Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.

by Bruce Lee

viernes, 3 de febrero de 2023

The time has come... to make a move!!!

 Yes, the time has come to make a move and take decisions. It is the middle of the school year and we'd better start thinking about doing our best at school and getting the best marks possible, but time flies!!




Some activities for you to do: 


Emma in mmmEnglish tells us about English words that are often mispronounced!    


Yesterday, 2nd February, was the Groundhog's Day and what will winter be like? Have a look at this previous post to learn about the story behind.

UPDATED: What will the weather be like in 2016, Mr Marmot?


Quizz on the SECOND CONDITIONAL  >>>   Click HERE


The bizarre history of Groundhog Day  (CNN)



Here's my musical hint for today: Beds are burning by Midnight Oil. Here's a version with the lyrics for you to sing along!!





And our students at school at work... 

Project on A Christmas Carol by Francisco J. Prados (4º ESO A)




Football legends - Pelé, los Santasticos y la Copa Libertadores de 1962.


4 comentarios:

  1. Pele has been one of the best players in the history of soccer. He was known by the nickname of O'rey because he did magnificent things with the ball.

    He has been one of the greatest scorers in history, and my grandfather told me that he had seen Maradona, Di Estefano, and Messi play, but none were like Pele. His most famous title was the World Cup that he won with a broken knee, and I won three World Cups with Brazil. Unfortunately, Pele recently died of cancer but he died being a soccer hero and his country.


  2. The Groundhog Day is a holiday that has been celebrated for many years in the United States. In fact, people have been observing this holiday for over a century. The tradition involves a groundhog, which is a type of rodent, coming out of its burrow to predict the weather. If the groundhog sees its shadow, it is said to mean that there will be six more weeks of winter. However, if it does not see its shadow, it means that spring is just around the corner. I like this tradition because has become a fun way to celebrate the changing of the seasons.

    Jose Antonio Sabio Prados 4ºESO A

  3. Groundhog Day is celebrated on February 2, a popular celebration that originated in Europe and would later move to USA and Canada, places where it's still celebrated.

    As the story goes, during Candlemas Day, Christians took candles to church to bless them and protect their homes during the winter. Over the years this religious day became associated with the weather. Later, in Germany, a hedgehog was introduced to the tradition, who by means of its shadow would tell how much winter or bad weather they would have.

    German settlers would bring these traditions with them to USA and Canada, but lacking hedgehogs, they would choose a similar hibernating animal, the groundhog. Thus would give free rein to the festivity, Groundhog Day being celebrated every February 2.

    Adrián García 4ºA

  4. Pelé was the best player soccer player in history , he born in 23 October 1940 , at the age of 15 he became the top scorer in the league and at the age of 16 he was the first teen to player world cup . In his 21 years was profesional player in soccer Pelé won 3 FIFA world cup in Brazilian team in 1958 , 1962 and 1970 , being the only one to win 3 the max soccer torneum.

    Roberto Prados González 4ºA
