Sedentarism is a big problem in our society, especially among our teenagers. So make a move... walk, run, JUMP!!
A listening exercise for you to do: Exercise for the lazy (6 Minute English, BBC Learning English)
Some articles for you to read about the issue:
Why exercise alone won’t save us (The Guardian)
Inactivity 'kills more than obesity' (BBC News)
More than 80% of adolescents not active enough, warns WHO (The Guardian)
Sitting too much is bad for your health, but offsetting the impact is easy, study shows (CNN)
What does 'WHO' stand for? What's the Spanish for it? (Solutions at the bottom)
And here's my musical hint to make you move: Jump (For My Love) by The Pointer Sisters. Here's a version with the lyrics for you to sing along!!
Some activities for you to do:
Learn how to speak English naturally: How to express uncertainty "She isn't an actress, is she?" (BBC Learning English)
English in a Minute: How to use 'stick' (BBC Learning English)
The English We Speak: A flying start (BBC Learning English)
News Review: 'Love hormone': new study (BBC Learning English)

Vintage tennis:
Mats Wilander vs John McEnroe SF Australian Open 1983 Part 1
Activities for my students:
1º ESO - According to what we have done in Exercise 9 on page 37, what can you say about what your parents think teenagers do?
- My parents think teenagers often eat junk food.
YOUR POSSIBLE ANSWER: No, because we hardly ever eat junk food.
And our students at school at work...
Project on A Christmas Carol by Manuel Utrabo (4º ESO A)
Solutions to the questions above: 'WHO' stands for 'World Health Organisation' and 'OMS' would be the Spanish equivalent.
I’ve got a PS4 and I like it because I like vídeo ganes.My favourite game is a “The last of us,part 2”.
ResponderEliminarAntonio Miguel Burell Fernandez 1ºB
Antonio Miguel Burell Fernandez
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ResponderEliminarExercise is very important for your health. I don't eat junk food during the week, but my favourite food is the pizza.
ResponderEliminarSheyla María Romero García 1ºA
The boy in the first photo is wearing a big blue t-shirt informal and short green pants, in my opinion are very beautiful. He is also wearing high white casual socks. He has got headphones on his head.
ResponderEliminarAndrea Romera Noguera 1ºB
A sedentary lifestyle is dangerous for our physical and mental health. As a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle you can have obesity, cardiovascular problems, diabetes...
ResponderEliminarIn my opinion, this a current problem because we spend a lot of time in front of screens, with phones, tablets, consoles... forgetting that we have to play sports and interact with other people. Something I have observed is that older people do not have a sedentary life, they usually walk every day and interact more with people.
I think that some of the things I could do to correct my sedentary lifestyle is to walk a few kilometers and not take the elevator.
Alejandro Venegas Mancilla 4ºA
Living a sedentary lifestyle can have serious negative efects on our health. When we spend most of our time sitting or lying down, we're not giving our bodies the exercise they need to function properly. This can lead to weight gain, heart disease, and other health problems. It's important to find ways to be active and move our bodies every day, even if it's just taking a walk around the house or doing some simple exercises at home.
ResponderEliminarRubén Sabio Prados 4 ESO A
Today children and young people do less physical exercise than children before, they prefer to watch TV and play with technology. In this way they spend a lot of time sitting without moving.
ResponderEliminarMy parents say that when they were children they did not stay at home, they were almost always in the street playing, I think that this was healthier.
A sedentary lifestyle occurs when you do less than 30 minutes of physical activity a day, (you see, just 1 hour of exercise a day is good for us) this can cause heart, lung, muscular, muscular and cardiovascular diseases; even this can lead to not being able to move.
Technology makes it easy for us to communicate, another thing that harms us, so we don't move.
A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main causes of overweight and obesity, but it is convenient to take care of yourself not only with a diet but also with physical activity such as cycling, walking aerobics, playing soccer...
People from childhood have to eat healthy and exercise to avoid dangerous diseases and enjoy a healthy life free of diseases.
I think that children should spend less time with video games, your computer and parents should time the time and ensure that their children have a more active life.
Francisco José Prados Espinosa 4ºA
Exercise is good for our health, but we must practice it often, because if we do not do sport we can develop physical problems, we must also have a good diet to be healthy, physically active people enjoy a higher quality of life, because they have fewer limitations that are normally associated with chronic diseases; they are also benefited by a longer life expectancy, these are some of the profits that we can have thanks to physical activity:
ResponderEliminar-Improves the state of mind
-Increases self-esteem
-Increased sense of control
-Reduces stress
-Improved sleep quality
-Improves mental functioning
Oliver Lozano 4ºA
A sedentary lifestyle is a bad habit that the new technologies as laptops, tablets and mobile phones increases, especially during the pandemic. When you are sit in the sofa without do anything, eating litter food and see the TV or mobile phone, you worsen your healthy. But if you do sport as soccer, tennis or run, you aren't sit all the day in the sofa and you eat healthy food and varied diet of vegetables, meat and a lot of fruit, you improve your healthy and you feel better. Although healthy food is expensive, is an investment in your health.
ResponderEliminarJose Antonio Sabio Prados 4ºESO A
Sports are a great way to stay healthy and active, and there are many diferent types of sports to choose . One popular sport that I enjoy is basketball. Basketball is a fast game that requires both physical and mental skills. Players need to be able to run, jump, and coordinate their movements with the ball. They also need to be able to think quickly and make decisions on the fly. Overall, basketball is a fun and challenging sport that anyone can enjoy, indepentment of their skill level.
ResponderEliminarRubén Sabio Prados 4 ESO A
A sedentary life can be dangerous, when you sit ion the sofa all day or stay at home all the weekend you are not being healthy. The best way to avoid a sedentary lifestyle is to practise some sports after school or have a walk with your friends or family at the weekends. In my case I like playing football but I need to move more. Exercising is free and you will live longer, also it is a good way to make new friends and have a break from our rutines.
ResponderEliminarA sedentary life can be dangerous, because you are play videogames, sit on the sofa...
ResponderEliminarThat is why you have to do sports almost every day, since that way you can not have diseases such as obesity...
I do some sports for example: paddel, football and athletics.
In short, sport is good for health and to be more long-lived.