Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.

by Bruce Lee

miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2021

Never too much!!!

It is never too much. You have to get the highest marks. There are loads of things still to do, to learn, to achieve in life, so "don't whine like a mule" (watch the video below). 

I don't want to hear ever in class: "That's too much for us!!". Actually, students are used to "whining like mules",  as Morgan Freeman would say to Robin Hood in the film...


Robin Hood - 1991 - Hadrian's wall   


Some activities for you to do: 




  All the efforts we make to save the planet and prevent climate change are NEVER TOO MUCH!!!

>>>> Why smart cities will help save the world (The Guardian)

>>>> To decarbonize we must decomputerize (The Guardian)



How can smart tech tackle climate change? - BBC World Service




Here's my musical hint for today: Luther Vandross - Never too much   and here's a version with the lyrics for you to sing along:



Episode 210915 / 15 September 2021    >>>  Working on Big Ben   -    Language related to 'clocks'.  

Need-to-know language: hands, demarcations, belfry, chiming & hammer.




21 comentarios:

  1. Where is your limit? Only you can set a limit a goal to reach, anybody know your capabilities or your desire to fight for something. Most of the people get conform with good marks even if they can do it better.

    You always have tu aspire to more, and you need to think that you can doit better and try again, I think that one of the worse thing that you can do is get conform with something, if you can do it better, try it again, you can't get conform been happy, you have to try to be as happy as possible.

    Thats why people get surrender too early, because they conform with very little and when they see that they are happy they forget their dream and why they were fighting for.


  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. “Too much is never enough” depends on what we are talking about. I think at school it is never too much because we want to have the best marks for the university, but in other things like using technologies a lot is too much.

    There are people who always think that never too much and the more the better, because they are very perseverant and never give up. I really want that one day I could be like them, because it seems very difficult to me.

    People always complain about everything, no matter what we have or what we do.
    I don't think it is good because we have to enjoy all the things, because if you don´t do it, you will regret it.

    All in all, you have to do your best to make your dreams come true although it could be difficult and never give up, and you have to enjoy everything.


  5. You can't settle for anything in your studies, you must aspire to be able to get the most out of all the exams, work or whatever because depending on your grades your future will be.
    Because if you do not make an effort to get the best grades you will not be able to study the best of who you could later work in the future or not be able to study where you wanted to study because you do not get the grade.

    Climate change is the most serious problem that we have right now in the world and since we don't stop it as soon as possible and put a remedy, the world isn't going to last long because we aren't going to burden it as we continue like this.
    We have to throw more into renewable energies so as not to pollute the world so much and this together help and not end the world.

  6. Sometimes, we can think that something is too much for us, but that isn't true, we usually say that because we don't have desire of doing something, we prefer to stay relaxed without doing anything, although it may be better for us doing more than we want to do. But we don't think about it we prefer comfort and that can be really bad, because if we do not much, in the future, we won't want to do anything and that will harm us.

    Now we are in our last year in secondary school, and we must do a lot of things, although we don't want to do, because if we do not do much, we won't pass all our exams, and we won't pass this last year. So we can say that never is too much, and that we always have to do more and more efforts. We don't have to do effort only in our school life, but we also have to do it in our normal life, because we also have a lot of problems in our lives, for example personal problems or shared problems like climate change and all the problems that it brings.

    As I said we have the problem of climate change, that is a really big problem, and there are a lot of scientists searching for a solution to this problem, and they can be thinking that never is too much, because it is a problem that needs a lot of attention, so we can't be relaxed in our normal life, thinking that nothing will happen, because it isn't the future, the climate change is happening now in the present and all young people will live all the consequences if we don't do anything.

    Finally, I reckon that we must give enough attention to all the problems and we should also think that never is too much, that is a very important sentence, because we usually think that it is too much, but we never think that "never is too much", so we need to put this sentence in our mind and watch the life from another point of view.
    Francisco González

  7. In my opinion, in order to achieve all our goals and dreams and to be able to succeed in our life based on that, we must be hard-working and ambitious people, because no one is going to come do it for us.

    At our age, the vast majority prefer to spend the afternoon on the sofa or with friends than doing homework or studying, which is normal and we also need our time to relax but after having been studying or doing anything to take advantage of the time.

