May is coming to an end, and so is our school year. First, I would like you to read previous posts in this blog related with the label: advice , and then give some advice to the students that will follow your steps. Try to be sincere and, using appropriate advice structures, tell them what they should do. Include the level you are referring to at the beginning of your comment.
Exercises on Reported Speech:
A. Transform these sentences into Reported Speech.
1. "I can't stop laughing", the student to the teacher.

2. "They're laughing at me now", said Mary.
3. "I can't afford to buy your car", Albert to Fernando Alonso.
4. "FC Barcelona will win the King's Cup tomorrow", said Messi in the press conference.
5. "We don't like this exercise", said the students.
6. "I'm afraid of spiders", said my mum.
B. Fill in the gaps with 'said' or 'told' and then transform these sentences into Direct Speech.
1. They ....... that they couldn't find a cash machine in that city.
2. Mary ........ them that the fish tasted awful.
3. Fernando Alonso ........ Albert that he was saving for a new car then.
4. My parents ..... my aunt that they wanted to borrow her house in the mountains.
5. Nadal ......... that his elbow was very painful.
6. She ...... me that her coat was made of leather.