Tough times to live. Many of our students are still kept confined in their homes either because they have tested Coronavirus positive or just because they have been in contact with someone who has tested positive.
Let's start going through some interesting phrases to learn about COVID-19 pandemic:
Contact tracing , Flatten the curve , New normal , Living in a bubble
I came across this old song and I thought it would be quite suitable for the situation we are going through. Just below we have a version with the lyrics. Pay attention to them and make a comment about the message given. Here's my musical hint in its original version (film scene)
Some activities for you to do:
Listening exercise for you to do : Can a woollen hat really keep you warm? (BBC Learning English) Where does 'woolen' come from? Can you give other examples?
English in a Minute: 4 PHRASAL VERBS for clothes (and accessories) (BBC Learning English)
News Review : Myanmar: Military takes control (BBC Learning English) What does 'to roast someone' mean?
BBC Master Class: Using stative verbs in the continuous form (BBC Learning English)
mmmEnglish: Perfect Your English Grammar | Stative Verbs & Continuous Tenses ❌
- Episode 210203 / 03 February 2021 >>> The 100-year-old magic trick - Language related to 'magic'. Need-to-know language: moment, illusion, captured their imagination, glory & landmark.
Less is left, we need the last effort of all of us to overcome this situation at last, we need to help all of us as much as we can to make the Coronavirus end, we are in a bad moment but when we make all this finish we will remembered like a good won battle. Now we are having much more contagions and death but I thing that if we overcome this it will finish all, we have the vaccinations and the medication nearly here but we need to fight a little bit more. I think that I am of the little part of the population that has have more luck, I have never done a PCR and even none of my close friends or family have been in danger.
ResponderEliminarIt is a difficult situation but with the help of all of us we will make it end.
ResponderEliminarWe already have less to go out on the street without any mask that covers our face. Also so that we can finally overcome this situation that has us all very concerned about how we will get ahead.
Now more than ever we all need to be united to abide by the safety regulations so that in a short time we can continue with our lives and go through this uncomfortable situation that has caused us all to lose many lives.
Víctor Peñalver Domínguez 4ºA
This third wave can become a very serious tragedy, you have to stay safe to not to become infected and infect your family members, this is the way to avoid the pandemic grow, you have to believe that the Coronavirus is not going to mutate anymore.
ResponderEliminarAlejandra Martín Guirado 2ºA
Nowadays covid-19 is destroying many new cases, and many towns and cities have had to confine themselves to prevent more cases. Most people take this as a game, when millions of people are very sick and dying from the coronavirus. The vaccine is reaching many countries, but many more are needed to achieve immunity, I believe that the process must be accelerated to stop this as soon as possible.
ResponderEliminarFrancisco Toledo López 2ºA
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ResponderEliminarThis pandemic makes more and more students confined to their homes, either because they have tested positive or have been in contact with someone who tested positive for covid-19. This logically causes students to not be able to go to face to face classes, therefore they have online classes to avoid losing their studies. But they also have to do a little bit of their part so that things are not so difficult for them. This is why we still have to comply with safety regulations in order to successfully overcome this pandemic as soon as possible.
ResponderEliminarLARA QUESADA SOSA 4ºA
These days the supposed third wave of Covid-19, there have been many outbreaks not only in Granada or Andalucia, if not all over the world, and this situation is getting much worse, it is becoming much more serious and they are increasing. many contagions. Surely there are irresponsible people around the world who believe that this Covid is a joke, or simply a game and they are wrong Covid is a GLOBAL pandemic where many people in the world lose their family or friends because they have been infected, however there are people to Those who do not care about the health of anyone or care and especially those people who do not respect nothing happens to them and other people who do not even go to the door of their house are infected. I think that if people don't realize it, we will have Covid for a long time, although the vaccine can provide solutions.
ResponderEliminarDunia Arnedo Martín 2nd A
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ResponderEliminarWith the old lockdown we have learned how important it's to give face-to-face classes, and now many students are going through the same situation that we went through months ago and, even if you do online classes, you don’t follow the same pace as the other classmates, but it's the only solution.
ResponderEliminarThere are also many people who already have the vaccine and that is a great advance. I think the only thing we can do now is wait and hope that this ends.
