Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.

by Bruce Lee

sábado, 16 de octubre de 2021

Digital currencies: another fake??

Digital currencies are attracting more and more people, but is it really safe to make such an investment on a currency you cannot use at the supermarket for the time being??? Here's a listening exercise for you to do and learn more about the issue:

... Bitcoin's energy cost  (6 Minute English, BBC Learning English)




Some activities for you to do: 


Here's my musical hint for today: Amy Winehouse - Back to Black   and here's a version with the lyrics for you to sing along:



Our students at work...

Project about Jane Eyre by Lucía Espinosa (2º Bach A)


Project about The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Natalia López (2º Bach A) 



Learning English with Sherlock Holmes




Episode 210929 / 29 September 2021    >>>  CFuture-proofing Stonehenge   -    Language related to 'construction'.  

Need-to-know language: scaffolding, protective headgear, lintels, mortar & pillar.



Pau Gasol Top 10 Career Plays ❤


GRACIAS PAU GASOL - Homenaje a La Leyenda | Documental





12 comentarios:

  1. Pau Gasol is and will be a legend of Spanish basketball and a world star who has been for many seasons fighting in the NBA with the best basketball players. He has been the best Spanish basketball player in history has no comparison.
    Pau has won everything with Spain and has also won two NBA rings, he was the best.

    A group of young people of high quality basketball came together and they have led Spain to be among the best basketball teams for 20 years.
    He has had a career that few can compare to him, an impeccable career only of great basketball legends.
    Now his time has come to retire from basketball, but he will continue to be a reference for Spanish basketball and for young people to be motivated when it comes to playing and wanting to improve when playing seeing their career and trajectory.
    Pau is a reference for Spanish sport for all that he has won and shown to people on and off the basketball court.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Nowadays there is a lot of news in the social media but not all of them are true because almost all of them are fake news.

    I don´t know if digital currencies are true or if they are another fake, but I know about people who are really interested in it and that they make an investment on it because they think that in the future they will have more money than they had invested.

    From my point of view I'm really scared of those things because I think it is a fake like almost all things in the social media and I don't think one day I'm going to invest on a currency that I cannot use in my daily life.

    However social media are essential in our lives and helps us a lot, because all the things that you want to know are on the internet, you can talk with your relatives that are far, etc, so I think it is a good tool for everyone but sometimes we have to go with care.


  4. nowadays many people buy cryptocurrencies because they believe that thanks to that they will become millionaires in a few weeks. To make money with digital currencies you need a lot of patience because you need to wait for its value to go up.

    Digital currencies are really a way to earn money but it will take a long time and it will not always turn out well because depending on the cryptocurrency you use, its value can go up or down.

    The most famous cryptocurrency to date is bitcoin with a current value of 52,329 euros, and its first registered price had a value of 0.0026 euros.There are many more types of cryptocurrencies apart from this, such as dogecoin or ethereum.

    Pablo Javier Flores Funes 1ºBach A

  5. Society is changing with the past of the years, and people´s lifestyle with it. Every day when I turn the Television on, I listen to things that it would be impossible for me to hear years ago. When I stop myself just for a moment and think, there are things that might look crazy and we are constantly doing without be conscious of our actions. Even money have changed respect a few years ago! This last thing mentioned, has its advantages and its disadvantages.

    The main advantage of actual money is that nowadays, paying effective isn’t the only method of buying something, even more; almost everyone pays with digital devices or with credit cards. Who could imagine twenty years ago that someone will put his credit card in front of a cash register and your dinner will be instantly paid? Even more! Who could imagine a decade ago that everything you want to buy could be paid just putting your mobile phone in front of these electronic devices that waiters give you to pay digitally? All these things mentioned previously have changed a few years ago to make our lifestyle easier, but like I said, there are some other disadvantages which we have to take care of.

    Digital money is becoming more and more popular with the past of the years. Have you ever heard of a digital coin called Bitcoin? Well, Bitcoins is a very popular virtual coin nowadays and it´s a new paying method that a lot of people use, especially those with a lot of money, because one single bitcoin can cost more than a fifty thousand dollars! There are lots of people that had become poor due to this. The reason why it´s so dangerous is because to earn this new digital coin you must invest in stock market, which means that Bitcoin´s price can variate every day ascending or descending, so people who pay for this digital coin must be very careful because if it´s price descend drastically their loss of money will be insane!

    From my point of view, digital money is very useful if you know how to use it in the correct way and thinking carefully where and how are you going to spend something. We mustn´t abuse of anything, and even less of spending our money on dangerous things that we are not totally conscious of.