    In all the years that I have been studying, I have never taken it too seriously or tried too hard because with a little effort I got a good mark, but this year it is not the same as the previous ones. Here all the marks already count, so we must put our best effort these two years so that in the future we can choose the career that we like the most and where.

    We should all have a "it is never too much" mentality and that we should always go for the highest marks, but I don't agree that we get overwhelmed by that idea and end up very burdened. You have to go for everything, but if you don't make it the first time, try again, and so on, but always be positive.

    Alba Arellano 1ºBACH A

  8. We set our own limits every moment, we always know that we can give more of ourselves. We know our capabilities and what we are capable of doing.

    Setting goals is fine, we can achieve them little by little, but we know that everything is more complicated than that. We prefer doing anything productive or being with friends and forgetting our obligations with a simple: it is too much or a similar short phrase.

    Most of the time we think that there is no time to do homework or when you see that it is 11:55 and you see that the delivery time is at 12 o'clock, we understand that the problem was not time but lack of interest with which we did it and let time pass.

    To sum up, we must organize time fundamentally and above all we must put more interest in the studies and the tasks we have to do and in the future we will achieve our dreams.

  9. Technology is very important in our lives. Can it be used to stop climate change?
    Climate change is a threat to our planet, but we´re in time to stop it with different methods.
    Solar energy and wind energy could be used to control emissions from power plants. Here in Spain we have many hours of sunshine that can be used.
    Yesterday I heard on television about the possibility of placing photovoltaic panels in houses and in this way they could be self-sufficient with electricity without resorting to large companies. That´s a great idea.
    Technology is helping us to have more electric cars and in a few years the car as we know it today will disappear.
    This is just a small contribution from technology for sure there will be more in the future.

    Alejandro Venegas Mancilla 3ºA

  10. Limits, it is something that we always put ourselves even though we have the ability to do things, but we do not go over the limit, either out of comfort or laziness, but we are really capable of a lot but we do not do it and many times because of the established limits of society or for the fear of failure and the latter we avoid with the limits.

    We dedicate more time to being with friends, going out, being with the cell phone than to things that benefit us in the future, although we are really aware of this fact on many occasions, but it is easier to do nothing and fix it with than for example, studies are difficult because they require effort and time.

    Another problem that occurs to us is to think that there is always time, and we let it pass, and we do not organize ourselves and then at the last minute we have to do a thousand things and we do not have time and we do not do them or we do them badly because of the rush.

    In conclusion, we must organize and follow a routine, and above all keep everything up to date to be able to squeeze everything to the fullest.

    Nuria Diaz Ruiz

  11. You can never settle, you have to get the best of yourself to get the best grades and be able to choose the career that you like the most.
    Now it is difficult, but in a few years you will be glad that you put all your effort into your studies.

    The previous years I was satisfied with my grades, I did not try too hard in school. Now grades count and I will do my best to get the highest grade.

    Many teenagers try to be perfect students, and when they fail they become overwhelmed.
    We have to try again to do things until they work out for us.

    Denisa Andreea Tomoroga 1ºBACH A

  12. The energy of the wind is unlimited, clean, but it has got any problems, too. The energy of the wind is achieved with wind turbines in the top mountains or in the valleys where it's windy. It's better than fuel. Seawater energy is the energy of a wave, but is useless because it need a lot sea and is very expensive and is a little energy. We are always looking for the best solution for the climatic change.

    Jose Antonio Sabio Prados 2ºESO A
    (This coment is in another entry)

  13. The rural depopulation is the great problem of the villages abandoned. Companies should invert industries in villages. The young boys get out their village to looking for a job in the cities. In these villages there is a bank, a bar and some small supermarket where you can buy bread or food. There isn't many jobs and the people have got more than sixty five.

    Jose Antonio Sabio Prados 2ºESO A
    (This coment is of another entry)

  14. Afghanistan back to be Taliban again. This country during twenty years have been pacific. The United States army always protecting Afghanistan for the Taliban army don't control Afghanistan. Now, the situation is amazing, the Taliban have conquered Afghanistan, the airport is the unique place isn´t Taliban. The Afghan army has not fought, because they have got a lot of scary.

    Jose Antonio Sabio Prados 2ºESO A
    (This coment is of another entry)

  15. Many people achieve their goals with minimal effort and when something seems a little more difficult they do not even try because they think they cannot achieve it.

