Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.

by Bruce Lee

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2021

Only you can make me happy

 The title of this song gave me a hint for this new post. What or who can make a person happy? For lovers the answer is obvious, as it is the case of the song, but there are many other circumstances. 


That could be the case of a teacher and his students, a parent and his/her children, etc. However, it is not only people who can bring happiness, but also things or animals, for instance pets, money...


So what or who can make you happy?




You will make me really happy if you do these activities:

Here's my musical hint for today: Only you can make me happy by the band Surface  and here's a version with the lyrics for you to sing along... 


Just one sunny quiet day with no more eruptions would be enough to make the people in La Palma happy!!!

La Palma volcano: Visual guide to what happened (BBC News)

La Palma volcano: Lava continues spewing as Spain vows to speed up aid (Global News)


La Palma volcano poses new threats after crater partly collapses (Global News)




Lucy tells about 20 common English speaking mistakes (English with Lucy) >>>>


Episode 211020 / 20 October 2021    >>>  Healthcare robots   -    Language related to 'helping'.  

Need-to-know language: menial tasks, assistance, augment, portering & made ready.


Project about  Jane Eyre  by Rocío Valdés (2º Bach A)




Vintage NBA basketball:  

Top 10 Magic Johnson plays

23 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Happiness, what is it? Well, the answer will probably change depending on the person you ask. Love, money, friends, pets, family. All these answers are correct, and they can even be correct to the same person.

    Probably, one of the most repeated questions of all times is “How can I reach happiness?”. Well, the human gives a meaning to their lives by searching happiness, they don´t know if they´ll find it, they don´t even know if it exists, but they spend their whole lives searching for it. Some of them find it, but others die without tasting anything of that gift called happiness. So, it is obvious that this question has a different answer for everyone.

    There are many kinds of happiness, for a father, happiness is to see his child success; for a couple, see the other´s smile; for a student, pass an exam; for a farmer, having a good harvest, etc. All of this are really different things, but they produce the same feeling in the person. All these feeling are happiness, but they are momentaneous, they´ll fade sooner or later, so, is there any eternal happiness?

    In my opinion, I think the answer is clear, no. The life is a “rollercoaster of feelings”, you´ll have times when you´ll feel very happy, and others when you´ll feel sad, but that´s ok. However, I think the closest feeling to the eternal happiness is love. If you surround yourself with people who love you, your life will have more moments of happiness than of sadness, so, in my opinion, that´s the key of happiness.

    David Bacas 2º Bach

  3. Nowadays, we don't pay much attention if we really are happy or just think we are happy. We try to fill that void with things that make us happy for a short time, then we return to search for that happiness. We simply care about feeling good and that our people are good.

    So, what makes us happy? We try to search for happiness through material things without realizing that we really find it in such insignificant things, but when we lose it makes us feel as if we are missing a piece of ourselves.

    Although we cannot forget that to live a comfortable life and living in this capitalist society we need money. Money does not give us happiness but it helps to maintain it. It is not the same to worry about not being able to feed your children and pay for other necessary things, than to be worried about not being able to buy the latest generation mobile.

    In conclusion, it is easy to be happy being with the people we love and doing the things that we are passionate, the really difficult thing from my point of view is how to maintain it.

  4. Nowadays we live in a society that don't realise if we are really happy or not, that is nobody thinks about the happiness of other people they don't know, we only think about our own happiness and about the happiness of the people that are around us, although there are also people that not even think about the welfare and happiness of the people around them, even if they are relatives or friends, they only take care of their own good.

    So, we can make us a question, what or who makes us really happy?. This is a really important question that we don't think about it, that is why we don't realise what or who make us happy, and we usually realise it when we don't have something or someone with us, in that moment we realise that a thing or a person is really important for us. There are people that think that they don't need anything to be happy, but that's not true, because if we lose some things that we use nowadays, we don't know what to do, one example can be mobile phone, if we lose it, we almost go mad.

    In my view, all of us need money to be happy because nowadays we need some things to be happy, and we must have money to buy it, and even if we haven't got money we can't do anything, for example the people who love travelling need money to travel, so if they haven't got money they can't travel to different places. We also need some people to be happy, all of us have some relatives and friends that make us happy when we spend our time with them.

    Finally, in my opinion, nowadays we are in a society that makes us want money to be happy reaching a point that now there are a lot of people really selfish and materialistic that only think about their own good. I think that we mustn't reach that point, because the people that are only interested in money, are really bad people that don't take care of other people and don't love anybody, they only love money.
    Francisco González

  5. Our happiness should not depend on anything or anyone, only from us. No one can make you happier than yourself, it is true that there are people and things that help you to be happy but our happiness should not depend on it.

    You always have to think that the most important person for you has to be yourself, and then will go your friends and family, but you go before everyone else, because if you don't put yourself ahead of others, no one will do it for you.

