After more than 7 weeks at home all together, what is it like? Any problems? Any arguments? Do you find it hard to share the same space 24 hours for more than 50 days with the rest of the family. Who is the member of the family who has the most problems? And the fewest?
Here are some articles for you to read about the issue:
Coronavirus: The parents in lockdown with violent children (BBC News)
National helpline launches to help struggling parents homeschooling children during lockdown (The Independent)
Supermarkets urged to be kinder to single parents in lockdown (The Guardian)
And also a listening exercise >>>> How to cope with children at home (6 Minute English, BBC Learning English)
Quarantine Scoreboard
Posts uploaded: 32
Students participating: about 85 out of 110 (77%)
Comments written and corrected: More than 600
Emails exchanged: more than 2,500
PASEN announcements & messages: more than 2,000
Things handed in and corrected: more than 1,000
Visits to blog and site during quarantine: about 14,000 (Average of 250 visits per day)
Video lectures (ONLINE CLASSES): 12 (+ 6 Dictations on line, 4 verb exams and 2 online exams)
Tuesday, 5th May
1º ESO CLASS (<<<Click here)
Very good morning, ladies and gentlemen!!
I hope you are all well, safe and sound. Here's again the link to the session, just in case:
Tasks for today:
Let's revise WHOSE? Possessive adjectives and pronouns
27 - Whose is it? ( another link )
You can check the contents here: Notes on FOLLOW ME 21-40
Send me the sentences (Exercise 6 - page 77)
Next week we will be doing the exam (First 6 units), probably on Thursday. On Tuesday in our online class we will go on correcting (p. 77 - Exercise 8).
La semana que viene haremos el examen de las 6 primeras, que será la base del examen de mínimos, y el martes seguiremos corrigiendo a partir del ejercicio 8, página 77, y resolviendo dudas de cara al examen. Si vemos que nos hace falta repasar más, retrasaremos el examen.
Solutions to yesterday's translation sentences:
1. He is not at his girlfriend's. He is on holiday.
2. He always watches television in the evening on Wednesdays, but today he isn't watching television.
3. We never go out on Sundays, but I think she is having a shower now.
Only Javier sent me his avatar and nobody sent me the translation sentences!!!
Here's the post where you can find the link to make your own avatar:
Creating an avatar of yourself

4º ESO
Smart Planet Digital books
These are the tasks for today:
Unit 9 (Smart Planet 4) , pages 91 - 92 (Exercises 1-4)
Revise what we have in the site about REPORTED SPEECH
Yesterday we were talking about the verb 'to dwell' and the song 'Oh, My Darling, Clementine!':
English in a Minute: 'SOON' vs 'EARLY' vs 'QUICKLY' (BBC Learning English)
1º Bach >>> Homework for today:
Unit 8 - pages 100-101
Here are two episodes to revise the CONDITIONAL SENTENCES (+ I wish...):
Module 7 Unit 7A Unit 7B
Exercise to do about REWRITING >>>
1: Rewrite the following sentences so that they do not change the
meaning of the original sentences.
I can't come because I have to look after my neighbour's children.
If I
wouldn't go swimming on a day like this, if I were you , Tom"
I haven't been to the dentist for two years.
It is
People say that he has been all over the world.
He is
5. I have to write letters ,
but I hate it.
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
EliminarQuarantine wasn´t a problem for me in that aspect. I don't usually argue with my family, so I didn't argue during that time either. It´s true that spending so much time together makes it easier to do it, but nothing out of the normal. We were all very busy doing our things, so we spent almost the same time together that we used to do before quarantine.
The person who I argued with the most was my sister since she always took my clothes to take photos and then she left them on the bed instead of putting them in the closet. That bothered me a lot and I shouted at her. This caused that my parents got mad at us for having such disputes and punished us. However, we never had any big arguments.
It didn't mean much to me to be at home because I was spending a lot of time alone. I like enjoying my loneliness, and also during quarantine, it was necessary, since we had to attend online classes. I also spent a lot of time making videocalls with my friends. Almost every night, my friends and I called each other to play games together or just to talk for a while.
There were a lot of things that I liked about quarantine, like being able to spend time alone doing some of the things that I like the most, like reading. I read so many books then and I even bought new ones online. Anyway, I would never repeat this situation again, since on many situations it was very stressful. I prefer to be as we are now because if I want, I can stay at home and do all these things but without being obliged.