Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.

by Bruce Lee

sábado, 19 de febrero de 2022

Bore-out? Brown-out? Burn-out?


At work, but also in our school context, we may come across with these three states of mind related to mental health and which can affect our outcome.


Let's first have a look at the definitions of these words:

Burnout is to ruin one's health or become completely exhausted through overwork.

Boreout is specifically related to feeling spiritually disconnected at work: we might feel separate from our colleagues, detached from our company's vision, and as though our role lacks any sort of purpose or meaning.

Brownout  >>   business context, it refers to employees working long hours without any real interest in their job, leading to disengagement, discontent, and lethargy.



And now let's have a look at some articles related to the issue: 




But not everything connected to boredom is bad....

Listening exercise for you to do: The benefits of boredom    (BBC Learning English)

Some great ideas have come out of this state of mind.


Some activities for you to do: 


English tenses in conversation | Past Simple & Present Perfect | 'did' or 'have done' today?


My musical hint for today: Let the river run by Carly Simon from the film Working Girl (movie trailer). Here's one version with the lyrics:



And talking about tennis and about different states of mental health...




Our students at work...

Project about A Foreigner in Britain  by María Romero (1º Bach A)

Project on  All about Ireland  by Fran Toledo (3º ESO A)

Project on All about Ireland by José Carlos Escribabo (3º ESO A)



Project on  All about Ireland  by Fran Toledo (3º ESO A)

18 comentarios:

  1. This section of the course is being very heavy, but that means I have to put one more gear. Papers to deliver, exams almost every day... Last week I had 4 difficult exams, but this week I am having 2 exams on Monday, and marks of exams I did the latest weeks. If I do the work step by step it will be easier for me to do that.

    When you are having a heavy week with exams, you don't have to think about it, you must study everyday at the week and do all the homework. If you do that you will get good marks 110%.

    Francisco Toledo López 3ºa

  2. The excessive work can be very bad for all people. The exams, homework and jobs must be appropiate for we have time to relaxing because if you have the mind relaxing, you will work best and with more interest in your jobs. For this there are many companies and every time joined more companies that his places for relaxing. In Europe there are countries that the workers work 4 days and not 5 days.

    Ruben Sabio Prados 3º ESO A

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    1. People who are struggling with workplace stress might place themselves in a high risk of burnout. Burnout can make it harder to go well in their daily life and ,in some cases ,it can be very risky for their health.

      Sometimes, when I feel exhausted I always want to sleep although I had slept the 8 hours at night, so I'm trying meditation in the morning for 10 minutes and it has helped me not to feel so exhausted. Other days to relax my mind I try painting, reading or just watching my favourite film.

      Denisa Andreea Tomoroga 1ºBACH A

  4. The stress is a thing very dangerous, at least for me and for all students. The day before the exam is terrible, because a student study more than the other days and he is nervous, especially at night. You are also very nervous the hour before the exam, the teacher should be more flexible when we have got an exam a day and the teacher wants do the exam that day. It's very difficult study two or three exams in the same day, the best example: History and biology, because they are similar. The bridges is perfect to relax and rest, the teachers shouldn't give us homework to the bridges, we have just done a lot of exams and is bad that we do exercises.

    Jose Antonio Sabio Prados 3ºESO A

  5. I think a lot of teenagers haves burnouts because there are a lot of exams and the second term it's a large term they haven't much time to relax. In my case there were a lot of exams and some projects. I think if I take it with calm I can do it. If you want good marks you don't need to study a lot of hours , you just need one hour of study and one hour of relax and you can repeat this many times as you need .

    Javier Rivas López 3ºESO A

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. Burnout is a very common thing in the lives of students due to all the homework, projects and exams that we have to do.
    In my case when I´m most burnout are the weeks that I have exams because I don´t have all the time I want to rest. I believe that to avoid burnout in studies you have to plan your study hours, make a schedule with the time dedicated to homework and to study what you give every day. Although this seems very easy to do, it is difficult to put into practice.
    Regardless, if you really want to pass the course you have to work hard and strive to improve.