    Álvaro Martín Moliz. 2º BACH

  6. Money is evolving as fast as society do. In 2002, Spain assumed the euro as its official currency, so it could trade with Europe without the necessity of a currency change. That helped a lot to Europe, reinforcing the feeling of unity, and making it easier to the tourists to travel to other countries. I think that nowadays, something similar is happening on the Internet.

    Some digital coins are being born. You´ll probably have heard abour Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cryptocoins, etc. These are some kind of currency which don´t have a physical representation, they are just digital currencies. Their name, cryptocoins, comes from the way they are created, using a cryptographic encryption, so it is practically impossible to hack.

    The most popular cryptocoin is Bitcoin, now one Bitcoin is about 52.340,33€. The price of a cryptocoin is in continuos fluctuation. Nowdays, there are more and more companies which allows you to pay with this kind of coins, so they are becoming more popular, and more people is knowing about them.

    In summary, I don´t think this new currencies are a fake, they are just a way of adaptation to the digital era we are living, when everything is on the red, so money has to evolve in that way. It is true that this cryptocoins are still in a very early phase, but maybe in a few years, everybody could be using them in their daily routine.

    David Bacas 2º Bach

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. Pau Gasol was born in Barcelona on July 6, 1980. He is a former basketball player, the juice 18 seasons in the NBA , 2 times he was champion and 3 of them with the barcelona.
    He measures 2 meters and 13 centimeters, he is considered the best of all time. His race number has always been number 4 , for me is better pau than marc. Abel Martinez 3A

  9. The bitcoin is a cryptomon and a pay rest without central bank or unic administrator . The users of bitcoin can transfer money between themselves with a igualitary red using a free software and of open code . The transactions are verificated and guarded cryptographically with a red descentralized of voluntary nodes they registred the historial of the accounts of the accounts in base of the public data know "chain of blocks" and they stops the doble gast or the money falsification . The desarollator of the bitcoin is Satoshi Nakamoto . The bitcoin was lanzed in 3of January in 2009 .

  10. Digital currencies are a trend now. Many people use their money on their internet every day in order to get digital money that you can’t use in a real shop.

    This type of investsments are very dangerous because if you put your money in an account on the Internet and this fails, you can lose all the money. It is true that we can put very little money and if we lose, we lose a small quantity. However, there are people that are excited with this and put a lot of money because they want to be rich quickly.

    This way to obtain money is not very reliable, because although you have a lot of bitcoins or cryptocurrencies, you don’t have really money. We can’t use this money in the real life, so what is the real use?

    In my opinion, this is something dangerous because people can become addicted and they can buy a lot of bitcoins without knowing what they are doing. They spend a lot of money to buy bitcoins and then they can lose it easily.

    Leo Maldonado Castro 2º Bach

  11. Little by little, the world is changing. We passed from pesetas to euros, and in the future to digital money. And how knows?, all people could have the same money and travelling would not be difficult regarding the exchange of currency money from one type to another type.

    Although there is fraud about this theme, it is a reality that they are having success. The most famous digital money is Bitcoin. In his starts in 2009, its value was 0.0026 euros, but now, nowadays it has a value of 52.294,40 euros. We know that the price is always changing but it is obviously still too much money.

    Others cryptocoins have not the same chance, and did not progress. And talking about this issue, there are people who create new cryptocoins to generate expectations and only steal.

    In the future, I want to invest on this new currency. As time passes, more comfort will come and everything will be easier for us. We have been living in a capitalist society, we only must accept it.

  12. Just as the internet has changed our lives with respect to communication, thanks to social networks, or the way we obtain information, thanks to the various internet browsers, it is also changing the way we buy, or the money itself .

    In recent years, the so-called cryptocurrencies have emerged, these are digital currencies based on a system called blockchain. This system is based on the work of several devices in the same network, providing a security almost impossible to be broken. Therefore, there are people who assure that these cryptocurrencies are the future.

    There are many cryptocurrencies, but the most used are bitcoin and ethereum. This first has fallen a lot in recent months, while the second is at its best. From this last type of currency, a concept called NFT has emerged, which is a kind of digital property document.

    To conclude, although it is true that both systems are promising they are still very green, being able to say that they are quite risky, since their trade has great ups and downs, which can cause a great loss of money since they lack a lot of elaboration time to develop. completely. Therefore, the current currency is still indispensable.

    Nuria Díaz Ruiz 2 BACH