    Everyone has to aspire to the maximum, and if it goes wrong never give up, because when you really propose something there are many possibilities to achieve it. For example, in studies you never have to settle for passing with a 5, you always have to study to get the best grade. Those who get a 5 have to go for 6, those who get an 8 have to go for 9 and that always.

    If you always push yourself to the limit in all situations, you will realize that you can handle much more than you think, and don't whine like a useless mule.

    María Romero 1ºBach A

  16. In my opinion, I think we all have to try harder to achieve our goals.

    There are people who achieve their goals by studying very little and others who need to study a lot more to achieve them.

    There are people who prefer to stay studying all afternoon at home and others who prefer to stay with their friends or simply stay at home watching the phone, playing video games...

    I think that we would have to study at home every day for at least 2 or 3 hours, depending on the exams and the homework we have to do.

    Almost every year I have done well with grades and study, I studied very little and got good grades, even if they weren't the best, but since last year it is harder for me to study and my grades have dropped.

    We will always have to try our best and try to get the best grades.

    David Pérez Moreno 1A

  17. Throughout our lives we have always been putting limits on everything, especially in the school environment when it comes to submitting assignments or when studying, such as taking an exam and not studying on time since there is still time for the day to arrive. of the exam. . Days and two days go by before you realize that you don't have time to learn the subject, so you quit and that's a lack of effort and attitude.
    The fact of setting limits means that it costs you much more to get to what you want to achieve in life.
    But limits aren't always bad, as setting a limit can help you gradually narrow down the things that may be bad for you.

  18. There are many situations in life when we can whine like a mule. Students usually think that the homework or the exams are too much, because the organisation is difficult when we have to do a lot of things.

    This idea can be seen in the sports too. For example, I am a football player and I always think of how I can do the things better, but if I want to be the best, I have to train every day to maintain my level.

    In my opinion, this is positive because you try to do things better and fight for your goals and dreams. Being determined is something good, I think. But the problem is that when we look for the perfect result and we don’t do it, we get frustrated.

    I always will think that we must do our best for the things we want. Because if we don’t do it, we will regret it in the future.

    Leo Maldonado Castro 2º Bach

  19. I think that people always can do many more things,
    I have always done all homework on last day but
    Now I am in Bachillerato and I can’t do it.

    This year I have to do many things for the afternoon like homeworks, study
    and Monday and Wednesday I have to go to train.
    When I go to train is fantastic because I have a good time with
    my friends.

    I admire people who don’t lost their time, I always lost my time and
    I think that I am not able to change it.

    Many friends of mine have to train every days of the weeks, to be honest I don’t know how they have time for study, they are very intelligents.


  20. Nowadays there are many more ways to earn a living. There are many new jobs that could be considered, such as: professional video game gamer, youtuber, streamer, tik toker ... In these you can earn a lot of money or almost nothing, depending on the people who see you and like your videos or money that they donate to you. But you don't need a college degree to be good at it, just be nice and lucky people google your name.

    Also with the passage of time they also disappear. Many jobs such as: the milkman, the banker, ... etc. less and less are needed. For example, it may be in the case of the dairyman, the milk from the cows can be milked by machines and distributed in stores ... in the case of the banker, it is ATMs, and this happens in many more jobs than perhaps before They were in high demand but not so much now.

    Jose Carlos Escribano Pulido 3 ESO A

  21. There will always be new things to do and learn. It's never late to learn something new, and I'm not just talking about school things... My grandad always says that you learn something new every day, and he's right! It doesn't have to be something related to studies, but you can learn a new recipe, a new song...

    Sometimes, the things that are discussed in class are not interesting at all… I mean, who likes talking about physics? But many times, the teachers tell us interesting things related to the subject, and those are the ones that we remember because as we are really interested, we pay attention and it´s easier to learn them.

    For example, when in biology the teacher explains why some things happen in everyday life, or when in history the teacher explains some curious fact about important people in the history of Spain, when in English we learn new vocabulary about topics that interest us... I don't have any doubt that this is how you learn the most.

    This year, we have to try to learn as much as possible. The most important thing this year, apart from studying and organizing yourself well, obviously, is to pay attention in class. 1 hour of class is 1 hour of study and learning, so let's take advantage of it and not waste our time. Very little left for selectivity exams!

    Rocío Valdés 2º Bach