"Whatever will be, will be" is a good phrase to describe the current situation of the majority of the population, because we don’t know what is going to happen and we cannot predict the future.
A consequence of the Covid is that students cannot give face-to-face classes, this is bad because they learn less, but we have to do our part so that all this ends and we return to normality.
ResponderEliminarVery soon all this will be over and we will celebrate the end of the pandemic all together. What I miss the most is not wearing a mask. This virus has taken many loved ones from our side, luckily neither my family nor I have been infected yet. The vaccine is being given to the population and soon most of us will be immunized.
Maria Romero 4ºA
There is less left for us to finally get rid of the masks and we can return to our normal life as before.
ResponderEliminarAnd not because the new norm is getting closer and closer does it mean that we would have to neglect ourselves because that should not happen, we would be very wrong. More or less it is optimized that at the end of next year we will be able to say that the coronavirus has been a difficult battle won but we knew most of the Spaniards to face it with empathy and strength and others have also passed it but always going beyond the protocols and noras security to avoid the virus.
Right now I consider myself legal to all those laws and mandatory rules to follow in a pandemic because I have not caught the virus, this I suppose the journey I have taken has been favorable to me, washing my hands, not removing my mask and paying attention to everything because if we did it it would be better for everyone.
When we return to the new normal, the only thing we will miss is going to be the people that some families have lost in this tragic pandemic but not anything else we can do.
I hope that this vaccination is carried out as soon as possible and we can get out of this health crisis that is taking its toll on all of us.
Antonio Fermín Carrascosa Megía 4ºA
cases of coronavirus have increased and every day they do it more, people are tired of not hugging, kissing or not being able to be together and meet their friends, people do not usually comply with the rules since it is very difficult not to be around of people from your family or friends, but if we all comply with the rules little by little there will be fewer cases and the vaccines will be given earlier so that everything returns to normal again.
ResponderEliminarÁngela Rodríguez 2a
The opposite of the verb to lessen is increase. The verb to lessen comes from the word “little” and its comparative form “less”.
ResponderEliminarWhatever will be, will be, in Spanish is “sea lo que sea, será” and It means that it’s going to be what it has to be, you can’t do anything to change what is going to be.
The song wants to mean that she doesn't know what her life will be like and she asked her mother, and then her child asked her the same question that she asked her mother.
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ResponderEliminarDue to this situation, many students are negatively affected in their studies, mainly because they have to stay home for testing positive or having been in contact with a person who has tested positive for covid-19. We have already gone through online classes and it is very difficult to learn in the same way so you have to study and try harder so that things are not so difficult. That is why we still have to comply with safety regulations to overcome this pandemic as soon as possible.
We are already in the fourth wave. This will surely happen after Easter. People are being very irresponsible and this is affecting us all. If you don't protect yourself, you won't protect yourself or your family, which is why we all pay for one person. We have to be responsible.
ResponderEliminarOne thing that seems unfair to me is the tik tokers, they have mini parties or there are many people left. You can do all the pcrs you want, but if you accidentally touch something and it has the virus, you are already infecting others.
In my opinion, they should quarantine us for only two weeks, only two, not three months.
Rocio Avellanedas Nocete 2ºESO A
ResponderEliminarWe are in third wave of Pandemic and we can’t travell to some countries. There are confined towns and we can’t see oír families. At first they confined us home and we couldn’t see anyone because we couldn’t go out to our house. Step by step the situation is getting better, but it is dangerous to old people. We hope people will be responsible and government provides vaccines for everyone.
Antonio Puentedura Prados 2º ESO A.
In the confinement we have learned to value what we had before and we don't give importance like presential classes. In many countries there're students who have classes online, a situation that we went through for months.
ResponderEliminarNow we're in another wave of coronavirus, but we can still go outside and go to school.
There're many people who have received the coronavirus vaccine, but there're also many people who haven't received it.
I hope all of this ends early and remember it as a battle won.
Denisa Andreea Tomoroga 4°A
This pandemic makes more and more students confined to their homes, either because they have tested positive or have been in contact with someone who tested positive for covid-19. This logically causes students to not to be able to go to face-to-face classes, therefore they have online classes to avoid losing their studies. But they also have to do a little bit of their part so that things are not so difficult for them. This is why we still have to comply with safety regulations in order to successfully overcome this pandemic as soon as possible.
