We are kissing July goodbye, as it is about to come to an end and we have to check what we have done so far. Your English teacher has already posted 6 blog entries so far this month, what about you?
Very few of my students are doing something!! So it is high time to put your mind in gear!
Climate crisis: The Mediterranean on fire!!!
‘Like a blowtorch’: Mediterranean gripped by wildfires as blazes spread in Croatia and Portugal (The Guardian)
GREECE: Rhodes fires: Thousands forced to flee 'disaster film' wildfires (BBC News)
SUMMER REVISION >> Activities for my students in 1º ESO:
- PRESENT CONTINUOUS (Agenda Web) - another exercise to do! (Perfect English Grammar)
Watch these New That's English episodes to revise the PRESENT CONTINUOUS:
- Then do these activities related to the two episodes you have just seen :
1) Tell me what you are wearing right now.
2) What do these words mean in Spanish: tracksuit bottoms, cardigan & pullover?
Let's suppose you want to go to a summer party. Describe the clothes
you would wear talking about colours, style, price, opinion/like,
4) My friend likes wearing casual loose clothes during the summer time. Give me the opposites of 'casual' and 'loose'.
Translate: El jefe lleva puesto un traje a rayas. La camarera lleva
una camiseta de colores brillantes. ¿De qué está hecha? Está hecha de
algodón. Yo estoy buscando una blusa hecha de seda.
Watch these New That's English episodes to revise the PRESENT CONTINUOUS:
1) Tell me what you are wearing right now.
2) What do these words mean in Spanish: tracksuit bottoms, cardigan & pullover?
3) Let's suppose you want to go to a summer party. Describe the clothes you would wear talking about colours, style, price, opinion/like, size...
4) My friend likes wearing casual loose clothes during the summer time. Give me the opposites of 'casual' and 'loose'.
Translate: El jefe lleva puesto un traje a rayas. La camarera lleva
una camiseta de colores brillantes. ¿De qué está hecha? Está hecha de
algodón. Yo estoy buscando una blusa hecha de seda.
And remember that all the activities proposed will be compiled in my site: Summer Revision for 1º ESO
Here are some activities for you to do:
The English We Speak: What does 'to kiss something goodbye' mean? (BBC Learning English)
Watch these New That's English episodes and learn about a new future tense (TO BE ABOUT TO DO SOMETHING): MODULE 5 (NOTES) Unit 5A Unit 5B
English in a Minute: How to use THIS (BBC Learning English)
Learn how to speak naturally: How to be sarcastic (BBC Learning English)
Was That Sarcasm? | The Big Bang Theory
A. Choose the correct option.
1. Grandmother is always ...... her glasses. a. misusing b. misplacing c. mistaking d. mislaying e. mishandling
2. Add the grated ..... of two lemons to the cake mixture in the bowl. a. skin b. bark c. rind d. crust e. pod
3. Who told you John was ...... for that job? a. putting in b. putting off c. putting about d. putting down e. putting over
4. I hate to hear a clock ..... when I'm trying to go to sleep. a. clicking b. sounding c. humming d. ticking e. ringing
5. The hijackers were wearing stocking ...... over their faces. a. scarves b. masks c. disguises d. veils e. blinds
6. ..... for the job should write to the Personnel Manager. a.
attendants b. entrants c. applicants d. contenders e. competitors
7. I don't think this medicine ...... with me. a. goes b. suits c. accords d. fits e. agrees
If you'd like to go fishing, you can borrow my ..... a. stick b.
rod c. pole d. club e. bat
9. That tree was ...... by lightning in the recent storm. a. hit b. dented c. hurt d. flashed e. struck
10. The car stopped because the driver had forgotten to ..... the petrol tank. a. turn up b. fill up c. draw up d. take up e. put up
mmmEnglish wants to know: What's your English vocabulary level? Take this test and find out!
Here's my musical hint for today: Cool for the summer by Demi Lovato. You can have a look at the lyrics in this version with lyrics.
"All work and no play makes Jack/Jill a dull boy/girl"

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