    Alejandro Venegas Mancilla 3ºA

  8. Adults think that they are the only ones who can be tired after work, but that is not the case.  Students also feel exhausted at times and do not want to continue studying.

    The life of a student is also difficult and parents sometimes have to understand our bad mood and our tiredness.  The worst thing is when exam time arrives, you don't have time to do anything and just study.  There are days when we have two or more exams.  High school is very exhausting and each year you advance is harder.  Sometimes we are studying for many days and we believe that we are prepared to pass and then they give us the exam grade and we fail it despite all the effort we have made.

    The teachers believe that their subject is the only one we have, and many times they spend sending homework and assignments.  There will be people who don't do them because they don't want to, but there are other people who don't have time to do everything.

    There comes a time when we can't take it anymore and we start to get overwhelmed because the only thing we do is study and we don't even have time to go out with our friends.  Sometimes we don't even have time to eat.  I think it can affect our health.

    María Romero 1BACH A

  9. Everybody has felt sometimes the states of boreout, brownout and burnout for different reasons. Stress is part of our daily life.

    There are situations in which we are stressed and desmotivated because we work a lot and we can’t rest. Second of Bachillerato is a difficult year in which we have to do a lot of things of many subjects in a few time, because we have to prepare our Selectivity exams.

    In the future, I would like to have a job of something that I like, since I want to feel motivated and excited when I do my work well. Lots of people are bored in their jobs because they work many hours and their salary is not enough.

    In conclusion, life is very short to be sad and stressed in the same work for years. We should do a job in which we feel happy almost every day.

    Leo Maldonado Castro 2ºBach

  10. It depends on your emotional stability is how your emana is going to go. I mean, if you start the week stressed, either because of the amount of work or because of some other situation, your week is going to depend on that, although you can also play with your thoughts and think of something which gives you happiness and you are happy because of that, or a sad week because something has happened to you that has affected you a lot.
    Many times, when it comes to saying that there is an exam any day, well, you get nervous: For example, a week ago they told us that we had 4 exams on very complicated topics, because at that moment you have a nervous breakdown, but if you you focus and think that you are going to do everything well, you are safe.

    Dunia Arnedo Martin 3ºA

  11. Nowadays we live in a society where we are constantly thinking about our job, or in working. For this reason, we are also constantly worrying about doing well in our job, and not to have any failure, we need to think that our boss, or our superior is happy and satisfied with the work we must do. We think so much about this that we can forget other more important problems than this one.

    Thinking all day about work is not good at all for us, we can think that it is necessary, because if we are always thinking in work we are more concentrated in that, but that's not true. The only thing that can happen if we are worried about work all day is that we can cause ourselves some mental illnesses, or other problems like burnout, that is when you are really exhausted and you don't want to do anything, only rest. So, this takes up time we could use to do lots of other things.

    As I said, with all our thoughts in doing our work the best we can, we usually forget other problems or other important things. Nowadays, we can see it, for example, in the situation with the elderly people. The neglect situation that they must live because we, young people, are more focused in work than in take care, or pass some time with the elderly people we know, like our grandparents or our great uncle or great aunt. So, we usually accommodate them in a residence, where other people will take care of them, so they won't be as neglected as they are when we don't take care of them.

    Finally, as a conclusion, in my opinion, thinking about we must do is important, but we need some time to forget this and think about other things and we need to enjoy in our freetime, and also spend this time with our family and dearest people. And we don't need to arrive at the point of a burnout, because this is really harmful for our health.
    Francisco González

  12. From my point of view today mental health is not given as much importance as it should be. This is as important as physical health and that is why we must work on it and ask for help if we need it and not be ashamed of it at any time.

    I think that many times adults do not understand well the moments in which we do not feel good about ourselves, due to another situation, because of the high school and the grades..., and what they do is not give it importance.

    In high school I think it would be very useful to have more talks or some subject on mental health. Many students may be going through a difficult situation and I think that having a place where they can talk about it and where others probably understand it can also help.

    Alba Arellano 1ºA Bach

  13. Adults always tell us that studying is our obligation, but it is much more complicated. Sometimes we give all of us, but still we don't have the results we wanted.