ResponderEliminarLARA QUESADA SOSA 4ºA
Nowadays we are supporting another wave of coronavirus, this third wave of coronavirus is the worst that we have passed, for this reason the government has hardened the restrictions, we can't go out with more of three persons, the restaurant are close, and we can stay in the street more late than ten o'clock.
ResponderEliminarThis school year is too different, because we must be disinfecting where we sit, disinfecting our hands all the time and following the new school protocol. This school is strange, because we have had some partners that were confined in their houses, following the classes by videoconference, but they are better organise and they can understand all better, because now almost every teacher are recording the black board with the cam of the laptop or tablet, and I think that it makes the class more clear.
Nowadays we are reducing the incease of infections of coronavirus and there have been many restrictions in our zone, and many people have already been vaccinate, as can are ours techers that, the others day started to be vaccinated.
Now that in my town there are less restrictions, the peole of Granada, they have taken advantage to come for the bridge of Andalusia, and that is what we can't allow since after these days surely that the incidence of cases increases again. I know that the people of Granada arrive here is good for the restaurant, but I think that for this people that have arrived, then they must to close his restaurant, because the restriction return to harden.
In my opinion I think that we must to respect more the restrictions that the government say us, and don't change of city.
I think that all people are going through bad situation.
ResponderEliminarMany of the students give face to face classes but other students staying in front of a computer listening to the class from home.
In my opinion, giving a face to face class is much better because we understand things better.
I hope that doctors quickly vaccinate people, and we can get back to normal.
José Adrián González 4A
We are already overcoming the third wave of the coronavirus, everything is much more controlled than the first wave, but there are still many infections, Easter is approaching and I hope that there will not be a fourth wave later. In the third wave for me it has been worse than the others although it was said that it was more controlled and it was not like that since they said it to reassure people, but for me it has been worse because friends and family of mine have had it or have been in contact and I had to be locked in my house for a week, but at least they have had it like a normal cold, and they have not had many problems.
ResponderEliminarI hope this is over as soon as possible and we remember it as a defeated battle, but for that we have to all be together and do everything they ask of us.
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ResponderEliminarThe pandemic is being a difficult time for everyone, as well as for the students.
ResponderEliminarIt is easy for anyone to stay at home all day.
This also affects students, so there are students who are lowering their grades. Also when we do not go to class to be in contact with positive.
In general, you have to be careful because you can see more waves of covid.
Victor Peñalver Dominguez 4ºA
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ResponderEliminarThe end is getting closer and closer, and that's when we have to be more careful not to go back to business as usual and go backwards.
ResponderEliminarWe all want to go back to normality, to be able to leave the whole group of friends, to be able to go out until the time we want, that the parties return ... but if we do it now, things get worse or because of things like these we do not advance and we remain stagnant without much progress. With the issue of vaccination the curve is also falling but there are side effects of said vaccine that are not known and can be harmful in another aspect. Many of the population is already vaccinated, including the elderly, teachers and of course the health worker and soon we will all be.
It is true that it is hard since many people are dying from this situation and it is even sadder not to be able to fire you
I think that if we all put in a grain of sand we could finish sooner, but not everyone thinks like that and does what they want without regretting the consequences.
Nuria Díaz RUiz
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ResponderEliminarIn February there were several positive cases of coronavirus at my school, and therefore some procedures have been established to help these people, so that they continue with their studies despite being in this terrible circumstance.
EliminarOne of the measures that has been put in place with the Covid protocol is videoconferencing. While we are in class, those students who have tested positive can be in class through their computers and not miss any of the teachers' explanations. This is a great measure that has been imposed and that helps these students a lot to be able to keep up with the rhythm of the class.
Another rule that has been imposed at my school is the disinfection of tables and chairs in class changes. Another way to avoid more infections and that the waves of infections decrease as much as possible. But despite these measures, there are still unconscious people who don’t comply with the rules and for this reason we continue in this serious global situation.
So if we don’t want this situation to continue to get worse and the people we love continue to die, we must be respectful with the safety regulations and help others as much as possible.
Susana P.Bosch 1º BACH
Today the coronavirus continues to devastate the entire world. This is due to the irresponsible people and more and more safety regulations are being put in place but people do not pay attention. So today we continue with the pandemic ravaging.