    If you love yourself more than anyone else, your greatest concern should be your well-being and your feelings, and you cannot let your happiness or sadness depend on someone other than you, no one is so important in your life as to have that role. That influences so much this way.

    I think that if you are happy it should be because that happiness you have given it to you, and if one day you are sad it may be your fault and that sadness can only be removed by yourself.


  6. happiness is a relative thing. For me happiness can be having a good time and enjoying with my friends and for someone else it can be something completely different.

    In my opinion, I think it is not good that your happiness depends on someone. If you depend on someone to be happy, the day that person misses you, you are going to have a really bad time. I think that someone's happiness must depend on him.

    Obviously if you have a good time with your friends it is normal that it make you happy. but mainly that happiness must come from you. that if you are missing someone you can continue as you normally do

    Pablo Javier Flores Funes 1ºBach A

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. Novadays, we live in a selfish society where we only worry about ourselves, about our happiness. We do not stop to think about the happiness of others, or whether our actions make people unhappy.

    What is happiness? Who causes it to us? Or How can you get this? These are one of the most repeated questions by people, finding who is happy without knowing how, who is not happy and spends time waiting for happiness, although there are times when helping others to find their happiness, comes their own.

    In my case it is true that I am happy with little, I do not need to lose a friendship to know what made me happy. With being surrounded by my family and friends and that they are happy I am too.

    Eventually, happiness comes alone and many times it is caused by the people we love the most or pets, it is easy to find it as long as you are not a bad person and wish evil on others.

    Nuria Diaz Ruiz

  9. In La Palma they are going through a bad situation, because the Cumbre Vieja volcano doesn´t stop expelling a lot of lava and toxic gases, which affects the population of the island. The people must wear a mask and glasses to protect theyselves from toxic gases.

    I hope their situation improves because there are many people without homes, they have to stop the volcano to possibly make houses, although at the moment some rivers of lava are solid.

    Oliver Lozano Martín 3ºA

  10. For each person the meaning of happiness is different, because the things that make someone happy may not make others happy.

    Last year I learned that happiness is in the little things, in a hug, an unexpected message from someone that you love, a call, meeting someone that you haven't seen for a long time, etc. Also remembering good and funny moments, do improvised plans with my friends and spending time with my family makes me feel happy.

    There is always a discussion about money bringing people happiness or not. There are people that think that happiness is in the money and others that happiness is to be with the people that you love and that you don't need money to feel happy. I think that happiness is not the money because with a lot of money and without being with the people that you love you are not happy, but I think money helps a lot, because with it you can do all that you like and want, and that lets you make your dreams come true and brings you the best thing, freedom.

    All in all, I think for being happy you don't need big things, only being with your family and doing whatever you like is enough.


  11. My mum, my brother and me were in La Palma, when we were watching TV suddenly, rang a huge explosion.

    After that, we went out to see what was happened. Everybody was out of their houses, and they were so afraid. Ten minutes later came a police patrol. They told us that there was a volcanic eruption, and we had twenty minutes to take our things. Obviously, we hadn´t taken everything, but we took the most important things.

    Luckily, nobody was hurt. In this moment, we are living in Valencia, we used to visit it when I was a child. I hope come soon!

    Andrea Valdés Padial 3ºESO A

  12. In the life, people must try to be happy because I think that happiness is an attitude. Happiness is a feeling that we do not have to look for, the more you look for it, the less happy you will be. You must focus in other things and happiness will come as a reward.

    Happiness is not only achieved with material objects, but it can be achieved with little. Many times we can achieve happiness ourselves, for example with a simple plate of food that you like, hang out with your friends, go on a trip…

    I have also heard people say that money does not bring happiness, but I think that in part it does. For example, if I had much money I would like travel around the word.

    In conclusion, in this life all people must look for their happiness, share moments with family, make great plans with friends, take advantage of every moment, but always with a smile.


  13. Happiness is something very personal and each person is happy with something different. For example, your greatest happiness may be having a lot of money and for me happiness is being with the people I love the most.

    What should make us happy the most is our well-being and look out for ourselves, because if you don't look out for yourself, no one is going to do it. Many people put the happiness of other people before their own and that way the one who is not happy is you.

    What I have clear is that depending on someone to be happy is very hard and always ends badly. A friend or your boyfriend can influence that happiness but never be the main reason.

    Money can also help you a lot to be happy, but it really is not the most important thing.

    María Romero 1ºBach A

  14. This means, the students are working on summer time, they have got advantages and the students aren't working now, and when coming the school year will be more difficult for them. Because as some people say:" You work today and you haven't to work tomorrow", in the summer time you must work for don't work so much during this year.

    Jose Antonio Sabio Prados 2ºESO A

  15. Steve Jobs invented iPhone an he was co-founder. He has invented the mobiles with internet, internet apps. He went to India a lot of time because he was in a monks monastery of the mountains. iPhone, right now, is worse than iPhone 5 or 10 years ago, because for example, to create a app is very difficult because they say you: no.