    After that moment we are bore-out, we don't find reasons to continue, we have seen that it hasn't worked, that it doesn't matter what we do. We feel that it doesn't matter how hard we try. We brown-out, we don’t want to continue. We ended burn-out. We experience all these emotions in a short period of time, something that in my opinion is not healthy.

    Although we have good results, for us, students, we only see at the bad results. Our mental health suffers. We always feel that we are at the limit of our capacity, almost to exploit. We even get angry with the people around us because we think they can’t understand us. But we must find a way to know how to overcome the situation.

    In conclusion, bad results cause a serie of bad situations, both in our life as in our health. We should apreciate that although it isn’t what we were looking for, we have done an effort. So, when we have a victory we must consider it. End in these three situations is easy, we must be stronger!

  14. Tiredness in the life of students is all the homework and exams we have to do.
    In my case when I’m more tired in the weeks there are exams because I don’t have time to do others such as watching social networks or going for a run. In my opinion to avoid exhaustion in studies it is necessary to have an agenda to know what you have to do, Although this seems easy to pose it is difficult to do
    ABEL 3A

  15. Students' life is difficult, more difficult than others think. We spend all the morning at school, and the afternoons studying and doing homework. Sometimes we need to study during the weekends and during the last weeks of the term, in which there are lots of exams, we can keep us awake until late in the night to study for an exam.

    This situation can make us stay apart from our friends or family, and stop practising our hobbies. We stop doing what makes us happy to keep studying, which is called boreout. Boreout can cause also brownout, which is a situation in which we lost the interest in our job. In our case, many students have tought about leaving their studies and start working because they feel too stressed. In extreme cases, the student can feel burnout, a situation in which stress can even affect to our health, which is very worrying.

    I also have felt these states of mind. Last year, I was very stressed with exams. I used to spend all my free time at home, studying for the following exams. I didn't meet my friends or family and I didn't want to go anywhere if this meant that I couldn't study. I knew that I needed high marks and I became very stressed with them. I used to said that studying so much didn't make much sense, because later in the selectivity exams the subjects I were studying wouldn't help me study what I want. At one moment I even had health problems, and I went several times to the doctor with skin problems and I used to wake up in the morning with pain in my jaw, all of it due to the stress.

    At the moment I'm better, I'm still coming across these states of mind, especially when there are more exams than usual. I have felt the consequences of boreout again, but this time it didn't hit me so hard, so it has been easier for me to get better.

  16. Many times the students are very overwhelmed and they don’t have time to do anything.
    Students always have many exams and when we grow up we have more and more exams.
    My mother doesn’t understand how I can study for so many hours.

    When we are in high school we have more time to do things, in these years I used to play in a football team, go out with my friends every day . It was really fantastic.
    I think that high school should be a stage, where we can spend a lot of time with our friends.

    Now, I am in bachillerato and I can’t afford to go out every day because I have to get good marks so I can go to the university because If I don't get good marks I will go to the ‘ ponti’.
    Sometimes I think that it will be a good idea to drop out of bachillerato but If I make an effort I will be able to get it.
    Now, I don’t stay in any football team because I haven't time.

    In my opinion, I think that the life of the students is so hard but i think it's worth it. JOSÉ ADRIÁN GONZÁLEZ RODRÍGUEZ1ºA BACH

  17. Mental health is the general well-being of the way you think, regulate your feelings and behave. Sometimes, people experiment a important disturbance in this mental functioning. A mental disorder may be present when patterns or changes in thinking, feelings, or behaviour cause anguish or alter a person's ability to function. A mental health disorder can affect your ability to do the following:

    - Maintaining personal or family relationships.

    - Function in social environments.

    - Performing at work or school.

    - Learning at a level accordance with your age and intelligence.

    - Participate in other important activities.

    How can i take care of my mental health?

    - Listen, feel and understand your emotions, each one has a message for you! There are as many ways to feel emotions as there are humans beings in the world.

    - Keep a healthy lifestyle.

    - Focus on yourself.

    - Recognize when you need help.

    - Be kind to tourself.

    Adrián García 4ºA