The pandemic has once again infected many people with this third wave and has hit young people with more force.
ResponderEliminarMany people at schools are confined of covid or contact with a positive but we have to wait, be patient and wait for this to finish.
You have to be very concerned and not be where there are many people and go out as little as possible and for essential things and wait for the vaccines to take effect and reduce the infections.
We must keep following the protocols that they give us and they will lower the infections and we can go out more and be better until it is over
Because of the pandemic, they are infecting many people, and especially students. there are many schools and colleges that have already been confined, and many students as well, and all for not doing the things that have to be done. Many students do not wear the mask properly or they don't use hydroalcoholic gel, and there are many who are always leaving class without permission, or approaching colleagues and teachers without maintaining security measures. That's why we have to do things right because otherwise we could infect more people and our families.
ResponderEliminarDAVID PEREZ MORENO 4A
ResponderEliminarShaw mender was born in eigth of augusto f 1998 in pickering, Ontario, Canadá. His nationality is Canadiense. He is a sing, compositor and a model. He got fans in 2013, when he start to public versión of sings. The firts song what lauched was Liffe Of The Party in june of 2014. Some of his songs are Stitches, Never Be Alone, Imagination in 2015, Treat You Better, There´s Nothing Holdin´Me Back, Mercy, Bad Reputation, Ruin in 2016 and more of songs.
Carolina García Bautista 2ºA
Nowadays we are going through another wave of coronavirus, and we can still go out, and go to the secondary school, although there are some of our partners and friends that are confined and they will join soon.
ResponderEliminarI think this year we are dealing with this problem quite well and we can still go to the secondary school and some of our partners are taking online classes, but they are better organised and they can understand all better, because now almost every teacher are recording the black board with the cam of the laptop or tablet, and I think that it makes the class more clear.
Nowadays we are reducing the increase of infections of coronavirus and there have been many outbreaks in our zone, and many people have already been vaccinated, but there are still a lot of people without the vaccine, and among all the people that aren't vaccinated there are a lot of risk people, that if they catch this virus they can die.
In my opinion we only can wait until a lot of people have been vaccinated and hope that all the problems will disappear bit by bit, and we will can live our normal lives again, we will go to the cinema, to visit all our relatives, or go to different places, for example.
Francisco González 1ºBach
The pandemic is making everyone’s lives difficult, because it is not easy to be at home all day. Many students are very stressed and therefore their grades are falling, others have been confined by contact with positive and it is very difficult to follow the classes without being in them but we must comply with all the rules so that this situation ends as soon as possible. A fourth wave may come, which would be devastating for the country's economy.
ResponderEliminarRaúl García Jiménez 4ºA
We are living really complicated times because there have been some positive cases, or that they have had contact with one, among the students of the school. Fortunately, I haven´t been confined during this school year, and I hope I will never be because I wouldn´t like to miss my classes.
ResponderEliminarMore and more people are getting vaccinated, so the risk is decreasing. Although we teenagers will be the last to get vaccinated ... I hope that by the summer everything is over and we can enjoy a good vacation with friends, make big meetings, parties, be with the family, travel to other places, and do all the things that we used to do before. In addition, I hope everything ends, or at least the situation improves so that next year everything is normal. 2nd Bach is a really difficult school year in which we have to work really hard to get good grades and prepare for our selectivity exams.
What scares me the most is that someone in my family or among my friends gets infected with the coronavirus, especially my grandparents. They are old people and the virus would possibly affect them more than a young person. I always try to keep the distance and to comply with all the security measures so that they are safe and so far there have been no cases of infection in my family or friends.
I believe that if we all do our part we can overcome this situation. In addition, the protocols and organization at schools have been excellent. For example, students who are confined can continue attending class by video conference, so they don't waste their time. Anyway, I hope no one is confined again. That would mean that the positive cases are reducing and little by little this big problem is being solved.
Unfortunately we have and continue to live through very difficult times, since COVID-19 is still present in our daily lives. This is affecting us in many different areas, both economically and socially, and quite importantly, the school environment, due to all the restrictions, teaching is a little slower. In the case of the IES Mediterranean we cannot complain, since all the classes are face-to-face and we try to do everything possible to make the classes look like the ones before.
