help much more to take care of the environment by reducing the amount of plastic, gases into the atmosphere …
To sump up, if half of society tries to help, the world will live much longer. But according to one study, only 30% of people are aware of the great problem and help solve it by doing small actions, which together help the planet.
These days, we have the big problem of buying a lot of food and then throwing it away, this causes a lot of contamination.
ResponderEliminarHow can we solve this problem? Recycling is the best way to solve the rubbish problem. Not throwing things away and giving them a new use is a great way to help the health of the planet. Another solution is to be aware that throwing rubbish can harm ourselves.
What problems can litter cause? , surface and groundwater are altered. Other causes are diseases, sanitary problems.
Finally, rubbish is considered one of the biggest environmental problems in our society. So, we have to be aware that we have to solve it.
plastic is everywhere. There is more and more plastic, there is in the streets, in schools, in restaurants, on the beaches... basically there is plastic in all areas of the planet.
ResponderEliminarFor this same reason we have to recycle more, and always try to throw the garbage into the container, we can even reuse some things to make new things. We must try not to pollute so much, otherwise in the end we are going to end the world.
I believe that if each person recycles, collects and reuses we can make a better world and we will no longer destroy it and we will not be more concerned about what may happen in the distant future.
David Pérez Moreno 4A