    Jose Antonio Sabio Prados 3ºESO A

  16. South Korea is in danger, we think South Korea is a normal country, but Seul (the capital), it's fifty kilometres away of a unstable nation. A nation of one million of soldiers and bombs nuclear, North Korea. Spain only has a little more than 120 000 soldiers and North Korea is very worse than Spain. People live here haven't got money and they can't go outside of North Korea, it's prohivited.

    Jose Antonio Sabio Prados 3ºESO A

  17. All people try to be happy but they don't get it.
    I think that we should always be happy because the life is one
    and we have that to enjoy.

    For my point of view the best way to be happy is have a
    time with your family and your friends.
    I usually go to the my grandfather's house and I have fun
    with them.
    I don’t want to think when my grandfathers die because this
    moment will be the worst for me.

    Many people say that money brings happinest, I don’t think so
    because if you have a lot of money but you haven’t someone to enjoy it with,
    It is really sad.

    In my opinion it’s better to have less money but to have health and be
    with people who love you.

  18. Happiness is a very personal thing and something that we all like.

    When you are happy you do not feel fear, sadness... It is one of the best sensations in life.

    Happiness is different for each person, some people are happy with some little things and others are happy with different things.

    All of us always try to be happy but there are sometimes that we cannot because we are upset or stressed, for example when one week we have many exams.

    If happiness did not exist we would not be such nice people, we would be depressed all day.

    Whenever we always have to be even a little happy, because otherwise our life will be very boring.

    David Pérez Moreno 1A

  19. Happiness, what does that word mean today? Is love ? The money? Friendship?
    Depending on the person you ask, they may give you a different answer, but for them that is their meaning of happiness.
    Many say that money can buy everything: friends, love, but can money really give you happiness?
    The answer is no, you can get many friends but surely a large percentage of the people around you are with you for your money.
    For me, happiness is completely different, it is being with the people I love, seeing them smile or just spending time with them.
    For me, happiness is love and being able to see how little by little our goals are being achieved thanks to our efforts.
    Lucía Mingorance Rodríguez 2 Bachillerato

  20. My family and I have read in newspapers and seen on TV that the volcano has stopped producing lava and many scientists are waiting to see if the volcano will continue or stop.
    I saw on Youtube an American scientist saying that the volcano will calm down but that in the future it will surely erupt again.ABEL MARTINEZ 3A

  21. Happiness is a very relative concept. I´m a very smiling person, and when I´m sad, it isn´t very difficult for people to realize it. Luckily, my friends know me very well and they know how to make me laugh easily. When I'm not cheerful or I´m sad, I always go for a walk with them and they help me to forget my problems in a moment.

    I believe that they are the main source of my happiness. But I faithfully believe that happiness is the small moments. It sounds very topical, I know, but it´s true. For me happiness is being with my family, taking a walk on the beach, playing with my little cousins, meeting my friends… I don't need much to be happy.

    For lovers, I think that it happens the same thing. Your couple is indeed responsible for much of your happiness, but like people who aren´t in love, they should also find happiness in other things. In addition, I think that if you owe 100% of your happiness to a single person, there is something wrong... That is emotional dependence, and if you lose that person, you will stop being happy. And that's not right!

    Many people aren´t really happy and they just pretend. This is a very common issue today, especially on social media. We tend to upload photos or videos, perhaps showing off a gift, or a place, or the food we are eating... And maybe we only do it so that people can see it and show that we are “happy”. I think that the people who have to do this are really the least happy...

    Rocío Valdés 2º Bach

  22. Happiness is something very personal and each person is happy with something different. There are people that are happy with love, other with money, or friends, pets, family...Nowdays, we only think about our own happiness and about the happiness of the people that are around us, butthere are people that only take care of their own good.

    There are a lot of things that make me happy. I think that happiness are special moment and little details. I am happy when I am with my family, my cousins, when I go out with my friends. Other things that make me happy are do sport, because are moemnt in that you can relax and take youur mind off. I don't need much to be happy.

    For lovers, I think that it happens the same thing. Your couple is indeed responsible for much of your happiness, but like people who aren´t in love, they should also find happiness in other things. In addition, I think that if you owe 100% of your happiness to a single person, there is something wrong... That is emotional dependence. Our happiness can't depend of only one person.

    In conclusion, we can search the happiness in a lot of different things. Everyone is happy in a different way, bout what matters is that we are happy.

  23. I really like basketball although I find it a boring sport to watch it, but I do like to play it. many of my classmates also like it , my father really likes the basketball team in Madrid but he also likes the team in Barcelona , my cousins are from the Lakers , I used to like it a lot and my dream was to have a shirt from that club , Right now I love watching the Warrios games because I like their way of attacking and also like how well they defend. I’m going to make a bet with my cousins and I’m going to bet that if the Warrios beat the Lakers they’ll have to buy me a T-shirt of any kind.

    May the best man win!!!!!!!!
    Abel 3A