ResponderEliminarIn our institute there have already been several cases, specifically in my class, since some of my classmates have had to stay at home for a season of about 10 days or even more, although for different reasons but related to COVID-19, since some have been because they have had it and others because they have been in contact with people who have had it. We have been lucky since the cases of COVID-19 have been controlled very well, it has not even been necessary for anyone to be confined by contact within the institute.
I think that for all this situation that we have had to live to improve, we should all do our part, since we do not want to close everything again and that we cannot attend classes in person. All this is very difficult but we must begin to deprive ourselves of many things to begin to see the change. I hope all of this is over soon.
Nowadays we are passing by a very complicated situation due at COVID-19. The COVID-19 is a virus that born in China due because of the food that is there. Lately is having more infections that before due of that a lot of people are skipping the restrictions and in consequence there are more deaths.
ResponderEliminarOn the one hand, we could said that the people aren't aware of in the situation in which we find ourselves and because of that we should stay in our homes. This virus are affecting a lot of people in their business, for example, restaurants, bars, coffees, supermarkets which was closing by a long time.
On the other hand, I think that this virus is had good things too, like for example that the contagions the other diseases have decreased. Also a lot people are more aware of that they should wear the mask and always to carry the hydroalcoholic gel with you.
In conclusion, we should help each other because we are in a difficult situation to all the world, there are a lot of family that can't earn money because they have to close their business, and they don't receive help by the state.
Alejandra García García 2ºBach.
Today the whole world is going trough a bad situation due to the coronavirus,this virus arrived in Spain at the beginning of February and they considered that there was a global pandemic. On March 13, everyone was confined to stay at home without being able to leave, more than a year has passed and we cpntinue with many cases and deaths from the coronavirus, I have friends and family who have passed the coronavirus espevially my brother, but since he is a young person he is not risky like for exemple my grandfather.
ResponderEliminarThis situation is being very complicated especially for bars, restaurants since there are restrictions that must be met due to the covid protocol, on the other hand it also affects students, especially those of secund year of high school sice we present ourselves to selectivity and not we know if they are going to see many cases or we going to continue as we are.
In my opinion, I think that if we all follow the rules set by the gobernmet, we can be better than we are.
Rocío González Ferrer
In our institute there have already been several cases, specifically in my class, since some of my classmates have had to stay at home for a season of about 10 days or even more, although for different reasons but related to COVID-19, since some have been because they have had it and others because they have been in contact with people who have had it. We have been lucky since the cases of COVID-19 have been controlled very well, it has not even been necessary for anyone to be confined by contact within the institute.
ResponderEliminarÁlvaro Molina Martín 4ºA
The end of this pandemic is getting closer and closer. That is not why we can act as if all this is normal and that nothing has happened. The pandemic has been a phase of our life that helped us to mature and value things that we did not appreciate before. Now we must be very careful because this virus has not yet disappeared and although the majority of the population is vaccinated, there is still a very high percentage that has not been vaccinated. Together we must give one last push and try to move forward and not backward.
ResponderEliminarFinally I believe that there is very little left of this pandemis but we must continue to comply with the rules until we are all vaccinated and safe.
The end of this pandemic is getting closer and closer, or at least that is what we believe because as people are vaccinated, the others or those who are already vaccinated are breaking all the covid rules, they take off their masks and do whatever they want.
ResponderEliminarThey do not have that fear of getting infected and I do not understand why they are doing that because they can continue being infected and although they may not have effects or they have but very slight effects they can continue to spread it and this making people who are not yet vaccinated run much more danger .
Coronavirus has been one of the worst virus and millions of people died. The quarantine started on 15 March 2020 and finished at 21th June. From that day you could go out but yo have to put a face mask if no you couldn't go out.
ResponderEliminarIt was very hard for everybody, but all together we knew how to overcome it and nowadays everything is fine and we have normal live .
Martín Toledo López 3ºB
The coronavirus is a virus that in 2020 was very bad because we did not know what the coronavirus could do. That year they quarantined us for a couple of months but when vaccines were created it was less dangerous. This virus brought many deaths to older people. Now in 2025 it is not a problem to worry about, although in those years it was a problem for the population. This virus started in China but spread and spread until it reached Spain.
ResponderEliminarIsmael Lozano López 1B